The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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║ SeedMaster General Help ║
║ Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 White Harvest Software, Inc. ║
Your personal computer is now a powerful Bible study tool. SeedMaster
combines the entire Bible, an exhaustive word list, advanced concor-
dance searches, personal commentary entry, and a sermon/lesson notepad.
All in an easy to learn, easy to use, windowed program with context
sensitive help every step of the way!
This scrolling file is intended to acquaint you with the general
concepts of SeedMaster. It is NOT intended to replace SeedMaster's
more extensive user manual. This file contains:
- Welcome to SeedMaster!
- Learning SeedMaster
- Hardware Requirements
- Program Conventions
- Operating SeedMaster
- Flow of SeedMaster
- VIEW Summary
- WORD Summary
- SEARCH Summary
- NOTEPAD Summary
- GRABBER Summary
- Errors (Oh No! It Didn't Work!)
SeedMaster is a feature-rich Bible study tool. But it will take a while
for the beginner to "master" SeedMaster. The key to learning SeedMaster
(without becoming overwhelmed) is to take one step at a time.
This file is organized by SeedMaster's main functions. We suggest you
read through the sections for each function area you want to learn--
and experiment on your own. When you register, you'll receive a complete
user's manual that goes into more detail than we have room for here.
We suggest you learn SeedMaster in an orderly manner:
1. Read Program Conventions, Operating SeedMaster and Rabbit Trail.
2. Learn SeedMaster's 3 basic functions: VIEW, WORD, and SEARCH.
3. Take on the ancillary functions as you have need: NOTEPAD,
This is the order we present material in this file. ENJOY!
IBM XT, AT, PS/2 and most compatibles
512K RAM Minimum
Hard Disk (At least 4.5 megabytes of free space)
Color or Monochrome Monitor
DOS 2.X, 3.X, 4.X, ...
SeedMaster uses many elements of IBM's SAA Common User Access(CUA).
CUA provides standards for how a program should interact with a user.
This allows a user who is familiar with CUA concepts to learn new
programs more quickly. Actually, many of CUA's ideas are already
present in Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh user interfaces.
So, if you're not familiar with our menu, dialog windows, radio
buttons, check boxes, scroll bars, etc., you might as well learn now--
you'll be seeing them later! One area that SeedMaster does not match
CUA is that we do not support a mouse. Unfortunately, the only area
the Windowing package we use falls short is it disables a mouse (we
don't know why).
SeedMaster's main menu (across the top of the screen) is a pop down
menu. To access the menu, simply press the <Alt> key down and release.
The menu will pop down into the File function area. Alternatively, to
go directly to a specific function area, hold down the <Alt> key and
simultaneously press the first letter of a function area's name. For
example, to go to the "Search" area, hold <Alt> and press <S>.
For each of the main function areas:
File Edit View Search Words Misc Help
a list of menu items will automatically appear underneath. You may use
the <Up> and <Down> cursor keys to highlight a menu item and press
<Enter> to choose it, or press the highlighted letter in the menu item
description. Some menu items will be readable, but less bold than
others. These items are shown in "low intensity" to indicate that
they are not currently available to you at that point in the program.
Some menu item shave checkmarks beside them. This means the menu item
is enabled. To turn these menu items ON or OFF, select the item from the
menu. The next time you enter the menu, the check mark will be changed.
Some menu items have a large right arrow after the description. This
means they have a sub-menu. Press <Enter> to view the sub-menu. Press
<Esc> to return to the prior menu level.
To move to another function area in the main menu, simply press either
the <Left> or <Right> cursor key. Also, you can hold the <Alt> key and
press the first letter of a function area. The next function area's
menu will pop down automatically.
Dialog windows are windows drawn on the screen in which you "dialog"
or communicate with the program. These windows consist of data
entry fields (like: "FILENAME [ ]"), radio buttons, or
check boxes--or all three.
After you finish entering your data or options, the OK box will be
highlighted. If you press <Enter>, you will exit the dialog box
and accept the information in the dialog window. The next field
is the CANCEL box. If you press <Enter> while it is highlighted,
it means you will leave the dialog window and not accept any changes
you may have made in the window. To move off either the OK or CANCEL
box fields, press <Up>, <Down>, <Tab> or <Shift><Tab>.
