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- Brecht knew
- himself to be an
- outsider from a
- young age. His
- first plays were
- anarchic and
- formless, full of
- drunken soldiers,
- pregnant
- mistresses, wind,
- rain, arguments
- and distant
- gunfire. He was
- angry, but it
- seems he had not
- yet figured out
- who he was
- angry with, or
- what about
- #
- Brecht dabbled
- for a while with
- 'Expressionism', a
- form of theatre
- where the
- emotional ups-
- and-downs of the
- hero are more
- important than
- the events. But he
- was already
- looking for
- something that
- would make
- theatre more
- than a passive
- form of
- entertainment
- #
- Brecht was
- abroad when the
- Nazis came to
- power in 1933,
- and decided not
- to go home. He
- immediately
- declared himself
- a political exile,
- and seemed
- delighted with
- this new status,
- as if banishment
- confirmed what
- he had always
- believed about
- himself: that he
- did not belong
- #
- In exile Brecht
- turned to poetry,
- perhaps because
- there was no
- point in writing
- plays while he
- was banished
- from the German-
- speaking world,
- as they could not
- be staged. By now
- he was a declared
- communist, and
- he used his
- poetry as a
- weapon to attack
- the Nazi regime
- #
- Brecht's first
- poems were
- cabaret songs (he
- used to sing them
- himself, strumming
- his guitar and
- wearing an old
- leather jacket).
- But his exile poems
- are more like
- political slogans,
- chalked on a wall:
- "It is night. Married
- couples/ Lie in
- their beds. The
- young women/
- Will bear orphans."
- @
- Brecht never
- abandoned the
- theatre, and some
- of his best plays
- were written in
- America during
- the war, among
- them Mother
- Courage and The
- Good Woman of
- Szechwan. To
- make money
- Brecht wrote film
- scripts for
- Hollywood, an
- activity which he
- detested
- #
- In The Good Woman of Szechwan a kindly Chinese girl becomes a
- storekeeper. To make a success of the store, she dresses as a man
- and pretends to be a hard-nosed businessman. Eventually this
- persona takes over: she has been corrupted by the logic of capitalism
- #
- In Mother Courage, as in all Brecht's epic plays, the audience is
- discouraged from losing itself in the performance. Stagecraft and
- theatrical illusion only muddy the issues. Epic theatre, said Brecht,
- should be detached - like sitting in an armchair reading a good book
- #
- Brecht's
- collaboration with
- the composer
- Kurt Weill was
- for a short time
- extremely
- productive. Weill
- put Brecht's
- poems to work by
- putting them to
- music. To them,
- this was the
- theatre of
- political
- commitment;
- others might call
- it propaganda
- #
- After the war
- Brecht, as a
- communist, found
- he was no longer
- welcome in
- America. So the
- eternal exile went
- home to Berlin in
- communist East
- Germany, (the GDR)
- where he founded
- a theatre. He died
- the grand old
- man of socialist
- drama - a role
- which did not
- well suit him
- @
- The Beatles split
- was blamed by
- many on Yoko
- Ono. John doted
- on her, and Paul
- was deeply
- distrustful of her,
- But the two
- songwriters'
- paths had already
- diverged, and the
- worst that can be
- said of Yoko is
- that she hastened
- the group's
- demise
- #
- The once happy
- and fruitful
- Beatles
- partnership slid
- after the break-
- up into personal
- sniping and legal
- bickering. Lennon
- released a very
- poor song, How
- Do You Sleep,
- which was a
- bitter and vicious
- attack on Paul
- #
- After the Beatles
- fell apart the
- members moved
- on to other
- projects. Lennon
- moved to New
- York, Ringo Starr
- got interested in
- film, Harrison
- made some
- respectable
- albums in Britain
- , and McCartney,
- after a period of
- peace and quiet,
- re-emerged with
- what he called a
- working skiffle
- band - Wings
- #
- John Lennon was
- killed outside his
- home in New
- York. He had
- done little in the
- previous five
- years, but had
- just re-emerged
- with a new
- album. His death
- put paid to the
- perennial
- rumours that the
- Beatles were
- about to get back
- together
- #
- If prophetic
- photographs are
- anything to go by,
- it seems Lennon
- knew he would
- be the first Beatle
- to die. Sales in
- Beatles records
- naturally
- rocketed after his
- death, and with
- his corpus of
- work now
- complete, the
- appraisal of his
- legacy, with the
- Beatles and
- without them,
- could begin
- #
- Paul McCartney's
- solo output has
- remained
- impressive, but
- as with Lennon,
- the quality
- varied. Though
- both men strived
- to create a
- separate musical
- identity for
- themselves after
- the Beatles,
- neither could
- quite ever escape
- the shadow of
- their youthful
- moptopped selves