The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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│ · IBM PC and Compatibles Data Card · │
│ · Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Computer Product · │
│ │
│ · Eye of the Beholder by Strategic Simulations Inc. · │
│ │
System Requirements: An IBM or compatible computer with at least 640K of system
memory, a hard disk or 2 floppy drives, and a VGA, MCGA, EGA, Tandy 16 color,
or CGA graphics adaptor, are required to play the game. Your hard disk must
have at least 2.1 megabytes of available space to install the game. Before
beginning play, make a backup copy of your original disks with the DOS
Diskcopy command. Put your original disks away and install from your copies.
Refer to your DOS manual for information on how to use DOS commands.
Installing the Game: THe game must be installed to a hard disk or floppies
before play.
The chart below describes how many of each size formatted floppy disks
you need to install the game on floppy disks. During the installation, the
disks that you received in the box are called Original DIsks and the disks
you make are called Play Disks.
Number of Formatted Play Disks Required 5 1/4" 3 1/2"
5 1/4" Original disks on a dual 5 1/4" system 6 0
3 1/2" Original disks on a dual 3 1/2" system 0 3
5 1/4" Original disks on a 5 1/4" + 3 1/2" system 2# 3
3 1/2" Origianl Disks on a 5 1/4" + 3 1/2" system 6* 1*
# You must keep the 5 1/4" Play Disk 2 in the drive during boot up and
game play and keep the 5 1/4" Play Disk 4 in the drive during the animated
* You may discard the 5 1/4" Play Disk 2 & 4 after making the 3 1/2" Play
Disk 2/4
To install the game, place the Original Disk 1 in floppy drive A or B, access
the drive, then type INSTALL and press ENTER. Follow the onscreen prompts.
Starting the Game : Boot your computer with DOS version 2.11 or higher. If
you are going to use a mouse, make sure that your mouse driver is loaded
before starting the game.
When playing from a hard disk, access the EYE directory, type START, and press
ENTER. When playing from floppy drives, place your Play Disk 1 and 2 in drives
A and B. Access the drive with Play Disk 1, type START, and press ENTER.
When playing from floppies, you must keep Play Disk 2 in the drive during boot
up and game play. When the game asks for a disk, insert the required the disk
in the other drive and press ENTER. There will be several disk swaps during
boot up, but only a few swaps once play begins.
Once the game has started, you will be prompted to configure the game for your
system's hardware. Follow the instructions on-screen. In general, choose the
highest numbered graphics adapter and the lowest numbered sound support that
are supported by your computer. It is generally easier to play the game with
the mouse. Once the game is loading, you press ESC to bypass the majority of
the animated introduction.
Memory Requirements: If you receive an 'Allocation Failure' error after
creating characters, your computer's current configueration does not have
enough free memory to run the game. Run the DOS command CHKDSK to see how much
free memory you have. If you have less than 565,000 Bytes Free, you will need
to modify your computer's configuration to play.
Before you make any modifications toyour system configuration, make a backup
copy of your current AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. This way, you can
recover your original configuration if you need to.
Memory resident programs may reduce your free memory below the minimum
required for this game. Once you have made the backup files, remove all
unnecessary memory resident programs except your mouse driver from your
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. You may also need to reduce the number of
FILES and BUFFERS in your CONFIG.SYS file. Refer to your DOS manuals for info
on how to modify these DOS files.
Getting Started Quickly: To begin playing right away, load the included Save
Game in Progress at the first menu. Use this party and the Hints section of
this car to explore the game interface.
Spell Boxes: In EGA and VGA, a Yellow Spell Box represents a spell that mainly
defends against physical attacks and a Red Spell Box represents a spell that
mainly defends again magical attacks. In CGA a White Spell Box represents a
spell that mainly defends against physical attacks and a Cyan Spell Box
represents a spell that mainly defends again magical attacks.
Playing With Mouse: To give commands, place the mouse pointer over the
appropriate item or selection and press a mouse button.
