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/ Freelog 119 / FreelogNo119-MarsAvril2014.iso / Systeme / iobituninstaller / IObitUninstallerPortable_3.0.4.922.paf.exe / App / uninstaller / Language / Dinka.lng < prev    next >
Text (UTF-16)  |  2013-11-17  |  23.9 KB  |  260 lines

  1. [Main]
  2. DisplayName=Dinka (Jiëëŋ)
  4. [Uninstaller_frmIObitUninstall]
  5. PopMenu_Sub_UserManual.caption=Buŋde program
  6. RdImageButton_Software.caption=Program
  7. RdImageButton_Browser.caption=Kërke Browthɛr
  8. lbl_likeIObit.caption=Nhiaar
  9. PopMenu_Sub_FileShredder.caption=Aret Pile
  10. PopMenu_Sub_ForcedUninstall.caption=Wony e Riɛl
  11. PopMenu_Sub_Language.caption=Thok
  12. PopMenu_Sub_Setting.caption=Aguiɛɛr...
  13. PopMenu_Sub_ExportApplicationList.caption=Jɔt Program kedhie
  14. PopMenu_Sub_LogManagement.caption=Guiir Kä ci tɔ̈ɔ̈u
  15. PopMenu_Sub_ViewRestorePoint.caption=Tëde Dɔkciëën
  16. PopMenu_Sub_Update.caption=Tïŋ Käjööt
  17. PopMenu_Sub_TechnicalSupport.caption=Kuɔɔny
  18. PopMenu_Sub_IObitOnline.caption=IObit Online
  19. PopMenu_Sub_About.caption=Baŋde Program
  20. PopMenu_Uninstall.caption=Wony e Computer yic
  21. PopMenu_RemoveEntry.caption=Thian
  22. PopMenu_Refresh.caption=Nyɔkic
  23. PopMenu_ViewStyle.caption=Tïŋ
  24. PopMenu_ViewStyle_Icon.caption=Ikɔɔn
  25. PopMenu_ViewStyle_Details.caption=Luai
  26. PopMenu_OpenFolder.caption=Liep Polder
  27. PopMenu_ViewEntry.caption=Liep ne RegEdit yic
  28. PopMenu_SearchOnline.caption=Kɔɔr Online
  29. Menu_Plugins_Remove.caption=Wony
  30. Menu_plugins_Vote.caption=Cuɛt
  31. Menu_plugins_Refresh.caption=Nyɔkic
  32. Menu_Plugins_SelectAll.caption=Lɔc ke kedhie
  33. Menu_Plugins_InverseSelect.caption=Dɔkciëën
  34. RdImageButton_Feedback.caption=Jamë we wook
  36. [Uninstaller_Frame_Software]
  37. lbl_AllPrograms.caption=Program Kedhie
  38. lbl_RecentlyInstalled.caption=Program Jöt
  39. lbl_Largeprograms.caption=Program Dït
  40. lbl_InfrequentlyUsed.caption=Program cie luui
  41. lbl_WindowsUpdates.caption=Käke Window
  42. ListView_SoftwareList.Columns[1].caption=Luɔi Cek
  43. ListView_SoftwareList.Columns[2].caption=Dïtde
  44. ListView_SoftwareList.Columns[3].caption=Pɛ̈ithok
  45. PopMenu_Sub_BatchUninstall.caption=Wony Käjuëc
  47. [Uninstaller_frmForcedUninstall]
  48. lbl_Caption.caption=Wony e riɛl
  49. lbl_Detail_Title.caption=Wony e riɛl
  50. lbl_Detail_Detail.caption=Wony e riɛl këne akony yïn bä program wony e riɛl ku coth käke kedhie abii ciën kë dɔ̈ŋ. Akony yïn aya bä tök lɔc ku wony (remove a file and its target file easily).
  51. RdImageButton_Browser.caption=Kɔɔr…
  52. lbl_Forced_Tip1.caption=Tuany “Kɔɔr…” ago këdäŋ lɔc ku cuɔthë wei. Yïn lëu bä tök dɔm ku thel ku cuatë tɛ̈ne ago cuɔth wei enɔɔnë.
