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616 lines
Version 2.9
by Steve Brown
April 10, 1992
PlaneWrap Software
Copyright (C) 1992
A Diskette and Hard Drive Cataloging System
with a Different Concept
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: i
Title Page #
===== ==== =
Table of Contents i
License/Warranty/Legals 1
Introduction 2
Installation 3
Some Simple Guides 4
Quick Overview Text 5
Ending 9
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 1
If you are using a shareware copy you are allowed to use Disk
Filer for a trial period of 30 days. After 30 days you are
required to Register Disk Filer for $17.50 in U. S. currency. The
registration will entitle you to 1 free upgrade when it is
released. Also after the 1 free upgrade you will be entitled to
upgrade thereafter for 1/2 the current registration fee. You must
send the date and time of the "DF.EXE" file along with
registration in order to be entitled to a free upgrade. You will
find a registration form at the end of this documentation, if this
is a shareware version of Disk Filer. If you are a registered
user of Disk Filer, and shareware users alike, you are then
granted usage according to the following, in which use of software
constitutes agreement.
Disk Filer is distributed for use strictly as is with NO
warranty of any kind, written or implied or otherwise. This
program has been tested to work as described in the documentation,
but in no way means it will work in all situations or for a
certain specific purpose. I am not responsible or liable for any
damages in any way from inuse, misuse, failure or damage to
equipment or possible infringement consequentially or
inconsequentially, directly or indirectly. I also am not liable
or responsible for any loss of profit, or any other monetary
matters which may have been or is incurred in the use of this
product. With the above said and done; Enjoy Disk Filer and know
where your files are using the Different Concept System!
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 2
Disk Filer is a diskette and hard drive filing or cataloging
system using an ASCII format. You will find Disk Filer (DF) to be
a straight forward work horse type of program. I at this release,
which is the 4th release of DF, have not written code for
pulldown menus as a method for selecting a procedure of the
program. I believe you will find that DF has been well thought
out to work well, with speed, efficiency, and without crashing or
freezing up your computer if you follow these instructions.
Generally I've found that when you receive a module error, it's
because you have forgotten to do a little preceding step before
doing a main procedure. An example of this would be: forgetting
to make a new Storage File before starting to file a disk. DF has
many features and will handle all of your information needs about
where your program, or data or other files are located, or if you
even have them providing you have cataloged all your disks. You
may find some features not as complete as other cataloging
programs, but it's done for your Safety in the end. There is
usually a Caution or Warning statement put on screen for a brief
moment explaining a safeguard for you. An example would be: by
warning you not to replace a volume label of a program disk
because it is used by the installation program as an identifier,
thus renaming the volume label would cause your installation
program to not work. It would be hard to relabel this disk if it
happened to be the original disks because of not knowing the
proper label. I believe you will find DF to be a valuable product
to have as one of your regular use programs. Now let's learn a
little more about its abilities and how to do them after we cover
the installation process.
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 3
The best way I have found to use Disk Filer is by placing it
in it's own subdirectory, "\dskfiler" (which is mandatory), and
then putting a few of the files in a subdirectory which is already
in your path statement. The names of the files to be placed in
the subdirectory in your path are: PPT.EXE, SCRN??.COM,
CAPSLOCK.COM, ASK.COM. Another way is to use the install program
, and then either put the "dskfiler" subdirectory in the path
statement or don't. A point to REMEMBER; you must use only the
"Dskfiler" (without the quote marks) name as the subdirectory name
when using on drives C:, D:, E:. Floppy Disk Users; you need to
use the install program or copy all the decompressed files from a
disk to your working copy disk and then place the following files
from your DOS disk on it as well. They are: MORE.COM, CHKDSK.EXE,
LABEL.COM, COMMAND.COM, FIND.COM. DF will work on drives A thru E
for both storage and filing. Disk Filer is at its best when you
also use another shareware program called: LIST by Vernon D.
Buerg. If you wish you can rename your Editor to L.COM or L.EXE
if you wish to use it in place of LIST. DF does not need to be
set up for what kind of drives you have or any of your PC's
configuration. It operates without needing to know video type,
drives, CPU speed or type, or any other generally required setup
information. DF will need 256K of RAM and DOS 2.x or higher.
