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- Sundback was a
- Swedish engineer
- living in Hoboken,
- New Jersey, who
- patented the zipper
- in 1913. Initially
- it was marketed
- as the "Talon
- Slide Fastener" -
- the name zipper
- was coined in
- 1917 by a New
- York tailor,
- Robert Ewig
- #
- Zippers of a sort
- had been around
- since a certain
- Whitcomb Judson
- patented his boot
- fastener at the
- Chicago Exposition
- of 1893. Judson's
- zipper tended to
- rust and burst open,
- but Sundback's
- first attempt, the
- C-Curity fastener,
- was hardly more
- reliable
- #
- Gideon Sundback
- invented the
- secure zipper
- after noting the
- way two stacks
- of spoons could
- be interlocked
- to form a strong
- flexible column.
- The problem of
- rusting was
- solved by the use
- of "German Silver",
- a mixture of
- nickel, copper
- and zinc
- #
- It was the first
- world war which
- established the
- zipper. US armed
- forces began
- ordering them for
- everything from
- uniforms to
- airplane fabric,
- and such huge
- government
- contracts assured
- the future of the
- manufacturers
- #
- After initial
- indifference,
- zipper sales
- reached 17
- million by
- the end of the
- Twenties. In the
- Thirties women
- wore zipper
- corsets to achieve
- a smooth, slim
- figure, while the
- first zippers on
- mens' trousers
- were introduced
- in 1935
- #
- Zippers have
- acquired a biz-
- arre association
- with fashion and
- social rebellion.
- In the Seventies
- they were a symbol
- of punk rock; and
- 40 years earlier
- the wayward
- King Edward VIII
- set a fashion for
- zip-flies before
- he abdicated the
- British throne
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