  53. lbl_Forced_Tip2.caption=Tuany “Wony e Riɛl” enɔɔnë ago kë kɔɔr bä wony cuɔth wei e riɛl.
  54. RdImageButton_Next.caption=Wony e Riɛl
  55. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Dɔkciëën
  56. PopMenu_Uninstall.caption=Wony e computerdu yic
  57. PopMenu_OpenFolder.caption=Liep Polder
  58. PopMenu_ViewEntry.caption=Liep ne RegEdit yic
  59. PopMenu_SearchOnline.caption=Kɔɔr/wic Online
  61. [Uninstaller_frmLogManage]
  62. lbl_Caption.caption=Guiir awareek ci tɔ̈ɔ̈u
  63. lbl_Detail_Title.caption=Tëde Tɔ̈ɔ̈u de IObit Uninstaller
  64. lbl_Detail_Detail.caption=Etɛ̈ne yïn bi kä cii tɔ̈ɔ̈u tïŋ kedhie ku loi kë loi ne keek.
  65. RdImageButton_Open.caption=Tïŋ
  66. RdImageButton_Delete.caption=Coth
  67. RdImageButton_DeleteAll.caption=Coth ke kedhie
  68. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Dɔkciëën
  70. [Uninstaller_frmUninstallButton]
  71. lbl_Plugin_Remove.caption=Wony
  72. lbl_Software_Uninstall.caption=Wony
  74. [Uninstaller_frmUninstalling]
  75. lbl_Caption.caption=IObit Uninstaller
  76. lbl_UninstallComplete_Title.caption=Aci wony.
  77. lbl_PowerfulScan_Title.caption=Caar Arët.
  78. lbl_Uninstalling_question.caption=Yïn kɔɔr bä program ci lɔc këne wony?
  79. lbl_CreateRestore_Check.caption=Cak tëde dɔkciëën ago dɔkciëën të looi kërac rot këkuc rot enɔɔnë.
  80. lbl_CreateRestore_Detaill.caption=Abi dhil gääu të thiinakäŋ. Tit amääth…
  81. lbl_CreateRestore_Title.caption=Acak tëde dɔkciëën enɔɔnë…
  82. lbl_PowerfulScan_Detaill.caption=Tuany “Caar Arët” ago ajuääc de program ci döŋ piny cuɔth wei ebɛ̈n. Tuany “Dɔkciëën” ago kë loi thöl e luɔi (built-in uninstall).
  83. lbl_PowerScan_Title.caption=Caar Arët…
  84. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Dɔkciëën
  85. RdImageButton_PowerFulScan.caption=Caar Arët
  86. RdImageButton_Uninstall.caption=Wony
  88. [Uninstaller_frmPowerScan]
  89. lbl_Caption.caption=Caar Arët
  90. lbl_Warning_Title.caption=Lëk:
  91. lbl_Warning_Detail.caption=Program juëc aci keek yök e tɛ̈në. Apiɛth bä nɔm tïït të lɔc yïn kä bi cuɔth wei. Duk käpiɛth bi coth.
  92. lbl_FileShredder.caption=Rɛtë yic aya
  93. lbl_SelectAll.caption=Lɔc ke kedhie
  94. RdImageButton_Delete.caption=Coth
  95. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Dɔkciëën
  96. lbl_Shredder_Tip.caption=Aret pilic enɔɔnë kedhie. Abi dhil gääu të thiinakäŋ, yök ke tit amääth...
  97. Menu_ListView_Regedit.caption=Liep ne këde liëmde tëde gäär cɔl (Registry Editor)
  98. Menu_ListView_Path.caption=Liep tëde pile
  100. [Uninstaller_frmAbout]
  101. lbl_Warnning_Title.caption=Lëk
  102. lbl_Warnning_Detaill.caption=Program de computer këne agël ne löŋ cɔl (copyright law) ku lööŋ ke pinynɔm kedhie.
  103. lbl_copyright.caption=Copyright© 2005-2013 IObit. All rights reserved.