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 4
==== ====== ======
Some common things to remember while using DF. Remember to
only press the space bar when it says "press any key", press the
space bar. At some screens which pause a moment for you to read a
message or inform you of something can be quickly bypassed by
pressing the space bar. Likewise, if you want to hold a message
or statement for a little longer press your keyboard "pause key",
then press the Enter key to continue when through. Some questions
such as: the one asking if you want to run a directory of the disk
your about to file, can be quickly bypassed by pressing Enter. I
will refer to the term "Enter", to mean to press the Return key,
or the Carriage Return key, after typing in a response to a
prompt. Also I have used the term "Select" to mean to type the
letter(s) between the "<>" signs, or when a letter(s) is enclosed
within quotes ("A"), and then press the Enter key. I believe that
pressing the Enter in a wrong place has been coded so as to either
inform you of the error or return you to the Main Menu of the
procedure you were doing. This documentation (Quick29.doc) is
meant to give you a quick overall basic understanding of Disk
Filer. For more detailed information you may wish to print and
read the file "DSKFIL29.DOC". I have not fully decided whether I
will continue these two document files or rewrite the entire
documentation into one larger file. Therefore, there may be an
interim release of Disk Filer version 2.9 documentation released
on the Prevail BBS as mentioned in the "Readme29.1st" file.
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 5
===== ======== ====
This documentation is written in content for the registered
version of Disk Filer (DF). Some Side Notes: Disk Filer of the
shareware version has an opening screen explaining shareware and
the registration fee and an address. There is also a few
procedures within DF that remind you to register DF. Other than
the above mentioned exceptions, DF, the shareware and registered
versions will work according to the documentations.
From the main opening screen you will go, after a short pause,
to the drives selection setup menu. DF will support for both
storage and filing of drives A thru E. It is not advised to setup
in installation for drive C:, then have Disk Filer use E: drive as
storage. These other drive options are for advanced use as
described in dskfil29.doc, and also to allow for DF to use drives
above C: drive. To select the proper drives you simply have to
remember to put the first letter as the Storage drive and the
seconnd letter for the drive to be Filed. For Example: to store
on C: drive and file A: drive, you would type at the prompt: CA and
press Enter. You will then proceed to the diskette Main Menu. If
you were to type "CC" you would then go to the Hard Drive Main
Menu. Both Menus are basically the same for procedure selection
except there is a few procedures NOT used in the Hard Drive Menu.
Though the Menus appear the same, they are two different aspects in
the work they perform. The similarity is for ease of use. I'll
cover the main differences of the Hard Drive Menu and procedures
now, and then cover the Diskette Menu procedures which will also
work correspondingly the same for the Hard Drive Menu. DO
REMEMBER to do ALL hard drive work within Hard Drive Menu and ALL
Diskette work within the Diskette Menu.
The Hard Drive Menu and sub menus are different in 7 ways.
The ID# is referred to as; Hard Drive Date Identifier (HDDI) and
is only 7 characters. The HDDI is usually used as in the
following example: C920410 ,which is broken down as follows.
"C" to denote the drive being filed, 92 to denote the Year, 04 to
denote the Month and 10 to denote the Day. This is if you want to
follow the international date format, but you can use any date
format you want. The only requirement is the first character be
an alpha character, (a letter, like A, B, E, X, Z, etc.).
When using the deletion procedure there is no alarm sounded
to let you know that an HDDI was deleted. The screen does change
color and a flashing message does appear to substantiate that the
HDDI did exist and is being deleted.
The "PI" feature is NOT used within the Hard Drive Menu at
To help remind you of wich procedure you were doing there is
a different type of screen saver used, but basically they work the
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 6
The Add Menu is different in that it does not allow for
repeat, but sends you back to the Main Hard Drive Menu. This is
done because you will need to use the "R" feature before doing
another hard drive.
Some of the screens use a different color combination to help
remind you that you are doing the hard drive procedures.
Now we will continue to describe the procedures within the
Main and sub Menus of the diskette Main Menu.
First, you will be reminded to use DF in UPPERCASE (capslock
key is turned on and off for you by DF). When you are using DF
for the first time you will need to select <N> to make a new
storage file (SF).
