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/ Freelog 119 / FreelogNo119-MarsAvril2014.iso / Systeme / iobituninstaller / IObitUninstallerPortable_3.0.4.922.paf.exe / App / uninstaller / Language / English.lng < prev    next >
Text (UTF-16)  |  2013-11-16  |  24KB  |  250 lines

  1. [Main]
  2. DisplayName=English
  4. [Uninstaller_frmIObitUninstall]
  5. PopMenu_Sub_UserManual.caption=User Manual
  6. RdImageButton_Software.caption=Programs
  7. RdImageButton_Browser.caption=Browser plug-ins
  8. lbl_likeIObit.caption=Like
  9. PopMenu_Sub_FileShredder.caption=File Shredder
  10. PopMenu_Sub_ForcedUninstall.caption=Forced Uninstall
  11. PopMenu_Sub_Language.caption=Language
  12. PopMenu_Sub_Setting.caption=Settings...
  13. PopMenu_Sub_ExportApplicationList.caption=Export Programs List
  14. PopMenu_Sub_LogManagement.caption=Log Management
  15. PopMenu_Sub_ViewRestorePoint.caption=View Restore Point
  16. PopMenu_Sub_Update.caption=Check for updates
  17. PopMenu_Sub_TechnicalSupport.caption=Technical Support
  18. PopMenu_Sub_IObitOnline.caption=IObit Online
  19. PopMenu_Sub_About.caption=About
  20. PopMenu_Uninstall.caption=Uninstall
  21. PopMenu_RemoveEntry.caption=Hide
  22. PopMenu_Refresh.caption=Refresh
  23. PopMenu_ViewStyle.caption=View
  24. PopMenu_ViewStyle_Icon.caption=Icons
  25. PopMenu_ViewStyle_Details.caption=Details
  26. PopMenu_OpenFolder.caption=Open file location
  27. PopMenu_ViewEntry.caption=Open in RegEdit
  28. PopMenu_SearchOnline.caption=Search Online
  29. Menu_Plugins_Remove.caption=Remove
  30. Menu_plugins_Vote.caption=Vote
  31. Menu_plugins_Refresh.caption=Refresh
  32. Menu_Plugins_SelectAll.caption=Select All
  33. Menu_Plugins_InverseSelect.caption=Invert Selection
  34. RdImageButton_Feedback.caption=Send Feedback
  36. [Uninstaller_Frame_Software]
  37. lbl_AllPrograms.caption=All Programs
  38. lbl_RecentlyInstalled.caption=Recently Installed
  39. lbl_Largeprograms.caption=Large Programs
  40. lbl_InfrequentlyUsed.caption=Infrequently Used
  41. lbl_WindowsUpdates.caption=Windows Updates
  42. ListView_SoftwareList.Columns[1].caption=Operate
  43. ListView_SoftwareList.Columns[2].caption=Size
  44. ListView_SoftwareList.Columns[3].caption=Date Installed
  45. PopMenu_Sub_BatchUninstall.caption=Batch Uninstall
  47. [Uninstaller_frmForcedUninstall]
  48. lbl_Caption.caption=Forced Uninstall
  49. lbl_Detail_Title.caption=Forced Uninstall
  50. lbl_Detail_Detail.caption=Forced Uninstall helps you uninstall a program which cannot be uninstalled in a routine way and clean its leftovers thoroughly. It can also help you remove a file and its target file easily.
  51. RdImageButton_Browser.caption=Browse…
  52. lbl_Forced_Tip1.caption=Click “Browse…” to select the file or program you want to uninstall. You can also drag and drop it here directly.
  53. lbl_Forced_Tip2.caption=Click the “Forced Uninstall” button to start the forced uninstall.