  104. lbl_Thanks_Title.caption=Woc lec kɔc käke ne gɛɛm cii kek rot gaam:
  106. [Uninstaller_frmSetting]
  107. lbl_Caption.caption=Settings
  108. lbl_CurrentLanguage_Title.caption=Current Language:
  109. lbl_AutoUninstaller.caption=Uninstall program automatically
  110. lbl_AutoPowerfulScan.caption=Perform a powerful scan automatically
  111. RdImageButton_OK.caption=OK
  112. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  113. lbl_General.caption=General
  114. lbl_Language.caption=Language
  116. [Uninstaller_fraBrowserCleaner]
  117. rdibtnAllBrowses.Caption=All Browser Plug-ins
  118. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[0].Caption=Name
  119. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[1].Caption=Ratings
  120. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[2].Caption=My Rating
  121. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[3].Caption=Publisher
  122. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[4].Caption=Operation
  123. rdlvCustomBrowse.Columns[0].Caption=Name
  124. rdlvCustomBrowse.Columns[1].Caption=Publisher
  126. [Uninstaller_fraBrowserCleaner]
  127. rdibtnAllBrowses.Caption=Browthɛr Plug-in kedhie
  128. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[0].Caption=Rinke
  129. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[1].Caption=Piathde
  130. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[2].Caption=Apiath
  131. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[3].Caption=Carka
  132. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[4].Caption=Luɔide
  133. rdlvCustomBrowse.Columns[0].Caption=Rinke
  134. rdlvCustomBrowse.Columns[1].Caption=Carka
  136. [Uninstaller_frmPluginVote]
  137. lblTitle.Caption=Cuɛt
  138. lblWaiting.Caption=Cuɛt acath, tit amääth…
  139. rdibtnLv1.Caption=1 Kuel
  140. rdibtnLv2.Caption=2 Kuel
  141. rdibtnLv3.Caption=3 Kuel
  142. rdibtnLv4.Caption=4 Kuel
  143. rdibtnLv5.Caption=5 Kuel
  144. rdibtnVote.Caption=Cuɛt
  146. [Uninstaller_frmRestBrowserDefault]
  147. lblTitle.Caption=Aguiɛɛr Ɣɔnthɛɛr
  148. lblConfire.Caption=Yïn kɔɔr bä aguiɛɛr ɣɔnthɛɛr daknɔm tëde enɔɔnë?
  149. lblHomepageTitle.Caption=Apämbaai Enɔɔnë:
  150. lblSearchTitle.Caption=Makana de Kɔ̈ɔ̈r Enɔɔnë:
  151. rdibtnOK.Caption=OK
  152. rdibtnCancel.Caption=Dɔkciëën
  154. [Uninstaller_frmFileShredder]
  155. lbl_Caption.caption=Aret Pile
  156. lbl_Detail_Detail.caption=Cït man ŋic yïn en, pile ci coth kedhie ne PC du yic alëu rot bi keek dɔ̈knïïm ciëën (can be recovered) të ciɛk yïn dithket pormat/cothic (formatting). Cunhde pile ee rinke pile kek ee coth kapäc ku cii pile jak guɔ̈p; ku këne ee rot looi ago computer kat arët. Të de yïn pile piɛth kɔɔr bi cuɔth wei athɛɛr (të ɣɔɔc yïn computer wei), ke IObit Uninstaller abi yïn kony ne program cɔl "File Shredder" (Aret Pile).
  157. lbl_Listview_Title.caption=Lɔc pile ku nɔn ee yen polder kɔɔr/wïc bi cuɔth wei:
  158. lblLoading.caption=Acath...
  159. lbl_AddFile.caption=Matë pile thïn...
  160. lbl_AddFolder.caption=Matë polder thïn...
  161. RdImageButton_Shredder.caption=Rɛtë yic
  162. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Temkɔ̈u
  163. ListView_FileList.Columns[0].Caption=Kueerde Pile
  164. Menu_Shredder_Shredder.caption=Aret Käŋ (Shredder)
  165. Menu_Shredder_AddFile.caption=Matë pile thïn
  166. Menu_Shredder_AddFolder.caption=Matë polder thïn
  167. Menu_Shredder_Romove.caption=Wony
  168. Menu_Shredder_Clean.caption=Wec
  169. lbl_Shredder_Tip.caption=Aret pile kedhie enɔɔnë. Abi dhil gääu të thiinakäŋ, yök ke tit amääth...
