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185 lines
Command: File/Write File < FW >
Purpose: Word processor for editing note files
The new Patternland File Writer is a mini word processor which
contains numerous features controlled by Function keys or
the Wordstar (tm) command set. This help file ("Editword.hlp")
contains detailed information on the editor commands and can
be printed by the editor itself by choosing File/Write and
specifying "Editword.hlp"; then F10 to print. Since no help is
available while editing, you may find a printout useful--at least
hit the PrtScr key to print the Function key map below.
See the context help for File/Write-File for a discussion of the
filename paths used, and the steps needed to include a note file
outline format.
The editor does not recognize mice.
The Editor Command Set is fully configurable to your
requirements. A program on Disk I called "PWSEdIns" can modify
the editor command set contained in the Patternland PWS.EXE file
itself. You can, for example, add or change function key
assignments to work like they do in your primary word processor.
To run the installer, make sure you are on the \PWS directory
(hard disk) or put the working Startup Disk in the A drive
(floppy system). To load the installer, type
Installer commands are displayed on-screen; at the first prompt,
you will probably want to respond <N> to the question offering to
reconfigure the entire keyboard. Then the process simply
consists of picking the feature you want to customize and adding
or modifying the secondary (or even primary) command option.
After you press ESC to exit, choose W to write out the changes.
The caret key ( ^ ) means HOLD the CONTROL key and press and
release the indicated key one time. "F1" means to press Function
Key 1.
│ ^Key Line xxx Col xxx Insert Indent Tab d:filename │
^Key: shows the first key of a two key control sequence. For
example: ^K^D to save and exit.
Line xx: Shows current cursor line number.
Col xx: Shows current cursor column number.
Insert: If the word "Insert" shows, Insert Mode is on. In
this mode, existing characters are pushed to the
right as new ones are typed. If "Insert" doesn't
show on the screen, OverWrite is active and new
characters erase old ones. Press INS key to toggle.
Indent: Shows if Indent Mode is On. If it is, the Enter key
returns the cursor to the beginning of the previous
line. ^V toggles On/Off.
Tab: If "Tab" shows, Fixed tabs are On; otherwise Smart Tabs
are active. Fixed tabs are col 9 and every 8 columns
thereafter. Smart Tabs are determined by the beginning
of every word in the line above the cursor.
d:file: The drive and file name are displayed--Not the path.
Character left ^S Left arrow
Character right ^D Right arrow
Word left ^A ^Left arrow
Word right ^F ^Right arrow
Line up ^E Up arrow
Line down ^X Down arrow
Scroll up ^W
Scroll down ^Z
Page up ^R PageUp
Page down ^C PageDown
Beginning of file ^QR ^PageUp
End of file ^QC ^PageDown
Beginning of line ^QS Home
End of line ^QD End
Top of screen ^QE ^Home
Bottom of screen ^QX ^End
Top of block ^QB
Bottom of block ^QK
Jump to marker 0-3 ^Q0-^Q3
Set marker 0-3 ^K0-^K3
Previous cursor position ^QP
New Line ^M Enter
Insert line ^N
Insert control character ^P
Force new printed page ^P^L
Tab ^I Tab
Delete current character ^G Del
Delete character left ^H Backspace
Delete word ^T
Delete to end of line ^QY
Delete line ^Y
Find ^QF
Find and replace ^QA
Find next ^L
Interrupt operation ^U
Mark begin block ^KB F7
Mark end block ^KK F8
Copy block ^KC F3
Move block ^KV F6
Delete block ^KY F4
Hide block ^KH
Mark current word as block ^KT
Read block from file ^KR F5
Write block to a file ^KW F9
Print block or document ^KP F10
Toggle insert mode ^KV Ins
Toggle autoindent mode ^OI
Toggle fixed tabs ^OT
Restore line ^QL
Exit and save file ^KD F1
Exit without saving file ^KQ F2
B Searches backward from current position
L Limits search to current block
n n=any number. Find nth occurance
U Ignore upper/lower case
W Whole words only
G Search globally throughout file
N No, don't ask; just replace
Save, Print, and Block Operations
│ F1 │ F2 │ F3 │ F4 │ F5 │ F6 │ F7 │ F8 │ F9 │ F10 │
│Save │Undo/│Copy │Erase│Read │Move │Mark │Mark │Write│Print│
│File │Quit │Block│Block│Block│Block│Block│Block│Block│Block│
│and │ │ │ │into │ │Begin│End │to │or │
│Quit │ │ │ │File │ │ │ │File │File │
The Editor does NOT have fixed margins, and hence no word wrap.
Press Enter at the end of each line. The status of Insert
determines whether you create a new line or simply go to the next
existing line. Lines can be up to 255 characters long--which
allows you to have very wide notes on a wide carriage printer.
The Weave/Format command determines whether Weave/Print Note File
prints the file before or after the pattern draft (except that
Laser graphics always print the note file AFTER the graphic).
For a short note, this works fine; however, if you want the note
on a page by itself, you can Force a new page with ^P^L. This
inserts a form feed character which appears in the text as a
highlighted "L". Place the form feed at the top of the file if
you use Patternland format 1 or 4 and at the end of your note if
you use Formats 2 or 3. Of course, you can also simply print the
file from the editor with F10 if you want it on its own page,
and leave the Weave/Print Note File option OFF.
See Also: File/Write File