  54. RdImageButton_Next.caption=Forced Uninstall
  55. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  56. PopMenu_Uninstall.caption=Uninstall
  57. PopMenu_OpenFolder.caption=Open file location
  58. PopMenu_ViewEntry.caption=Open in RegEdit
  59. PopMenu_SearchOnline.caption=Search Online
  61. [Uninstaller_frmLogManage]
  62. lbl_Caption.caption=Log Management
  63. lbl_Detail_Title.caption=IObit Uninstaller Log File
  64. lbl_Detail_Detail.caption=Here you can manage and view all the uninstall logs created.
  65. RdImageButton_Open.caption=View
  66. RdImageButton_Delete.caption=Delete
  67. RdImageButton_DeleteAll.caption=Delete All
  68. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  70. [Uninstaller_frmUninstallButton]
  71. lbl_Plugin_Remove.caption=Remove
  72. lbl_Software_Uninstall.caption=Uninstall
  74. [Uninstaller_frmUninstalling]
  75. lbl_Caption.caption=IObit Uninstaller
  76. lbl_UninstallComplete_Title.caption=Standard Uninstall finished.
  77. lbl_PowerfulScan_Title.caption=Powerful Scan.
  78. lbl_Uninstalling_question.caption=Are you sure to uninstall the selected program?
  79. lbl_CreateRestore_Check.caption=Create restore point before uninstalling so that you can undo the changes if something unexpected happens.
  80. lbl_CreateRestore_Detaill.caption=It will take some time. Please wait…
  81. lbl_CreateRestore_Title.caption=Creating restore point…
  82. lbl_PowerfulScan_Detaill.caption=Click “Powerful Scan” to clean leftovers of the program thoroughly. Click “Cancel” to finish the built-in uninstall.
  83. lbl_PowerScan_Title.caption=Powerful Scanning…
  84. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  85. RdImageButton_PowerFulScan.caption=Powerful Scan
  86. RdImageButton_Uninstall.caption=Uninstall
  88. [Uninstaller_frmPowerScan]
  89. lbl_Caption.caption=Powerful Scan
  90. lbl_Warning_Title.caption=Warning:
  91. lbl_Warning_Detail.caption=Several programs detected in this directory. Please be careful when selecting items to delete.
  92. lbl_FileShredder.caption=Also shred files
  93. lbl_SelectAll.caption=Select All
  94. RdImageButton_Delete.caption=Delete
  95. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  96. lbl_Shredder_Tip.caption=Shredding the files now. It may take some time, please wait...
  97. Menu_ListView_Regedit.caption=Open in Registry Editor
  98. Menu_ListView_Path.caption=Open file location
  100. [Uninstaller_frmAbout]
  101. lbl_Warnning_Title.caption=Warning
  102. lbl_Warnning_Detaill.caption=This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
  103. lbl_copyright.caption=Copyright© 2005-2013 IObit. All rights reserved.
  104. lbl_Thanks_Title.caption=Thanks to the following people for their great contributions:
  106. [Uninstaller_frmSetting]
  107. lbl_Caption.caption=Settings
  108. lbl_CurrentLanguage_Title.caption=Current Language:
  109. lbl_AutoUninstaller.caption=Uninstall program automatically
  110. lbl_AutoPowerfulScan.caption=Perform a powerful scan automatically
  111. RdImageButton_OK.caption=OK
  112. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  113. lbl_General.caption=General
  114. lbl_Language.caption=Language
  116. [Uninstaller_fraBrowserCleaner]
  117. rdibtnAllBrowses.Caption=All Browser Plug-ins
  118. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[0].Caption=Name
  119. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[1].Caption=Ratings
  120. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[2].Caption=My Rating
  121. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[3].Caption=Publisher
  122. rdlvAllBrowse.Columns[4].Caption=Operation
  123. rdlvCustomBrowse.Columns[0].Caption=Name
  124. rdlvCustomBrowse.Columns[1].Caption=Publisher
  126. [Uninstaller_frmPluginVote]
  127. lblTitle.Caption=Vote
  128. lblWaiting.Caption=Submitting vote, please wait…
  129. rdibtnLv1.Caption=1 Star
  130. rdibtnLv2.Caption=2 Star
  131. rdibtnLv3.Caption=3 Star
  132. rdibtnLv4.Caption=4 Star
  133. rdibtnLv5.Caption=5 Star
  134. rdibtnVote.Caption=Vote
  136. [Uninstaller_frmRestBrowserDefault]
  137. lblTitle.Caption=Default Settings
  138. lblConfire.Caption=Are you sure to restore default settings?