  171. [Uninstaller_M]
  172. RemoveEntry_ASK=Yïn kɔɔr bä program ci lɔc thiaan?
  173. Edit_Search_Tip=Kɔɔr program
  174. ForcedUninstall_Browser_Tip=Kueerë acii lui. Apiɛth bä be nyɔk e thëm!
  175. ListView_Icon_Hint=Ikɔɔn
  176. ListView_List_Hint=Kedhie
  177. ListView_View_Hint=Waar daaidu enɔɔnë (view)
  178. ListviewHeader_Software=Rinke Program (Pëkden: %d)
  179. BatchUninstall_NoneSelect=Lɔc program töŋ kɔɔr bä wony.
  180. Uninstall_NoneSelect=Apiɛth bä program tök kɔn lɔc ku bä jɔ lɔtueŋ.
  181. WindowState_Max=Loi ke dïtic
  182. WindowState_Normor=Dakë tëde
  183. WindowState_Min=Tääue piny
  184. Close=Thiök
  185. MoreMenu_Setting=Lɔc Käjuëc
  186. Log_DeleteAll_ASK=Yïn kɔɔr bä käke coth kedhie enɔɔnë? ACI rot lëu bi kä ci cuɔth wei dɔ̈knïïm ne ɣäänken.
  187. Log_Delete_ASK=Yïn kɔɔr bä töŋ ci lɔc këne cuɔth wei? ACI rot lëu bi kä ci cuɔth wei dɔ̈knïïm ne ɣäänken.
  188. NoPowerfulScan_Found_Tip=Acin ajuääc ci döŋ ci yök.
  189. Log_M=Log
  190. App_Version_M=Program Version:
  191. OS_Version_M=Operating System Version:
  192. Date_M=Pɛithok
  193. Create_Restore_M=Cak tëde dɔkciëën
  194. CreateRestore_Title_M=Cak tëde dɔkciëën ke yï kën käŋ kɔn wony e computer yic.
  195. CreateRestore_Detaill_M=Cak tëde dɔkciëën ago dɔkciëën të looi kërac rot (dɔkciëën).
  196. Uninstalling_M=Awony Enɔɔnë
  197. Uninstalling_Detaill_M=Wuny tueŋ alui ne (application’s built-in uninstaller).
  198. UninstallComplete_Title_M=Kä ci cuɔth wei.
  199. Standard_Uninstall_M=Wuny Tueŋ %s (%d/%d)
  200. Uninstall_M=Wony %s (1/1)
  201. Deselect_All_M=Duk ke riɔp kedhie
  202. Select_All_M=Riɔp ke kedhie
  203. PowerfulScan_DeleteASK_M=Yïn kɔɔr bä kä ci riɔp coth kedhie enɔɔnë?
  204. Operation_M=Luɔide
  205. Powerful_Scan_M=Caar Arët
  206. Deleted_Registry_Key_M=Muktärde Gäär ci coth
  207. Deleted_Registry_Value_M=Piathde tëde gäär ci coth (Value)
  208. Delete_File_M=Coth Pile
  209. Delete_Folder_M=Coth Polder
  210. Reboot_to_Delete_M=(Thiök computer ago ke coth kedhie)
  211. Delete_finished_M=Cuth aci thök.
  212. ReStartup_to_Delete_M=Pile ci döŋ e lïthyic abi keek coth të be computer rot be liep e thaar däŋ (during the next system restart).
  213. Shredder_Del_M=Ee yic yïn kɔɔr bä pile ke %d cuɔth wei athɛɛr? Acii rot lëu BI KEEK DƆ̈KNÏÏM CIËËN (It's absolutely IRRECOVERABLE).
  214. Shredder_NotDel_M=Acii rot lëu bi pile "%s" waar, kɔnë be tïŋ nɔn ŋoot ke tɔ̈u ke lui (in-use),  pile këne akëne rɛtic.
