Tripod's Mission:
Tripod provides Tools for Life. Things that everyone can benefit from knowing;
things that aren't normally taught in the classroom. Like how to figure
out your personal finances. Or find a job. Or prevent an illness. It's about
getting people to think about investing wisely in their own futures and
the future of their communities.
Tripod Changes Daily
With Tripod, there's always a good reason to come back for more. Because
Tripod's editorial content changes every single day.
- Six days a week, Tripod's home page features an original interview with
a different fascinating personality.
- Every day of the year, Tripod
Today offers links to up-to-the minute world, national, and business
news; weather; surveys; special features, and even the opportunity to win
valuable prizes.
- Every week, Tripod publishes a new original "feature," a major
addition to our growing library of "Tools for Life."
- Every week, Tripod updates its key timely features; new issues are added
to our "Political Playbook," new columns added to our money, living,
and health sections.
- Plus, Tripod regularly adds major resources: new installments from our
major content providers (travel guides published by Berkeley and Fodor's);
new columns and updates; and new interactive resources -- just some of the
major additions which will appear on Tripod in coming months.
Get Active with Tripod
Tripod isn't just another e-zine or Internet archive. It's a major interactive
resource, designed to provide our members with an experience that is never
passive, but rather always active and engaging.
How do we accomplish this?
- Each section features a major interactive service designed to be just
that -- a service. These services will help you, for example, design
your resume, apply for a student identification card, or even submit your
health questions to a medical expert.
- Nearly every Tripod feature also offers an interactive element: diagnostic
tools, personalized assessments, and test-your-knowledge quizzes offer the
opportunity to "get active" around every corner. Why just read,
when you can actually do?
Guide to Tripod's Sections
Tripod has organized its information into six intuitive sections:
( Living - Travel
- Work - Health
- Community - Money
On each section's menu page you'll find:
- At least one interactive service. This forms the cornerstone
of each section, and appears at the top of each section's menu page.
- Two highlighted features features. As newer features are added,
older features can always be found in each section's Library.
- A new interview appearing daily that is relevant to one of the
six sections. Previous interviews are accessible fro the interview archives.
- A selective list of links related to that section. We list the most
useful sites, so you don't have to surf for them.
- A Library which serves as the final resting home for Tripod's
Greatest Hits. Check here for a growing archive of past Tripod feature favorites.
Advertisements & Independence
Tripod is an editorially independent service and information provider that
is supported by advertisements and other sources of revenue. If you would
like to advertise on Tripod, please contact our ad director, Kara
Check out what Vibe
had to say about us.
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