  139. lblHomepageTitle.Caption=Current Homepage:
  140. lblSearchTitle.Caption=Current Default Search Engine:
  141. rdibtnOK.Caption=OK
  142. rdibtnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  144. [Uninstaller_frmFileShredder]
  145. lbl_Caption.caption=File Shredder
  146. lbl_Detail_Detail.caption=As you know, files deleted from your PC can be recovered even after disk formatting. Normal removal only deletes file name without touching the content for performance reason. If you have important  files needs to be permanently removed, IObit Uninstaller will help you with "File Shredder".
  147. lbl_Listview_Title.caption=Select a file or folder you want to delete:
  148. lblLoading.caption=Loading...
  149. lbl_AddFile.caption=Add file...
  150. lbl_AddFolder.caption=Add folder...
  151. RdImageButton_Shredder.caption=Shred
  152. RdImageButton_Cancel.caption=Cancel
  153. ListView_FileList.Columns[0].Caption=File Path
  154. Menu_Shredder_Shredder.caption=Shredder
  155. Menu_Shredder_AddFile.caption=Add File
  156. Menu_Shredder_AddFolder.caption=Add Folder
  157. Menu_Shredder_Romove.caption=Remove
  158. Menu_Shredder_Clean.caption=Clear
  159. lbl_Shredder_Tip.caption=Shredding the files now. It may take some time, please wait...
  161. [Uninstaller_M]