A key to playing Eye of the Beholder is understanding the difference
between Take, Use, and Select. See the Actions section of the rules for
how to preform most of the actions in the game.
Taking involoves picking up or dropping items. To Take an item
with the mouse, place the pointer over the item and press the
left mouse button.
Using involoves attacking with weapons, opening a spell book,
or drinking a potion. To Use an item, plave the pointer over an in-hand
item (next to your character's portrait) and press the right mouse
button. You can only Use itmes from the main Adventure Screen (see the
Rule Book).
Selecting involoves choosing buttons such as Movement Buttons,
spell Level Buttons, Camp Buttons, or choosing from lists of spells to
cast or memorize. To Select an item with the mouse, place the pointer
over the itme and press either the left or the right mouse button.
Take: Left Mouse Button Use: Right Mouse Button
Pick up item from character Attack with a weapon
Drop item onto character Bring up spells to cast
Use an Item (Potion/Scroll)
Select: Either Mouse Button
Select a button
Select a spell to cast
Manipulate dungeon feature
Drop an item in the 3D view
Throw an item in the 3D view
Move in a dungeon
Playing with the Kepboard: To give the command, highlight the
appropriate item or location and press the command key.
In character generation, use the cursor keys to move the highlight to the
desired option and press the ENTER key to select it.
When playing from the keyboard, one item in a character's hand or
inventory is surrounded by an item highlight box. Use the W, A, Z, and S
keys like a cursor key pad to move the highlight from item to item.
W Move item highlight up
A / S Move item highlight left/right
Z Move item highlight down
As a short cut to access the items of the various characters in your
part, press the function key that corresponds to the charater's position
on the main Adventure Screen. To swap the position of two characters,
hold down the SHIFT key and pres the function key that corresponds to
the first character's position then hold down the SHIFT key and press
the funtion key that corresponds to the secon character's position.
F1 F2
F3 F4
F5 F6
A key to playing Eye of the Beholder is understanding the difference
between Take, Use, and Select. See the ACtions section of the rules for
how to perform most of the actions in the game.
Taking involves picking up or dropping items. The Get, Drop,
Throw, and Manipulate keys (G, D, T, & M) mimic the functions of the
Take command of the mouse. To take an item using the keyboard, place the
highlight over the item or the location you want the item to be and
press the command key.
Using involves attacking with weapons, opening a spell book, or
drinking a potion. THe Use key (U) mimics the function of the Use
command of the mouse. To Use an item from the keyboard, place the
highlight over an in-hand item (next to your character's portrait) and
press the 'U' key. You can only Use items from the main Adventure
Selecting involves vhoosing buttons such as movement buttons,
spell Level Buttons, Camp Buttons, or choosing from lists of spells to
cast or memorize. All selections are done with dedicated keys.
To cast spells using the keyboard, Use a character's in hard spell book
icon or holy symbol. Choost the level of the spell to cast by press 1-5
keys above the main typing area of your keyboard. Choost the spell by
pressing '<' and '>' keys to highlight the spell with the spell cursor.
Press SPACE to cast the highlighted spell. Highlight ABORT SPELL and
press SPACE to close the spell menu.
Press the I key to view a character's item Inventory on the equipment
screen. Press the P key to switch pages between the character's
equipment screen and character screen.
Press the C key to bring up the Camp Menu. In Camp, use the cursor keys
to move the highlight to the desired option and press the ENTER key to
select it.
Move your party from the keyboard by pressing the keys on the keypad
that correspond to the layout of the movement buttons. You may move with
the keypad, even when you are playing the game with the mouse.
7 Turn Left 8 Move Forward 9 Turn Right
4 Move Left 5 Move Backwards 6 Move Right
2 Move Backwards
Notes: Some parts of the IBM version are slightly different than listed
in the rule book.
When a character is paralyzed of effected by poisin his name will be
highlighted. When a character is paralyzed the items in both of his
hands will be greyed out. An indicator at the botton of the equipment
Screen will list if a character is paralyzed, poisoned but under the
effects of a slow poison spell, unconcious, or dead.