  215. Shredder_NotAddFolder_M=Acii rot lëu bi pile cɔl "%s" mat thïn ago rɛtic luɔi duëër en computer tɔ̈ rac (this operation may cause system instability)
  216. Shredder_Sucess_M=Pile këne aci rɛtic ebɛ̈n ku acii bi be nyɔk e yök.
  217. Shredder_DirIsEmpty_M=Acin ke tɔ̈u thïn. Acii rot lëu bä këne rɛtic.
  218. Controlpanel_Button=Wony E Riɛl - Powerful Uninstall
  219. Explorer_Button=Rɛtë Pile
  220. MenuRight_Caption=Wony E Riɛl - Powerful Uninstall
  221. SearchLoadingMsg=Kɔɔr Plug-in…
  222. RestoreDefaultSettingsButton=Dakë nɔm %s te wäänthɛɛr
  223. ListViewItemVote=Cuɛt
  224. ListViewItemVoted=Aci cuɛt
  225. ListViewItemTrust=ŋäth
  226. ListViewItemUnTrust=Duk ŋäth
  227. ListViewPlugSysbit=bit
  228. ListViewGroupTrustTitle=Plug-in ŋäth keek
  229. ListViewGroupTrustDesc=Plug-in käke acik computerdu bi riɔ̈ɔ̈k. Yïn lëu bä keek coth ku nɔn päl keek. Ee luɔidu ebɛ̈n.
  230. ListViewGroupUnTrustTitle=Plug-in käke akɔɔr bä keek wony (recommended to remove)
  231. ListViewGroupUnTrustDesc=Plug-in ci keek cuɛ̈t e kɔc lik acik dhil piath.
  232. ListViewGroupToolbar=Toolbar
  233. ListViewGroupBHO=BHO
  234. ListViewGroupActiveX=ActiveX
  235. ListViewGroupExtensions=Extension
  236. ListViewGroupPlugins=Plug-in
  237. FuncCheckBrowserMsgBox_1=%s akɔt
  238. FuncCheckBrowserMsgBox_2=Tuany (OK) ago dɔ̈mkɔ̈ɔ̈c (yïn lëu bä kä këne tɔ̈ɔ̈u thiöök ke kuc ku abïk määr kedhie)
  239. FuncCheckBrowserMsgBox_3=Ku nɔn bä "Dɔkciëën" tuaany ago dɔ̈mkɔ̈ɔ̈c yen ke loi rot enɔɔnë (abort the operation)
  240. FuncPluginRmoveConfireMsgBox=Yïn kɔɔr bä kä ci riɔp wony kedhie enɔɔnë?
  241. FuncPluginRemoveSuccessMsgBox=Aci keek wony kedhie
  242. FuncPluginRemoveFailedMsgBox_1=Akën rot lëu bi käke wony kedhie:
  243. FuncPluginRemoveFailedMsgBox_2=Thiök käke ago keek wony kedhie enɔɔnë:
  244. FuncPluginRemoveFailedMsgBox_3=Thiök keek kedhie, ku nyɔk e them yïn en e thaar däŋ.
  245. FuncPluginSelectMsgBox=Riɔp kä kɔɔr bä ke wony enɔɔnë
  246. FuncVoteConfire=Ee program këne tïŋ adï:
  247. FuncVoteHavedVote=Yïn ci thök e cuɛt
  248. FuncVotePlugSelectMsgBox=Lɔc kë bä cuɛ̈t ku jɔ cuɛt
  249. FuncVoteMarkSelectMsgBox=Cuɛ̈të.
  250. FuncVoteFailedMsgBox=Cuɛt akën tiam, tïŋ nɔn lui network apiɛth ku be nyɔk e them yïn en
  251. FuncRestoreExitBrowserMsgBox=Kɔnë %s thiöök
  252. FuncRestoreSuccessMsgBox=Browthɛr aci daknɔm tëdɛɛn wäänthɛɛr
  253. FuncRestoreFailedMsgBox=Akën tiam bi browthɛr daknɔm tëdɛɛn wääthɛɛr, thiök %s ku be nyɔk e them yïn en.
  254. Guest_Start_Tip=Yïn ke yi ye kaman (guest account!) Akɔɔr bä dhil aa wun computer ago lɔtueŋ wekë IObit Uninstaller 3.
  255. p_RegistryCaption_M=Tëde Gäär
  256. p_FileCaption_M=Pile
  257. p_FormatOneItem_M=1 Këdäŋ
  258. p_FormatItems_M=%d Käŋ