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  BBS Mail Menu

         is great james is great james is great james is great james 
        reat james is great james is great james is great james is gr
        james is ######################ames is great james is great j
         is great#    Offline Mail    #is great james is great james 
        reat jame#                    #eat james is great james is gr
        james is # D . Download mail  #ames is great james is great j
         is great# U . Upload mail    #is great james is great james 
        reat jame# S . Select areas #######################ames is gr
        james is # C . Compression  #      Protocols      #is great j
         is great# P . Protocols    #                     #eat james 
        reat jame#                  #  X . XModem         #ames is gr
        james is # Q . Quit         #  Y . YModem batch   #is great j
         is great#                  #  Z . ZModem         #eat james 
        reat jame####################  H . HS-Link        #ames is gr
        james is great james is grea#                     #is great j
         is great james is great jam#######################eat james 
        reat james is great james is great james is great james is gr
        james is great james is great james is great james is great j

  This is just an example of how you could do menus for a BBS (or whatever
  else you might need menus for). You also get to see how macros can be

  We start with the background that says "james is great" all over the
  place. You first set the colour to bright blue on black (using <Alt>+A).
  Now, since we are going to be typeing "james is great" quite a lot, we
  decide to use a macro for this. You start the macro recording by pressing
  <F8>, and enter "1" as the macro number.

  You now start typing "james is great " (including the final space), and
  then press <F8> again to end the macro. To replay the macro, you need
  only press <Shift>+<F1> (since we recorded it as macro 1). You can keep
  pressing <Shift>+<F1> until the entire screen is full (the text will
  wrap nicely when it reaches the edge of the screen). The bottom line
  will probably be a bit wrong but that doesn't matter, since you can touch
  it up manually, or just delete it (press <Shift>+<UpArrow> when on that

  Now that you have a backdrop, you can begin making the menus. For the
  first menu, we set the colour to bright red on red (using <Alt>+A). Then
  move the cursor to where the top left corner of the menu should be, and
  press <Alt>+F.

  You should now be shown a whole selection of frame formats, but before
  choosing, first press S to change the shadow format - type 7 to choose
  the "transparent" shadow. Now you can press 2 to choose the "thin line"
  frame format.

  Use the arrow keys to resize the frame, and press <Enter> when you are
  finished. Now set the colour to bright green on green, and follow the
  same procedure as above to produce the second frame.

  The writing inside the frames is just typed in as would be expected,
  although you'll obviously have to set the colours first (with <Alt>+A).
  Note how you can use the <Ins> and <Del> keys to position the text
  within the frames, without effecting anything outside (as long as you
  aren't right next to the edge) - <Ins> pushes everything up a coloum,
  and <Del> deletes the current character, and pulls the text to the
  right of it back one column.

See Also: Macros Attribute Frame
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson