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Because of the central position of our product as a linking tool, we are often asked for recommendations for sources of information about the technologies with which Sapphire/Web interacts.

We have prepared this list of some sources that we have found useful. We cannot guarantee that you will find them all of outstanding value-one man's meat is another man's fish, and where one may gain immensely from a book, another may find it too elementary to bother with.

C and C++

For many systems, Kernighan and Ritchie' s The C Programming Language (Prentice-Hall, ISBN: 0-13-110163-3) is still the "Bible" of C programming.

Java and JavaScript

There appears to be an inexhaustible supply of authors willing to pose as Java experts and write books on Java and JavaScript. Some books that we have found useful include:


Any SQL book that you buy should be recent enough to include the SQL 92 standard and should include a description of Dynamic SQL and Embedded Procedures. In addition, you should read the reference manuals of your SQL Server on these topics, and the various vendors vary somewhat in the details of how they implement certain features. For the most part these will just result in syntax errors, but you will still need their manuals to discover just what the proper syntax is.

SQL Instant Reference; Martin Gruber; Sybex; ISBN: 0-7821-1143-3

Quick Reference Guide to SQL; John Viescas; Microsoft Press; ISBN: 1-55615-198-5

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