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- IAB Open Meeting
- Reported by Bob Braden/ISI
- The IAB held an open meeting at the Amsterdam IETF, on Tuesday evening.
- About 120 observers attended, approximately 20% of the IETF meeting.
- The following is a brief summary of the meeting. A more complete
- summary is available by anonymous FTP from host ftp.isi.edu with
- pathname pub/IAB/IABmins.jul93.txt.
- Standards Procedures Document
- Another round of revisions will be made in the replacement for RFC 1310,
- and a new Internet-Draft will be circulated. However, the IAB feels
- this document should be published as an RFC as soon as possible. A key
- issue is the rules for intellectual property, particularly copyrights.
- The IAB will take steps to inform and involve the Internet community, as
- soon as ISOC lawyers have prepared new text.
- Proposed ISOC Liaison Agreements with ISO and ITU
- The IAB accepted a recommendation from Vint Cerf, President of the
- Internet Society, that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ISO
- and ISOC be drafted. This MOU, if accepted by both sides, would form
- the basis for a Category A liaison relationship with ISO. It would be
- framed to protect the successful IETF processes for standards making,
- while establishing the ground rules for interaction between IETF working
- groups and ISO subcommittees, and any other relations deemed helpful.
- Vint agreed to draft such a document, for presentation to the Internet
- community for comments and discussions.
- Liaison with the ITU, delayed by their reorganization, is now under
- active consideration.
- Projections of CIDR Effects
- There was an extensive discussion of the existing projections of the
- effects of CIDR on preserving the IP address space and preventing a
- routing explosion. The uncertainties are still very large, and further
- studies, with their assumptions carefully documented, are needed.
- Architecture
- The IAB has initiated a study of modifications of the Internet
- architecture for shared media, like public data networks.
- Steve Kent summarized the ongoing work in the IETF and IRTF towards a
- security architecture for the Internet.
- Attendees
- Bernt Allonen bal@tip.net
- Harald Alvestrand Harald.Alvestrand@uninett.no
- Per Andersson pa@cdg.chalmers.se
- Anders Baardsgaad anders@cc.uit.no
- Tony Bates tony@ripe.net
- Nutan Behki Nutan_Behki@qmail.newbridge.com
- Robert Blokzijl K13@nikhef.nl
- Rebecca Bostwick bostwick@es.net
- Robert Braden braden@isi.edu
- Ronald Broersma ron@nosc.mil
- J. Nevil Brownlee nevil@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz
- Ross Callon rcallon@wellfleet.com
- Vinton Cerf vcerf@cnri.reston.va.us
- George Chang gkc@ctt.bellcore.com
- A. Lyman Chapin lyman@bbn.com
- Henry Clark henryc@oar.net
- Les Clyne l.clyne@jnt.ac.uk
- Richard Colella colella@nist.gov
- Stephen Coya scoya@cnri.reston.va.us
- David Crocker dcrocker@mordor.stanford.edu
- Stephen Deering deering@parc.xerox.com
- Thomas DeWitt tdewitt@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
- Francis Dupont francis.dupont@inria.fr
- Tom Easterday tom@cic.net
- Toerless Eckert Toerless.Eckert@informatik.uni-erlangen.de
- Dino Farinacci dino@cisco.com
- Mark Fedor fedor@psi.com
- Dennis Ferguson dennis@ans.net
- Eric Fleischman ericf@act.boeing.com
- Peter Ford peter@goshawk.lanl.gov