Radio buttons are used to indicate mutually exclusive choices.
Just like your car radio buttons only allow you to play one station
at a time. When SeedMaster wants to know how much memory you want
to use in the NOTEPAD, we ask:
Size: ( ) 20K (*) 40K ( ) 60K
The filled in "circle" (*) means that 40K is the currently selected
size. The <Space> bar is used to toggle the radio button on and off.
If it is on, press <Space> and it will turn off. Note that radio
buttons require you to choose at least one option.
Check boxes allow you to mark choices that are not mutually exclusive.
For instance, when you are printing, SeedMaster lets you choose if
you want to use your printer margins and special printing codes (among
other options). You can choose to use both, either or none. The
check boxes would look like:
[ ] Use Margins
[X] Use Printer Codes
In the above example, we are not going to use the margins, but we are
going to use the printer codes (indicated by the "X").
Scroll bars are used when viewing more data than will fit in a window
at one time. The "thumb", or odd colored block in the scroll bar shows
the relative position of the current screen of data within the total
range of all the data. (See the scroll bar on the right side of
this window!) For instance, Genesis Chapter 25 would appear in the
middle of the scroll bar range since it's in the middle of Genesis.
When all else fails... Press <Esc>! SeedMaster has a built in
<Esc>ape hatch. SeedMaster is not a complicated program, but the <Esc>
key will get you out of anything you've gotten yourself into. Note
that if you press <Esc> in a dialog window, you'll lose any changes.
SeedMaster maintains a status line on the last line of its screen.
It reminds you of the most common keys used at that point in the
program, and occasionally sends you warning messages.
SeedMaster uses cursor control keys in standard ways: <Up> moves you
up one line, <Down> moves you down one line, etc. One aspect of the
cursor control might be new to you and bears some special attention...
Some software, including SeedMaster, makes use of a "meta key".
The <Home> key is SeedMaster's meta key. The meta key has no
meaning in and of itself. It is used to modify the meaning of
other keys. It is pressed one or more times, and then another
key is pressed. The use of the meta key is best illustrated by
example. Here are the cursor up/down movements (including the
meta key combinations in UPPERCASE), their generic meaning, and
an example of how they work in VIEW:
------------------ --------------- ------------------------
<HOME><HOME><UP> Up much. Go to Genesis 1:1.
<HOME><UP> Up many many. Go to prior book.
<PgUp> Up many. Go to prior chapter.
<Up> Up one. Move up one verse.
<Down> Down one. Move down one verse.
<PgDn> Down many. Go to next chapter.
<HOME><DOWN> Down many many. Go to next book.
<HOME><HOME><DOWN> Down much. Go to Revelation 22:21.
You'll see that these keystrokes form a logical progression. Meta
keys allow you a greater number of cursor control movements than the
normal keypad allows. This gives you greater control over the
program. With them, you can position yourself anywhere in the
Bible very quickly.
One of SeedMaster's unique features is it provides two means of
operating it ("User Interfaces"). You can use the menu, or special
function keys.
SeedMaster's function key usage resembles that used by the best-
selling WordPerfect word processing software. Software functions
are accessed directly by pressing a single key (sometimes shifted -
technically two keys). Function key control takes a little longer to
learn, but once you do, you'll prefer it to the menu method. If you
forget what function key performs the task you want, press <F1> (Help)
for a review. Also, the keystrokes that execute menu functions are
listed to the right of each menu item description.
The SeedMaster program software has five primary components:
Name Description
---------- ---------------------------------
VIEW View and Scroll Verses.
COMMENTARY Enter/edit verse by verse text.
WORD View/Search exhaustive list of Bible words.
SEARCH Search for a Word or Phrase.
NOTEPAD Enter/edit sermon/lesson notes.
╔════════╗ ╔════════════╗
┌───>║ VIEW ╟───>║ COMMENTARY ║
│ ╚══════╤═╝ ╚═════╤══════╝
V ^ │ V
╔════════╗ │ │ ╔═══════════╗
║ WORD ╟───│──┼─────>║ NOTEPAD ║
╚════════╝ │ │ ╚═══════════╝
^ V │
│ ╔══════╧═╗
└───>║ SEARCH ║
* VIEW, WORD and SEARCH can all call up each other.
* VIEW, WORD, SEARCH and COMMENTARY can all call up the popup NOTEPAD.
* VIEW can edit or view COMMENTARY.
* SeedMaster's Rabbit Trail manager lets you backtrack to recent,
previous SeedMaster operations (VIEW, WORD, SEARCH) after you finish
"chasing a rabbit trail".
- You can move backward through the order of operations (the trail)
by pressing <Esc> or <Ctrl><PgUp>. If you press <Esc>, you delete
that operation from the trail. If you press <Ctrl><PgUp>, that
operation remains in the trail.
- You can move forward through the order of operations (the trail)
by pressing <Ctrl><PgDn>.
- You can view the trail of operations by pressing <F3>.
* SeedMaster manages the trail as follows:
- If you start a VIEW, WORD or SEARCH mode, SeedMaster places that
operation at the end of the trail.
- If you move through the trail with the Rabbit Trail Menu or the
<Ctrl><PgUp> or <Ctrl><PgDn> keys, SeedMaster maintains the
operations place in the trail, and updates that place if you make
any changes.
- Changes to the operations are reflected in the Date/Time stamp on
the operation.
* The Rabbit Trail Menu begins at the current operation. If that is the
last operation in the list, press <Up> to view prior operations.
VIEW provides viewing and printing of the Bible verses and access
* The first verse displayed in the window will have its complete
reference in the window border's top left corner. This is the
"current" verse. As you move through the text, this reference will
be updated to the first verse shown in the window.
* You can move to other verses by the cursor control keys, the New
Verse Menu, or through Forward and Backward searches. The Forward
and Backward searches move to the next or prior verse containing a
specified word, respectively.
* You may have up to 3 VIEW windows on the screen at once. You can add
a window, change the current window, and remove the current window.
* Synchronized scrolling is available for multiple VIEW windows. This
is helpful in studying parallel passages. With it ON, simple cursor
movements, <Up> and <Down>, are imitated by other VIEW windows. Other
cursor movements are not synchronized unless you are viewing different
Bible versions.
* Interlinear viewing of multiple Bible versions is available.
* After verifying your current output device (usually a printer or
file), you are asked for the verse range to print.
* If you wish to quit printing, press <Esc>. Printing will cease as
soon as all print buffers are empty.
* If you print to a disk file, you can load the text (as a DOS TEXT
file) into an editor or word processor for editing.
* If you print from VIEW with highlighted search words, and are using
the optional printer codes for highlight SEARCH words, each SEARCH
word is highlighted, even if it occurs in verses not found in the
original search.
Via the SeedMaster menu, you can select:
1. The number of verses to buffer.
2. Paragraph display or separated verses.
3. Synchronized or unsynchronized scrolling.
4. Alphabetical or normal book menus.
5. Fast or normal verse access per Bible version (if memory permits).
6. Interlinear version display and order.
7. Special characters for the GNT and RVA Bible versions.
8. To run the ASSOCIATOR for the current verse.
The WORD list enables you to do Word Studies and AND/OR Logic Searches.
* The number after the word in the word list is the number of VERSES
that the word occurs in - in the WHOLE Bible. This may NOT be the
number of time the word OCCURS in the Bible, and it does NOT reflect
the currently defined search range.
* While you are in the word list, you can restart it to a new word by
pressing <F5>. Incomplete or unrecognized words will be matched as
closely as possible.
* You can move to the first word beginning with an alphabet letter by
pressing <A through Z>.
* You can SEARCH the Bible for a given word (using the current search
range) by pressing <Enter>.
* You can initiate a VIEW of a given verse from WORD by pressing <F6>.
