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Jim's Insult
-+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +-
-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---#####-+ +---+ +-
-|---+---|-+-|---+---|-+-|---+---|-+-|---######## #--+---|-
-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +-######|-+ +######### +---+ +-
-+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ ##### +###################### #-|-+ +-
---|-+-|---+-####+-|###### ###################### -+-|---
-+ +-|-+ +-###### ##### ###################### |-+ +-
-+ +---+ +-|###### #######-############### ###### --+ +-
-|---+---|-+####### ####### ###### #### ####### ---|-
-+ +---+ +-|-###### +###### ####### +--# #+###### -+ +-
-+ +-|-+ +---####### ####### ###### +-|-+ +#### ##+ +-
---|-+-|---+--###### ######## ####### -+-|---+---|-+-|---
-+ +-|-+ +---####### ####### ## ##-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +-
-+ +---+########### -|### ##+-|-+ +---+ +-|-+ +---+ +-
-|--############# ##-+-|---+--########-+-#-###-###-#---|-
-+ +-####### #### +-|-+ +---+#####+#+--## +#### +##-+ +-
-+ +-|- ####-+ +-|-+ +---+ +-|-######+#####+##---+#+#|-+ +-
To start this one off, we set the text colour to bright blue (<Alt>+A
changes the colour) and change the font to "Modern Gothic" (use <Alt>+T
to change the font). You then type "JIM", but don't press <Enter>. To add
a shadow, you press <Ctrl>+S (you may not see it straight away if its
black), and then press <+> a couple of times until the colour is blue.
You should probably also press <Ctrl>+<RightArrow> to space the writing
out a bit more, but once you have done this, and centered it more or less
with the arrow keys, you can press <Enter>.
Now that we have the writing, we need to copy it into a buffer so we can
rotate it. To do this, change into the tiny block mode (press <F9>), move
to the top left corner of the writing with the arrow keys, press <Alt>+C
to begin copying, resize the block with the arrow keys, until it covers
all of the writing, and then press <Enter> - you can then choose any
buffer number as the destination.
Now we need to fill the background with the "Weaved chain" pattern. First
change back to normal mode (press <F9> again), then set the colour to
dark gray on black (<Alt>+A to change the colour), and clear the screen
(press <Alt>+E). Use <Shift>+<Alt>+L to select the pattern name, and then
<Alt>+L to fill the background.
Now we want to put our writing back onto the screen which requires that
we change into the tiny block mode again (<F9>). Since we want the
background to show up underneath the writing, we must set the text colour
to black (<Alt>+A), and then use the "place invisible block" command
(<Alt>+Q) - black will be the "transparent colour". When asked for the
buffer number, you obviously use the one you specified when saving the
Now that the writing is visible on the screen, you can begin centering it
with the arrow keys. Once you've done that, press <PgUp> once to rotate
it 15 degrees anticlockwise, press <-> once to adjust the quality so that
the "holes" are filled in, and then press <Enter> to draw it.
All that remains is for us to add the other bit of text at the bottom.
For that, we have to change back to normal mode (<F9>). Change the text
colour to red (using <Alt>+A). Change the font to "Celtic Casual" (you
will probably have to press <Alt>+T twice before you can change the font
name - the first time just disables the large font mode). You can now
enter the writing.
Before you press <Enter>, you will have to press <Ctrl>+S to disable the
shadow, and <Ctrl>+<LeftArrow> if the characters are spaced out too much.
Once you have positioned the writing with the arrow keys, you can press
<Enter> to finish.
See Also:
Large Text
Tiny Block
Place Trans
Patt Fill
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson