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- Like so many of
- the first wave of
- Jewish settlers in
- Palestine, David
- Ben Gurion found
- equal inspiration
- in Zionism and
- socialism. His
- work as a labour
- leader in the
- Twenties and
- Thirties helped to
- establish the idea
- of the collective
- settlements
- (kibbutzim)
- which became an
- important part of
- Israel's economy
- after 1948
- #
- Though sharing the goal of creating a Jewish State in Palestine, Zionists disagreed
- on how this might best be done. Ben Gurion was hostile to the manner in which
- Britain ruled Palestine under the League of Nations Mandate, and was a stern critic
- of Weizmann's efforts at international diplomacy in the Forties
- #
- Golda Meir, Israel's prime minister from 1969 to 1973, was in many ways a typical
- Zionist. She was practical in politics, determined in times of crisis, and utterly
- dedicated to the cause of the Jewish state
- #
- Ben Gurion
- expressed his
- desire to live
- in peace with
- the Arabs. "In
- exchange for
- peace," he said,
- "I would be
- disposed to give
- up the occupied
- territories
- immediately,
- except for
- Jerusalem. For
- us, Jerusalem
- is everything."
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- Once Britain
- notified the
- United Nations
- of its intention
- to give up the
- Mandate, a
- partition plan
- dividing Palestine
- into Jewish and
- Arab territories
- came into effect.
- And on May 14,
- 1948 the State
- of Israel was
- proclaimed
- #
- From 1935 until
- Independence
- Ben Gurion was
- chairman of the
- Jewish Agency,
- which organised
- the Jewish
- immigration and
- settlement of
- Palestine. This
- made him the
- natural choice to
- head the provi-
- sional government
- #
- The partition plan
- drawn up by the
- UN in 1947 was
- accepted at first
- by neither the
- Jews nor the
- Arabs. Ben Gurion
- and his colleagues
- had little choice
- but to recognize it
- the following
- year when the
- British pulled out,
- but the Arabs
- and their allies
- rejected the
- settlement and
- went to war -
- #
- Israeli forces
- inflicted a
- stinging defeat on
- the Arab armies,
- and by the end of
- the 60-day War
- of Independence
- Israel had much
- improved its
- territorial
- position on the
- UN plan. Ben
- Gurion's Labour
- (Mapai) Party
- was rewarded
- with victory in
- the elections
- which followed
- #
- The new Jewish
- state was
- desperate for
- people to toil in
- the fields, to
- work in industry,
- to bear arms and
- to produce the
- next generation
- of Israelis.
- Thousands of
- US immigrants,
- survivors of the
- Holocaust and
- Jews from other
- Arab countries
- answered the call
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- Ben Gurion's
- socialist roots
- and his experience
- as general secretary
- of the Histradut
- (the trade union
- organisation)
- made him the
- champion of the
- workers' co-
- operative move-
- ment. In the first
- three decades of
- Israel's existence,
- kibbutzim and
- union-owned
- enterprises
- were the backbone
- of the economy
- #
- In 1956 Israeli
- forces attempted
- to take advantage
- of the Suez Crisis
- by occupying the
- Sinai desert and
- Gaza Strip, but
- Ben Gurion (in his
- second term as
- prime minister)
- was put under
- pressure to
- withdraw by his
- American allies
- #
- War broke out
- again in 1967.
- Arabs and Jews
- accused each
- other of provoking
- the conflict after
- Israel launched
- attacks against
- Syria, Egypt, Jordan
- and Lebanon. The
- Israelis seized
- Old Jerusalem
- where Ben Gurion
- congratulated the
- victorious troops
- #
- The campaign of June 1967 (which became known as the Six Day War) was a dazzling
- display of Israel's military superiority over its Arab neighbours. It made a celebrity
- of Moshe Dayan, mastermind of the campaign
- #
- Ben Gurion
- resigned from
- office in 1963,
- and subsequently
- led a breakaway
- Labour Party
- (Rafi) from 1965
- until 1967.
- Retiring from
- politics, he went
- back to live on
- his beloved
- kibbutz at Sde
- Boker in the
- Negev desert,
- where he would
- take a daily walk
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