* Some words appear in the Bible in various cases, i.e., "LORD",
"Lord" and "lord". The WORD list does NOT consider case (it would
find all three versions of "Lord"). A SEARCH for a Word/Phrase CAN
consider case. As a matter of trivia, the case shown in the WORD list
matches the FIRST time it occurs in the Bible.
* Logic searches are performed on 2 or more words. AND logic requires
each search word to be present in a verse for it to count. OR logic
only guarantees that at least ONE of the search words is present.
* AND logic is for studying related words/concepts - "God" AND "love".
* OR logic is for searching synonyms like "sin" OR "transgression" and
for word variations like "sin" OR "sins" OR "sinning" ...
* You indicate your logic search words by "toggling" them, using the
main menu or the <Space> bar. If a special character appears beside a
word, it is toggled "ON".
* The search logic used (AND or OR) is set on the main menu. The "|"
character beside a toggled word reminds you that OR logic is selected.
The character "&" represents AND logic. You can switch the logic
while words are toggled - BUT the new logic will be applied to ALL
previously toggled words.
* You start the Logic Search by selecting "Combine Toggled" from the
main menu or by pressing <Ctrl><Enter>. You will then find yourself
in the SEARCH list of verses. AND or OR searches take only a little
longer than a single word search.
The WORD list has two "supporting roles". As you enter word(s) for
a forward or backward search in VIEW, or a Word/Phrase SEARCH, you may
forget a word's spelling. Or you may not want to type it all, like
"Zerubbabel". Type in the first few letters and press <F5>. Up pops
the handy WORD list...
Move the selection bar to your intended word and press <Ins>.
The word will REPLACE the partial word that you typed in.
* Select Word/Phrase from the search menu or press <Alt><F2>.
Enter your word or phrase. Press <Enter> to begin the search.
* You can use the "*" as a wildcard at the beginning and/or end of a
search word. For instance, you can use "*lov*" to find "beloved",
"loved", etc. If you use the wildcard symbol "*" at the beginning
of a search word, the search will take longer, since SeedMaster must
search through every word in its word list, looking for the word root.
* Note that punctuation is IGNORED ENTIRELY for searching.
* Remember if you type an unrecognized word (SeedMaster will tell you!),
you can pop up the WORD list by pressing <F5>.
* You can choose on the Search menu to enforce Case Sensitivity. If you
do, SeedMaster must screen each verse containing the search word(s)
to make sure the cases match. This will take longer, but it will
be faster than you can do it yourself.
* When searching for a phrase (multiple words), you can choose
to enforce Word Order in your search.
- If you use "No" Word Order, SeedMaster will find any verses in the
search range that have all the words - in any order.
- If you use a Word Order, you have two options, "General" or
"Literal". "General" order requires the words be in order, but
allows other words BETWEEN them.
"Literal" order enforces the order and does NOT allow words in
between. Because SeedMaster must screen potential verses for
word order, General and Literal searches take longer.
* If you are already enforcing Case Sensitivity or Word Order, adding
the other will require very little additional search time.
* You can view Search Statistics by pressing <Alt><S>, <S>.
* You can VIEW a SEARCH verse reference in context by moving the
selection bar over it and pressing <Enter>.
* You can print SEARCH verses. You choose in the Print dialog window
whether to print the entire list, or only toggled (*'d) references.
* To toggle verse references, press the <Space> bar. If an "*" appears
by the reference, it is toggled ON.
* If you wish to reduce the list to your toggled verses (and remove
the others), press <Ctrl><Enter>. Make sure you toggle correctly,
since you must restart the SEARCH to get the others back.
* You can delete a specific reference by moving the selection bar
over it and pressing <Del>.
* To add a verse or range of verses to a search list, press <Ins> and
enter the verse range.
* You can name and store searches to disk.
* You can merge a stored search with the current search on the screen
using AND, OR, XOR or NOT logic.
OR logic creates a new list containing ALL verses in EITHER
of the original searches.
AND logic results in a new search containing only verses
in BOTH the original searches.
"XOR" stands for "eXclusive OR". It makes a list containing
verses in either original search--BUT NOT BOTH.