- Osten Franberg euaokf@eua.ericsson.se
- Paul Francis Francis@thumper.bellcore.com
- Vince Fuller vaf@stanford.edu
- Peter Furniss p.furniss@ulcc.ac.uk
- Tony Genovese genovese@es.net
- David Ginsburg ginsb@us-es.sel.de
- Joseph Godsil jgodsil@ncsa.uiuc.edu
- Ramesh Govindan rxg@thumper.bellcore.com
- Phillip Gross pgross@ans.net
- Chris Gunner gunner@dsmail.lkg.dec.com
- Joel Halpern jmh@network.com
- Jari Hamalainen jah@rctre.nokia.com
- Craig Haney craig@icp.net
- Susan Hares skh@merit.edu
- Robert Hinden hinden@eng.sun.com
- Jack Houldsworth J.Houldsworth@ste0906.wins.icl.co.uk
- Chris Howard chris_howard@inmarsat.org
- Christian Huitema Christian.Huitema@sophia.inria.fr
- Erik Huizer Erik.Huizer@SURFnet.nl
- Geoff Huston g.huston@aarnet.edu.au
- Sascha Ignjatovic sascha@veda.co.at
- Ole Jacobsen ole@interop.com
- Ronald Jacoby rj@sgi.com
- Dennis Jennings jennings@irlearn.ucd.ie
- Borka Jerman-Blazic jerman-blazic@ijs.si
- David Johnson dbj@cs.cmu.edu
- Philip Jones p.jones@jnt.ac.uk
- Cyndi Jung cmj@3com.com
- Scott Kaplan scott@wco.ftp.com
- Daniel Karrenberg daniel@ripe.net
- Frank Kastenholz kasten@ftp.com
- Dave Katz dkatz@cisco.com
- Peter Kaufmann kaufmann@dfn.dbp.de
- Sean Kennedy liam@nic.near.net
- Stephen Kent kent@bbn.com
- Lothar Klein lothar.klein@gmd.de
- John Klensin Klensin@infoods.unu.edu
- Mark Knopper mak@merit.edu
- Stev Knowles stev@ftp.com
- Rajeev Kochhar rajeev_kochhar@3com.com
- Ton Koelman koelman@stc.nato.int
- Pekka Kytolaakso pekka.kytolaakso@csc.fi
- Sylvain Langlois Sylvain.Langlois@exp.edf.fr
- Mark Laubach laubach@hpl.hp.com
- Jose Legatheaux Martins jalm@fct.unl.pt
- Tony Li tli@cisco.com
- John Lindsay lindsay@kingston.ac.uk
- Peter Lothberg roll@stupi.se
- Paul Lustgarten Paul.Lustgarten@att.com
- Carl Malamud carl@malamud.com
- Paolo Malara malara@crs4.it
- Bill Manning bmanning@rice.edu
- David Marlow dmarlow@relay.nswc.navy.mil
- Ignacio Martinez martinez@rediris.es
- Chuck McManis chuck.mcmanis@eng.sun.com
- Peter Merdian merdian@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
- Keith Mitchell keith@pipex.net
- Jun Murai jun@wide.ad.jp
- Peder Chr. Noergaard pcn@tbit.dk
- David O'Leary doleary@cisco.com
- Petri Ojala ojala@eunet.fi
- Geir Pedersen Geir.Pedersen@usit.uio.no
- Charles Perkins perk@watson.ibm.com
- David Perkins dperkins@synoptics.com
- David Piscitello dave@mail.bellcore.com
- Willi Porten porten@gmd.de
- Lars Poulsen lars@cmc.com
- Mark Prior mrp@itd.adelaide.edu.au
- Juergen Rauschenbach jrau@dfn.de
- Alex Reijnierse a.a.reijnierse@research.ptt.nl
- Yakov Rekhter yakov@watson.ibm.com
- Jim Romaguera romaguera@netconsult.ch
- John Romkey romkey@elf.com
- Luc Rooijakkers lwj@cs.kun.nl
- Ulla Sandberg ulla@kiera.ericsson.se
- Miguel Sanz miguel.sanz@rediris.es
- Jon Saperia saperia@tay.dec.com
- John Scudder jgs@merit.edu
- Robert Shirey shirey@mitre.org
- W. David Sincoskie sincos@thumper.bellcore.com
- Michael St. Johns stjohns@darpa.mil
- John Stewart jstewart@cnri.reston.va.us
- Marten Terpstra marten@ripe.net
- Kamlesh Tewani ktt@arch2.att.com
- Richard Thomas rjthomas@bnr.ca
- Susan Thomson set@bellcore.com
- Antoine Trannoy trannoy@crs4.it
- Lea Viljanen Lea.Viljanen@helsinki.fi
- Ruediger Volk rv@informatik.uni-dortmund.de
- Kirk Williams kirk@sbctri.sbc.com
- Jessica Yu jyy@merit.edu
- Paul Zawada Zawada@ncsa.uiuc.edu