  162. RemoveEntry_ASK=Are you sure to hide the selected program in the list?
  163. Edit_Search_Tip=Search program
  164. ForcedUninstall_Browser_Tip=Invalid path. Please select again!
  165. ListView_Icon_Hint=Icons
  166. ListView_List_Hint=Details
  167. ListView_View_Hint=Change your view
  168. ListviewHeader_Software=Program Name (Total: %d)
  169. BatchUninstall_NoneSelect=Please select at least one program.
  170. Uninstall_NoneSelect=Please select a program first.
  171. WindowState_Max=Maximize
  172. WindowState_Normor=Restore
  173. WindowState_Min=Minimize
  174. Close=Close
  175. MoreMenu_Setting=More Settings
  176. Log_DeleteAll_ASK=Are you sure to delete all files? The deletion CANNOT be restored.
  177. Log_Delete_ASK=Are you sure to delete the selected file? The deletion CANNOT be restored.
  178. NoPowerfulScan_Found_Tip=No left items found.
  179. Log_M=Log
  180. App_Version_M=Program Version:
  181. OS_Version_M=Operating System Version:
  182. Date_M=Date
  183. Create_Restore_M=Create Restore Point
  184. CreateRestore_Title_M=Create restore point before uninstalling.
  185. CreateRestore_Detaill_M=You can undo changes with the restore point when something unexpected happens.
  186. Uninstalling_M=Uninstalling
  187. Uninstalling_Detaill_M=Standard uninstall by using the application’s built-in uninstaller.
  188. UninstallComplete_Title_M=Files deleted.
  189. Standard_Uninstall_M=Standard Uninstall %s (%d/%d)
  190. Uninstall_M=Uninstall %s (1/1)
  191. Deselect_All_M=Deselect All
  192. Select_All_M=Select All
  193. PowerfulScan_DeleteASK_M=Are you sure to delete the selected items?
  194. Operation_M=Operation
  195. Powerful_Scan_M=Powerful Scan
  196. Deleted_Registry_Key_M=Deleted Registry Key
  197. Deleted_Registry_Value_M=Deleted Registry Value
  198. Delete_File_M=Delete File
  199. Delete_Folder_M=Delete Folder
  200. Reboot_to_Delete_M=(Reboot to Delete)
  201. Delete_finished_M=Delete finished.
  202. ReStartup_to_Delete_M=Remaining files in the list will be deleted during the next system restart.
  203. Shredder_Del_M=Are you sure to permanently remove the %d files? It's absolutely IRRECOVERABLE.
  204. Shredder_NotDel_M=Unable to write to file "%s", please check if it's still in-use,  this file was not shredded.
  205. Shredder_NotAddFolder_M=Unable to add file "%s" to shred as this operation may cause system instability
  206. Shredder_Sucess_M=This file has been shredded successfully.
  207. Shredder_DirIsEmpty_M=It is empty. You can not shred it.
  208. Controlpanel_Button=Powerful Uninstall
  209. Explorer_Button=Shred File
  210. MenuRight_Caption=Powerful Uninstall
  211. SearchLoadingMsg=Searching for Plug-ins…
  212. RestoreDefaultSettingsButton=Restore %s Default Settings
  213. ListViewItemVote=Vote
  214. ListViewItemVoted=Voted
  215. ListViewItemTrust=Trust
  216. ListViewItemUnTrust=Distrust
  217. ListViewPlugSysbit=bit
  218. ListViewGroupTrustTitle=Trusted plug-ins
  219. ListViewGroupTrustDesc=These plug-ins won't harm your computer. You can remove or keep them per your own needs.
  220. ListViewGroupUnTrustTitle=Plug-ins recommended to remove
  221. ListViewGroupUnTrustDesc=These plug-ins with low user ratings may contain some undesirable functions.
  222. ListViewGroupToolbar=Toolbar
  223. ListViewGroupBHO=BHO
  224. ListViewGroupActiveX=ActiveX
  225. ListViewGroupExtensions=Extensions
  226. ListViewGroupPlugins=Plug-ins
  227. FuncCheckBrowserMsgBox_1=%s is running
  228. FuncCheckBrowserMsgBox_2=Click OK to close it (you might lose unsaved contents)
  229. FuncCheckBrowserMsgBox_3=Or click Cancel to abort the operation
  230. FuncPluginRmoveConfireMsgBox=Are you sure to remove all selected Plug-ins? Please make sure each Plug-ins selected is malicious before removed. Otherwise, it will cause your browser not to work well.
  231. FuncPluginRemoveSuccessMsgBox=Plug-ins removed successfully
  232. FuncPluginRemoveFailedMsgBox_1=Failed to remove the following plug-ins:
  233. FuncPluginRemoveFailedMsgBox_2=Please exit the following browsers to remove the plug-ins:
  234. FuncPluginRemoveFailedMsgBox_3=Please make sure that your browsers are closed, and then try again.
  235. FuncPluginSelectMsgBox=Please select the plug-ins to remove
  236. FuncVoteConfire=How do you think about this program:
  237. FuncVoteHavedVote=You have already voted
  238. FuncVotePlugSelectMsgBox=Please select plug-ins to vote
  239. FuncVoteMarkSelectMsgBox=Please vote.
  240. FuncVoteFailedMsgBox=Vote failed, please check your network connection and try again
  241. FuncRestoreExitBrowserMsgBox=Please exit %s first
  242. FuncRestoreSuccessMsgBox=Browser restored to default settings successfully
  243. FuncRestoreFailedMsgBox=Failed to restore browser default settings, please exit %s and try again.
  244. Guest_Start_Tip=You logged in the system with a guest account! You need administrative rights to use IObit Uninstaller 3.
  245. p_RegistryCaption_M=Registry
  246. p_FileCaption_M=File
  247. p_FormatOneItem_M=1 item
  248. p_FormatItems_M=%d items