Recharge Package (RCH1)
©1995, 1996, Richard B. Winston
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Last modified on Wednesday, January 31, 1996 - 6:27:10 PM
Skip forward to Input instructions for the Recharge Package.
The original instructions for the Recharge Package are on pages 7-6 to 7-7 of McDonald and Harbaugh (1988).
Introduction: The Recharge Package is used to set the rates, timing and location or recharge in model.
Recharge as simulated by the recharge package is independent of head and only occurs in one cell in each vertical column of cells. Recharge to several cells in a vertical column, as might occur in artificial recharge, can be simulated with the Well package. The recharge package also can simulate a steady evapotranspiration rate by specifying a negative recharge rate. The recharge rate has units of length/time.
There are three options for specifying which cell in a vertical column receives recharge.
- Option 1; recharge occurs in the top layer
- Option 2; recharge occurs in specified cells which can be in different layers
- Option 3; recharge occurs in the uppermost active cell in any vertical column
Under options 1 and 2, if a cell which was supposed to receive recharge is inactive, no recharge will occur in that vertical column of cells. If a cell becomes in active because it dries out during a simulation and it was supposed to receive recharge under options 1 or 2, no recharge will occur in that vertical column. This can cause incorrect results.
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All input parameters should be right justified.
- Line 1
- Spaces 1-10, NRCHOP, Integer, Recharge option
- NRCHOP=1, recharge occurs in the top layer
- NRCHOP=2, recharge occurs in specified cells which can be in different layers
- NRCHOP=3, recharge occurs in the uppermost active cell in any vertical column
- Spaces 11-20, IRCHCB, Integer, (You must also set ICBCFL in the Output Control option to print or save cell-by-cell flow terms.)
- Lines 2+, repeated for every stress period
- Spaces 1-10, INRECH, Integer
- If >=0, an array of recharge fluxes RECH(NCOL,NROW) is read
- If <0, recharge rates for the preceding stress period are reused.
- Spaces 11-20, INIRCH, Integer, Ignored if NRCHOP = 1 or 3
- If >=0, an array of layer numbers IRCH(NCOL,NROW) is read
- If <0, recharge layers for the preceding stress period are used.
- Lines 3+, Used only when INRECH>=0
- Lines 4+, Used only if NRCHOP=2 and INIRCH>0, repeated for every stress period
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- NRCHOP=1, recharge occurs in the top layer.
Inactive cells including cells which dry out during a simulation will not receive recharge nor will any lower layers.
- NRCHOP=2, recharge occurs in specified cells which can be in different layers.
Inactive cells including cells which dry out during a simulation will not receive recharge nor will any lower layers.
- NRCHOP=3, recharge occurs in the uppermost active cell in any vertical column.
No recharge occurs if a constant head cell is the uppermost active cell; the constant head cell intercepts the recharge.
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(You must also set ICBCFL in the Output Control option to print or save cell-by-cell flow terms.)
Go back to Input instructions for the Recharge Package.
INRECH tells whether or not Lines 3+ should be read.
- If >=0, an array of recharge fluxes, RECH(NCOL,NROW), is read as Lines 3+
- If <0, recharge rates for the preceding stress period are used. Lines 3+ are skipped
Line 2 is repeated for every stress period.
Go back to Input instructions for the Recharge Package.
INIRCH tells whether or not Lines 4+ should be read. It is meaningful only if NRCHOP = 2; otherwise it is ignored.
- If INIRCH>=0, an array of layer numbers IRCH(NCOL,NROW) is read as Lines 4+
- If INIRCH<0, recharge layers for the preceding stress period are used. Lines 4+ are skipped.
Line 2 is repeated for every stress period.
Go back to Input instructions for the Recharge Package.
RECH(NCOL,NROW) gives the recharge rates with units of Length/time. Within MODFLOW, it is multiplied by the cell surface area (DELR x DELC) to obtain the volumetric rate.
Lines 3+ are repeated for every stress period in which INRECH>=0.
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This line is used only if NRCHOP = 2. Each number in IRCH(NCOL,NROW) tells which layer will receive recharge for its position.
Lines 3+ are repeated for every stress period in which NRCHOP=2 and INIRCH >0
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©1995, 1996, Richard B. Winston,
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La 70803
Fax 504-388-2302