Palmer, Ray
    Ray Palmer works as the editor of "Amazing Stories". Palmer was one of the first to exploit the UFO phenomenona and brought amazing stories to the public about UFOs based inside the earth. Ray Palmer was one of the first to publish Admiral Byrds story about the hollow earth.

    A forum on the internet that was founded in 1986. It was originally distributed as a newsletter via e-mail and was ment to deal with all kinds of paranormal phenomenas but the UFO interest took over. Now it┤s developed into a bunch of newsgroups on Usenet. On Paranet people like Robert Lazar and Milton William Cooper made their first public statements.

    Pinball, Project
    The Project Pinball was an attempt to track UFOs on radar. The project took place in Alaska.

    Pine Gap
    A military base in Australia wich can be referred to as the Australian Area-51. The rumours around Pine Gap is very similar to the Area-51 rumours. People claim that they have seen aliens and UFOs on the military base and in the area around it.

    Plato, Project
    A project wich deals with the diplomatic relations with the aliens.

    They are said to come from the star system Pleidas. They doesn┤t appear in physical form, because they think it┤s safer and instead they communicate through the channel. They are from the future, 500 years to millions of year from now. Their society operates on love.

    Pluto, Project
    The project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to space craft.

    Pope, Nick
    Between the years 1991-94 he was the UFO desk officer at the Ministry of Defense Secreteriat (Air Staff) 2a, in the UK. In the beginnig he was a sceptical but changed his mind and now fully belives in UFOs. He┤s written a book abou his time at the MoD, it┤s called "Open Skies, Closed Minds: Official Reactions to the UFO phenomenon. The forword is written by Whitley Strieber.

    Pounce, Project
    The project wich has the responsibility to recover crashed spacecraft and aliens and evaluate them to gain more knowledge about space technology. It was proposed by Kirtland AFB, early 1950s.

    Pulse Detonation Engines
    A strong and poverfull engine that could bring a plane up to about Mach 0.2 - 3.0.

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