To begin Filing or cataloging your diskettes you will need to
place the diskette you wish to file in the drive that you chose at
the drives setup menu. the density of the diskette for either
3.5 inch or 5.25 inch diskettes has no effect on DF. After
selecting <A> to add the files of a diskette to the storage
file, you will need to have a permanent ID# marked on the
diskette. Remember this ID# is unique to that diskette until it
is destroyed. You can use any identification number (ID#) you
wish to use within the 8 character format. The method I use is as
follows: PRG3#001 or PRG5-002. The first three letters denote
the category, PRG to mean a program is on the diskette. I'll take
a moment here to briefly mention a few of the other 3 letter
abbreviations for categories I use: SHW = shareware, DLD =
downloads, BKP = backups, DAT = data disk, GPH = graphics, MSC =
miscellaneous, UTL = utilities, GAM = games, TXT = text, TST =
test files or programs, DSK = disk (general), and PRG =
program(s). The number 3 or 5 is to denote; 3 = 3.5 inch diskette
and the 5 = 5.25 inch diskette. The "#" denotes a high density
diskette and the "-" is to denote a low density diskette. Then
the 3 digits from zero to 999, or for a total of 1000 diskettes
can be placed in any one category. You must use the preceding
zeros just like in the examples. After selecting <A> you are now
in the "ID# and Storage Unit Screen". You will be prompted to
take a preview, you can type "N" and press Enter, or simply press
Enter to go to the next prompt. If you press Enter at the next
prompt you will return to the Main Menu. The next prompt, which
is the second prompt in this menu, will ask for an ID#, which you
can use your own method or do as explained earlier. Next you will
be asked where this diskette is being kept or stored, which is
termed as storage unit of the diskette. An example would be:
"DFSU 35 DATA" or "DATA STOR BOX". There is a 15 character limit,
which ends at the screens' edge. The fourth and fifth prompts are
if you wish to comment what is on this diskette your about to
file. The comment can be about whatever you wish to state about
the diskette. There is two comment lines which you will be
prompted for individually, and each can be only about 60
characters per line. If you exceed this limit, which is denoted
by a broken vertical line, your storage file will contain garbage.
If you type "N" at the fourth prompt you will not put a comment
about this diskette in the storage file, and thusly will save more
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 7
bytes from being added to the storage file. After you have
answered the prompts DF will make a check for any duplicates and
if none exists will add the diskettes' information to the storage
file. If there is a duplicate, an error meassage will come on the
screen and you will need to re-enter a new ID#. After the
information is added to the Storage File (SF) a message will
display briefly to remind you to mark the diskette with the ID#
which it displays. If you want to retain this ID# display, press
the pause key on your keyboard, and then when finished press Enter
to resume using DF. When done adding diskettes to the SF simply
press Enter at the second prompt and you will return to the Main
If you wish to delete an ID# then select <D> at the Main Menu
prompt and press Enter. Then type in the 8 character ID# you wish
to delete. DF will check and if present and matches exactly to
what you typed in will change screen color, flash it's deleting
the ID#, and sound your PCs' speaker while DF is actually deleting
the specified ID#. If none of the flashing happens, then the ID#
you typed was either not present or did not exactly match what is
in the SF. You can use the View Menu to see what your mistake, or
review what the ID# actually is, by using either the DOS method
<VS> or the List program method <VL>. If you select the <S>
option you will shell out to DOS with a reminder to type "EXIT" to
return to Disk Filer. You can just press Enter to return to the
Main Menu.
If you wish to update a diskettes' contents to the storage
file, simply delete the ID#, then place that diskette into the
proper drive and select <A> to re-add the diskette to the SF
Sometimes you may have a reason to put a descriptive Volume
Label to a diskettes' volume label. If this is true, then with
caution, you can select the <V> feature to either give the
diskette a volume label, or to rename the volume label. There maybe
times when you will even want to remove the volume label completely.
Do use Caution when renaming or removing a volume label that a
program has placed, for it is used by programmers to identify a
diskette for installation and other procedures.
When you have finished adding diskettes to the SF you will
want to record what you have done. This is accompolished by using
the <PI> procedure. If new, answer "Y" to the first question, and
then you will need to type "0" and make a new data file. Then
type "1" and you will be individually prompted to fill in the 3
letter category, the highest or last number used in that
category, the size, the density, and the date you filed the
diskettes. You will do this for each category. If all is
correct, then answer "Y" at the last prompt. Later you can type
"2" to search for any category. The data will continuously scroll
up the screen at a moderate pace so you can use the pause key to
stop the scrolling and jot down the needed information. Then you
can continue Adding diskettes where you left off from the last
time you used DF. To continue the scrolling, just press Enter.
By typing "3" you can use the delete feature. This will only
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 8
remove the contents and put a place holder in but not entirely
remove the record. To remove the record will be a pack procedure
which will be in a later version of DF. Type "4" to return to the
Main Menu.
For a brief set of referenced help instructions simply select
<H> and press Enter. At the top will be a list area of help with
a reference number. For example: RF3. Then just press the space
bar until you get to the reference area you want.
To see what your storage and data files are doing for size,
select <L> and you can view these files. It is recommended to not
let these files get over 300K for an AT computer, or can be 500K
for an 80386 computer or higher. They can be larger but it will
slow down the speed at which a search or Add or other procedure
can be done.
