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Command: Options/Modes/Warp-Face Packing < OMA >
Purpose: SWITCH--Control warp-face weaving mode
The Weave Cycle number of warp threads are packed into a
single column of color- or symbol-generated pattern.
The Warp Limit must be evenly divisible by the Weave Cycle;
Patternland will issue an error message if it isn't. You
can then change the Weave Cycle or more likely add or
subtract warp threads.
Usually, no weft shows in a warp-face weave such as an
inkle loom type belt. To achieve this, the weaving must
have a highly regular threading and the treadling usually
matches it. Use Tromp-as-writ to copy threading to
The basic requirement Patternland makes is that the same
threading harness cannot be used twice within the same Weave
Cycle of threading. If that happened on a loom the threads
might bunch up and the weft would show through. In
Patternland, the color/symbol of the first of the duplicates
would be overwritten by the second--and Patternland would
"hide" the color/symbol of the first thread, no longer
providing a true simulation.
Turn Warp-Face Packing OFF to print or display an "unpacked"
pattern draft which can show the threading and treadling.
Multi-Symbol or Color Weave modes must be selected for warp
face weave mode to function.
In the 4-cycle example below, note that NO WARP THREAD USES
THE SAME HARNESS AS ANOTHER within a cycle group of four.
Weft symbol is the default single symbol: "=". Warp symbols
are W X Y Z. 20 warp threads pack horizontally to produce 5
pattern columns.
Unpacked Draft Warp-Face
4 -= ===Z===Z===Z===Z===Z ZZZZZ
3 -= ==Y===Y===Y===Y===Y= YYYYY
2 -= =X===X===X===X===X== XXXXX
1 5= W===W===W===W===W=== WWWWW
4 -= ===Z===Z===Z===Z===Z ZZZZZ
3 -= ==Y===Y===Y===Y===Y= YYYYY
2 -= =X===X===X===X===X== XXXXX
1 1= W===W===W===W===W=== WWWWW
4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
This weave produces horizontal stripes.
See Also: Options/Modes
Command: Options/Modes/Weft-Face Packing < OME >
Purpose: SWITCH--Control weft-face weaving mode
The Weave Cycle number of weft thread rows are packed into a
single row of color- or symbol-generated pattern.
The Weft Limit must be evenly divisible by the Weave Cycle;
Patternland will issue an error message if it isn't. You
can then change the Weave Cycle or more likely add or
subtract weft threads.
Usually, no warp shows in a weft-face weave such as a
tapestry. Opposite to warp-face, the weft is made visible
through NON-matching of warp threading and raised harnesses.
To achieve this, the weaving must have highly regular weft
harness combinations (treadling). The threading is not
constrained; a regular matching threading like the example
below produces vertical stripes.
The basic requirement Patternland makes is that the same
weft harness cannot be UNused twice within the same Weave
Cycle of weft. If that happened on a loom the threads
might bunch up and the warp would show through. In
Patternland, the color/symbol of the first of the duplicates
would be overwritten by the second--and Patternland would
"hide" the color/symbol of the first thread, no longer
providing a true simulation.
Turn Weft-Face Packing OFF to print or display an "unpacked"
pattern draft which can show the threading and treadling.
Multi-Symbol or Color Weave modes must be selected for weft-
face weave mode to function.
In the 4-cycle example below, four weft rows pack together
to make a single visible pattern row produced by varying the
thread colors or textures (symbols). Note that NO HARNESS
IS DOWN TWICE within each cycle of 4 rows. Warp symbol is
the single symbol: "|". Weft symbols are W X Y Z. 8 weft
threads pack vertically to produce 2 pattern rows.
Unpacked Draft Weft-Face
4 12 4 -Z ||Z|||Z|||Z|||Z|||Z|
3 1 34 -Y |Y|||Y|||Y|||Y|||Y||
2 234 -X X|||X|||X|||X|||X|||
1 123 5W |||W|||W|||W|||W|||W XYZWXYZWXYZWXYZW
4 12 4 -Z ||Z|||Z|||Z|||Z|||Z| XYZWXYZWXYZWXYZW
3 1 34 -Y |Y|||Y|||Y|||Y|||Y||
2 234 -X X|||X|||X|||X|||X|||
1 123 1W |||W|||W|||W|||W|||W
444 4 4 4 4 4
333 3 3 3 3 3
22 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 11 1 1 1 1 1
This weave produces vertical stripes.
See Also: Options/Modes
Command: Options/Modes/Weave Cycle to Pack < OMW >
Purpose: SETTING--Determine the packing cycle value
In Warp- and Weft-face Weave modes, the Weave Cycle number
of threads are packed into a single line of color- or
symbol-generated pattern.
The total warp or weft must be evenly divisible by the
packing cycle you set.
See Also: Options/Modes
Options/Modes/Warp-Face Packing
Options/Modes/Weft-Face Packing