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à 5.4ïFinding the Slope of a Line
äïPlease find the slope of a line passing through the two
êêgiven points.
âïFind the slope of the line passing through the points (2,3) and
#êêë y½ - y¬êê -9 - 3ê-12
ïslope formula m = ───────êè m = ──────è=è───è=è-6
#êêë x½ - x¬êêï4 - 2ê 2
Since the slope is equal to the ratio of the rise to run, we can place
the vertical change over the horizontal change to get the slope.ïThus
the slope is found by placing the difference in the y coordinates over
the difference in the x coordinates.ïThe letter 'm' is used instead of
#writing out the word slope.ëy½ - y¬
êêêêm = ───────
#êêêêè x½ - x¬
In the example, the two points are given as (2,3) and (4,-9).ïThe
difference in the y coordinates is expressed as -9 - 3.ïThe
corresponding difference in the x coordinate is 4 - 2.ïThus the slope
êêêê-9 - 3ë-12
êêêèm = ──────ï=ï───ï= -6
êêêê 4 - 2ë 2
1ïFind the slope of the line passing through the points (4,7)
êè and (-3,8).
êè 1êêï2êêè4êê å
ëA)ï- ─êëB)ï─êëC) - ─êëD)ïof
êè 7êêï3êêè5êê ç
êêè8 - 7ê 8 + (-7)ê 1ê 1
êëm = ──────è=è─────────è=è ─è=ï- ─
êêï-3 - 4ê-3 + (-4)ë - 7ê 7
2ïFind the slope of the line passing through the points (-5,6)
êè and (7,-3).
êï3êêë 3êêï7êêå
ëA)ï─êêB)ï- ─êèC) - ──êè D)ïof
êï5êêë 4êê 11êêç
êêï-3 - 6ê-3 + (-6)ê-9ê 3
êëm = ──────è=è─────────è=è──è=ï- ─
êêï7 -(-5)ê7 + (5)ê 12ê 4
äïPlease find the slope of the following lines.
âêêê 3y - 6x = 12
ë3y - 6x + 6x = 6x + 12
êê 3y = 6x + 12
êê 3yè6xè12
#êê ── = ── + ──ï──────────¥ïy = 2x + 4è The slope is 2.
êêï3è 3è 3
To find the slope of the line with equation, 3y - 6x = 12, just solve
for y.
êêë 3y - 6x + 6x = 6x + 12
êêêêï3y = 6x + 12
#êêêêï── = ── + ──ï──¥ïy = 2x + 4
êêêêè3è 3è 3
When the equation is in this form, the coefficient of 'x' is the slope
of the line.ïIn this example the coefficient of 'x' is 2. Thus the
slope of the line is 2.
êêêêëm = 2
This is a short cut for finding the slope.ïWe would find two points on
the line and use the slope formula to find the slope, as we did in the
previous two problems, but that usually takes a little longer.ïWe will
see why this shortcut works in the next section.
3êè Find the slope ofï2x + 6y = 8.
ëA)ï6êêB)ï- ─êèC) - 12êè D)ïof
üêè2x + 6y = 8
êè 2x - 2x + 6y = -2x + 8
êêê6y = -2x + 8
êêê6yè-2xè8êê 1è 4êë 1
#êêê── = ─── + ─ï────¥ïy = - ─x + ─ï──¥ïm = - ─
êêê 6ë6è6êê 3è 3êë 3
4êè Find the slope of -4x + 2y = 6.
êêêêêêêêë å
ëA)ï6êêB)ï- 2êèC)ï2êë D)ïof
êêêêêêêêë ç
üêï-4x + 2y = 6
êè-4x + 4x + 2y = 4x + 6
êêê2y = 4x + 6
êêê2yè 4xè6
#êêê── = ─── + ─ï────¥ïy =ï2x + 3ï──¥ïm = 2
êêê 2ë2è2
5êè Find the slope ofï2x - 3y = 4.
êï2êêè 4êêè2êê å
ëA)ï─êêB)ï─êëC) - ─êëD)ïof
êï3êêè 3êêè3êê ç
üêè2x - 3y = 4
êè 2x - 2x - 3y = -2x + 4
êêë -3yè-2xè 4êê2ë4êè2
êêë ─── = ─── + ──êïy =ï─∙x - ─ë m = ─
#êêê-3è -3è-3ï────¥ê3ë3 ──¥ë 3
äïPlease find the slope of the following horizontal and
êêvertical lines.
âëThe slope of a line with equation, y = 3, is zero.
êêêêè m = 0
êëThe slope of a line with equation, x = -2, is undefined. It
êëis said to have 'no slope'.
To find the slope of a line with equation, y = 3, we would first have to
recognize that this is a horizontal line.ïIt runs parallel to the x-
axis.ïSince there is no vertical change or since the line is flat, it
is said to have zero slope, i.e.ïm = 0.
On the other hand the line with equation x = -2, is recognized as a
vertical line.ïIt runs parallel to the y-axis and is straight up.ïThe
slope of a vertical line is actually infinity, but since infinity is not
a real number, it is easier to say that the slope is 'undefined' or that
there is 'no slope'.ïSo the line with equation, x = -2, has 'no slope'.
6êêFind the slope of 2y = -6.
ïA)ïno slopeê B)ï0êè C)ï2êèD) å of ç
üêêêë2y = -6
êêêêëy = -3
êëThis is a horizontal line and so the slope is '0'.
7êêFind the slope of x = 5.
ïA)ï5êë B)ï0êè C) no slopeêïD) å of ç
êêêêëx = 5
êëThis is a vertical line and so it has 'no slope'.
8êêêêêë 2
êêèFind the slope of the line y = - ─.
êêêêêêê 3
ïA)ï0êëB) no slopeê C)ï- ─ê D) å of ç
êêêêèy = - ─
êëThis is a horizontal line and so the slope is '0'.
äïPlease determine if the following pairs of lines are
êêparallel, perpendicular, or neither.
âSë6x + 3y = 6êêë 9x - 3y = 6
êë 4x + 2y = 8êêë 2x + 6y = 6
Since the slope of each line is -2ëSince the slope of the first line
the two lines are parallel.êëis 3 and the slope of the second
êêêêêëline is -1/3, the two lines are
#Two lines are said to be parallel if their slopes are equal, i.e. m¬= m½
Two lines are said to be perpendicular if their slopes are negative
reciprocals of each other, i.e.êè 1
#êêêêë m¬ = - ──
#êêêêêë m½
If neither of ç two conditions are true, then the two lines are
neither parallel or perpendicular.
In order to determine if the pair of equations 6x + 3y = 6 and
4x + 2y = 8 are parallel, perpendicular, or neither, you must find the
slope of each line.ïThe quickest way is to solve for 'y' and identify
the slope as the coefficient of 'x'.
ê6x + 3y = 6êêêê4x + 2y = 8
ï6x - 6x + 3y = -6x + 6êêè4x - 4x + 2y = -4x + 8
êë3y = -6x + 6êêêë 2y = -4x + 8
êë3yè-6xè6êêêë 2yè-4xè8
êë── = ─── + ─êêêë ── = ─── + ─
êë 3ë3è3êêêê2è 2è 2
êë y = -2x + 2èm = -2êêëy = -2x + 4èm = -2
Since both of ç lines have slope " -2 ", they are parallel.
Similarly, solving for 'y' in the equation, 9x - 3y = 6 gives y = 3x - 2.
The slope is seen to be 3.ïOn the other hand solving the equation
2x + 6y = 6 for 'y' gives y = -1/3x + 1. The slope of this line is -1/3.
Since the two slopes are negative reciprocals of each other, the two
lines are perpendicular.
9ïDetermine if the pair of lines, 3x - 2y = 1 and 6x - 4y = 3
êè are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
A) perpendicularë B) parallelë C) neitherë D) none of ç
üï3x - 2y = 1êêêï6x - 4y = 3
è3x - 3x - 2y = -3x + 1êë6x - 6x - 4y = -6x + 3
êë-2y = -3x + 1êêê-4y = -6x + 3
êë-2yè-3xè 1êêë -4yè-6xè 3
êë─── = ─── + ──êêë ─── = ─── + ──
êë -2è -2è-2êêê-4è -4è-4
êêè 3è 1ê 3êêë3è 3ê3
êêy = ─x - ─è m = ─êê y = ─x - ─èm = ─
êêè 2è 2ê 2êêë2è 4ê2
êèSince the two slopes are equal, the lines are parallel.
10ïDetermine if the pair of lines, x + 3y = 4 and -6x + 2y = 7
êè are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
A) perpendicularë B) parallelë C) neitherë D) none of ç
üèx + 3y = 4êêê -6x + 2y = 7
ëx - x + 3y = -x + 4êë-6x + 6x + 2y = 6x + 7
êë 3y = -x + 4êêêï2y = 6x + 7
êë 3yè -xè 4êêê2yè 6xè 7
êë ── =ï── +ï─êêê── =ï── +ï─
êê3ë3è 3êêê 2ë2è 2
êêë 1è 4êè1êêë 7
êêy = - ─x + ─è m = - ─êè y = 3x + ─èm = 3
êêë 3è 3êè3êêë 2
Since the two slopes are negative reciprocals of each other, the lines
are perpendicular.
11 Determine if the pair of lines, 2x + y = 4 and -x + 3y = 6.
êè are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
A) perpendicularë B) parallelë C) neitherë D) none of ç
üè2x + y = 4êêêï-x + 3y = 6
è 2x - 2x + y = -2x + 4êë -x + x + 3y = x + 6
êêy = -2x + 4êêê 3y = x + 6
êêm = -2
êêêêêêë── = ─ + ─
These slopes are not equal and notêê3è3è3
negative reciprocals of each other,
the answer is neither.êêêêï1êë1
êêêêêêë y = ─x + 2èm = ─