To search for needed information select <S> and then type in
what your looking for and then press Enter. For example: say
your looking for some graphics, like those of the "PCX" format.
Type PCX and press Enter, and you will be given an option to
print this search if desired, then the results will come on either
the screen or the printer. If nothing shows then either you
haven't filed the diskette or you don't have such graphics. The
search feature is where all your work pays off.
When a storage file gets to approximately 300K you will need
to change it out and start a new SF. To change filename for
future reference select the <CF> feature. When in the Change
Filename Menu after pressing the space bar you will be presented
with 9 options A thru I. When you select "A" you will see a
listing of the files in the Disk Filer subdirectory and then be
prompted for no less than a 6 to 8 character filename and be sure
to include the extension. Then you will be prompted of a number
to ADD to the filename. For Example: DLABEL.DTA ,when a new one
is made is changed to DLABEL00.DTA. If I ADD 12 to it, it will
become DLABEL12.DTA. If I add another number, say 10, then it
will be ADDED to the 12 already there and become, DLABEL22.DTA.
When you select "B" you will COPY a filename back to the original,
with no numbers or anything in the 7th and 8th character
positions. This will keep your stored file as well and will copy
the first original file to one numbered; ??????49.DTA or whatever
it happens to be. If you select "C" you will quit and go directly
to the DOS prompt. When you select "D" you will run a listing of
the files within the subdirectory only. Selecting "E" will let
you shell out to DOS, again with a reminder to type "EXIT" to
return to DF. When using the "F" procedure do be cautious for
that will rename a numbered file to the original and destroy the
numbered file completely. Using the "G" feature allows you, after
a listing, to type in the file you want to delete and then CF will
do it by using DOS for you. When you are done you can return to
the Main Menu you came from by selecting "H" for diskette Main
Menu, and "I" for the hard drive Main Menu.
Whenever you need to use another drive to file diskettes or
another hard drive you will need to use the <R> procedure which
QUICK29.DOC Disk Filer, A Different Concept! Page: 9
will return you to the drives setup Menu. You can then type your
new drive letters (2 only) and then press Enter.
You can in an advanced need use the <MD> procedure to make a
new subdirectory, which should be used only on a computer system
with multiple hard drives, and want to have the SF of each drive
stored on that drive. For those of you who are Floppy users will
not have a need to use the <MD> feature.
If one would desire a complete or even a partial printout of
your storage file you can do so by selecting <P>. The complete
printout is a DOS dump of your SF to your printer. The partial
printout is done via the List program, or your editor if you so
When you have finished using DF it is always a good idea to
back up your data to another diskette which can be done by
selecting <B>. You will have a choice as to which drive to copy
your storage files to. Remember this backup will copy ALL files
with extensions of, DTA, to your back up diskette.
After you have backed up your data you can quit Disk Filer by
selecting <Q> from the Main Menu.
If you choose to not leave DF and know your going to return
after a break or whatever calls you away, you can use the screen
saver feature by selecting <S>. You can choose to leave yourself
a one line message or press Enter and go directly to the screen
saver. To return to the Main Menu just type "Q" and you will
instantly return without having to press the Enter key.
*** ENDING ***
For the Last Minute Findings and Problems Solved and the
History of Disk Filer read the file; DSKFIL29.DOC. Thanks for
reading this documentation and trying out Disk Filer version 2.9.
The ASCII Filing System with a Different Concept!
Disk Filer 2.9 Registration Form
Please fill out all of the needed information as it pertains
to you. Do be sure to include the Date and Time of the DF.EXE
Send to:
Steve Brown DF.EXE Date:
835 1/2 South A Street
Arkansas City, Kansas 67005 ____________________
DF.EXE Time:
DF.EXE File Size:____________ ____________________
Your Name:_______________________________________________________
Your Address:____________________________________________________
City:_________________________________________ State:____________
Zipcode:_________________________ Phone:_________________________
FAX Phone:_____________________________
Please circle the diskette density you need:
360K 1.2Meg 720K 1.44Meg
Yes, send me _____ Copy(s) of Disk Filer @ $17.50 ° each in the
diskette format I have circled above. (U.S. Funds) Total:_______
From a Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being best, how would you rate Disk
Filer compared to other Cataloging programs you have tried. _____
Comments or Suggestions:_________________________________________
° You must purchase a copy of Disk Filer for each Computer you
intend to use Disk Filer on. Company accounts please write.
THANK YOU for your purchase of Disk Filer version 2.9.