When you have a weapon in your primary hand, you can only use a seconday
or small weapon, like a dagger dart, or short sword, in the secondary
hand. All other weapons cannot be used and will be greyed out. When you
have a two handed weapon in your primary hand, all items in your
seconday hand connot be use and will be greyed out.
When a character is near death, his hit point bar will change color.
When he is unconcious, but not dead, it will change color again. When a
character is dead, the hit point bar will be empty.
If you answer Yes to the question "Will you rest until healed?", your
part will rest until it heals naturally. While healing naturally, your
party will have all of their spells memorized if they are interrupted by
monsters, but they will use up food quickly.
Unmemorized spells are not highlighted in the camp spell menu. There is
no backgroup music to turn off.
Bows will take arrows from either the secondary hand or the quiver.
Slings will take stones from the seconday hand, the belt pich, or the
backpack. Bows and Slings are two-handed weapons, and so any ammo or
other items in the secondary hand will be greyed out.
A cleric must have his holy symbol in-hand to attempt to turn undead.
You can Use the Commission to read it.
Races do not receive special combat bonuses with specific weapons. A
high Charisma has no effect when talking to NPCs.
Burning Hands effects all monsters next to the party, Invisibilty and
Invisibility 10' radius are not lost when a character is hit.
Invisibility 10' radius is lost on a character by character basis. A
Flame Blade may appear in either hand. There are no Stinking Cloud,
Cloudkill, or Protection from Lightning spells in the game.
Hints: Make sure that your party contains at least two characters who
can fight well, one who can cast mage spells, and one who can cast
clerical spells. Create the fighters first and then the spell casters.
After you have created all of your characters, Select Play to begin the
game. Once in the game, find your location at the the Main Entrance of
Level 1 on the Sewer Systems Map.
Experiment with manipulating objects. Place the mouse pointer over one
of the rocks at your feet and press the left mouse button to Take it.
Move the mouse pointer over the movement button and press a mouse button
to turn to the right. Place the rock shaped mouse pointer over the
ground and press a mouse button to drop the rock. Take the rock again,
place it high in the 3D view and press a mouse button to throw the rock.
Move forward to see how far it flew.
Move around and pick up the rocks and any other items you find. Select a
portait to access the Equipment Screen. Place items into the backpack.
Select the portrait again to return to Adventure Screen. Before you go
too far, enter camp, have your spell casters memorize and pray for
spells, and then rest to gain the spells.
Anytime you see an interesting item on the wall, place the mouse pointer
over the item and press a mouse button. Read the description in the
Message Area at the bottom of the screen. Watch out for items that you
can manipulate, like levers that move and button that depress.
When a monster approaches, make sure that your fighters in the front
rank have weapons in their primary hand. To attack, place the mouse
pointer over each weapon and press the Right Mouse Button. Once you get
comfortable fighting with the front rank characters, you can also have
the rear rank characters throw weapons and spells at the monsters.
Experiment by equipping your characters with various combinations of
weapons, shields, spell books, and holy symbols to maximize their
fighting ability.
Once you master manipulating objects, moving, and fighting, you are
ready to tackle the quest in Eye of the Beholder. Good Luck!
Keyboard Command List
W Move item highlight up
A / S Move item highlight left/right
Z Move item highlight down
F1-F6 Select character shortcut
SHIFT F1-F6 Swap character positions
G Get an item from the floor in the 3D view
D Drop an item to the floor in the 3D view
M Manipulate an object in the 3D view (push a button, pull
a lever, etc. Also acts as a 'Get' for items that are in
the 3D view but are not on the ground.)
U Use an in-hand item from the main Adventure Screen
(attack, bring up spells, drink a potion, etc.)
1-5 Choose Spell Level on Spell Menu
</> Move Spell Cursor down/up
SPACE Cast Spell
I Inventory the character's Equipment Screen
P Page between inventory screen and stats screen
C Camp
7 Turn Left 8 Move Forward 9 Turn Right
4 Move Left 5 Move Backwards 6 Move Right
2 Move Backwards