NOT logic REMOVES from the screen list ANY verses in the
disk-based search.
* You can run the ASSOCIATOR for the current verse reference.
* You can view a book by book and chapter by chapter count of search
results via the Search Statistics. Search Statistics is found under
the Search Menu <Alt><S>,<S>. If you press <Enter> on a book,
you will see a chapter by chapter summary for that book. If you
press <Enter> on a chapter, the list of search results will advance
to the first verse in that chapter--or the nearest verse if there
are no "hits" in that chapter.
* You have up to 26 different search ranges - continuous or non-contin-
uous. For example, you may want to study an author's use of a word,
for instance, Luke. You then set two, non-continuous ranges - the
books of Luke and Acts, excluding the intervening Gospel of John.
* Case Sensitivity, if enforced, means each verse will match the case of
your word/phrase. This takes more search time.
* Word Order. No order generates the greatest number of verses for any
word combination, and produces the fastest search time. "General"
order allows other words BETWEEN search words, as long as they are in
the proper order. "Literal" order ensures proper order AND no other
words are found between search words.
* Verse fragment options give you control over the speed and display
of SEARCH results. If verse fragments are "NONE", only the verse
references appear. You can VIEW the text for a verse by pressing
<Enter>. This option results in much faster search displays. If you
use "Verse Start", the beginning of the verses will show. If you
select "Word Context", the context of the searched word(s) will be
displayed. If more than one word is in a verse, the first one is used
for context.
* The Notepad emulates the basic WordPerfect keystrokes. It is NOT
intended to replace a word processor, however! The Notepad is a
simple text editor. We don't want to re-invent the wheel and
perform fancy word processing.
* The Notepad "pops up" over the screen you are using. There are 2
sizes for the Notepad. It can cover the bottom half of the screen,
or the whole screen. You can switch sizes on the View menu.
* To "pop out" of the Notepad, press <Esc>. The text you enter and
your cursor position is retained the next time you enter Notepad.
* The <Tab> key is not used in the Notepad, since there isn't consistent
interpretation of tabs by all software programs and printers.
* The Notepad supports "word wrap" to let you see long lines of text in
the Notepad window. Word wrap is NOT based on your printer margins.
It is there to keep long text lines from going off the end of the
window where you couldn't see them.
* A Notepad file is a DOS TEXT (or ASCII TEXT) file and should be read
by any word processor or editor worth its salt. One compatibility
issue is noted: The "soft returns" created by word wrap are stripped
out when the file is saved. Therefore, paragraphs appear as one long
line. A few editors and word processors do not handle very long
lines. To avoid this, set your printer margins to a compatible line
length and "print" the file to a disk file.
* The Commentary is only available during VIEW.
* When you enter the Commentary, space is made at the bottom of
the screen for the Commentary window.
* You may type any comments you wish for the current VIEW verse.
Note that the verse is indicated at the top of the VIEW window
and at the top of the Commentary window.
* You need not worry about "saving" the commentary, SeedMaster will
do that for you automatically if you enter new commentary for a
verse or edit existing commentary.
* You can "pop out" of Commentary by pressing <Esc>. The Commentary
window remains on the screen and the VIEW window(s) become active.
* As you scroll through VIEW verses with the Commentary window on
the screen, it will be updated for the current verse automatically.
* If you are scrolling in VIEW with multiple VIEW windows and the
Commentary is active, it reflects the "Active" VIEW window only.
* The Associator is designed to allow you to find words that have a
significant number of occurances with a selected word. It looks at
in the same verse--in the same or different Bible version. Within the
same Bible version, you can check and see what other words in a given
verse tend to occur with a word you are studying ("Holy" and "Spirit"
are often found together). With different Bible versions, you can use
the Associator to help you determine how one word is translated in a
different version (it provides an intelligent guess and can save
you time in a Greek dictionary).
* We suggest you practice using the Associator on the same version or
on two English translations until you become familiar with its
capabilities and limitations. Keep the following comments in mind:
- The frequency of a given word has a significant impact on the
Associator. High frequency "noise" words such as 'the', 'and',
'of', etc. tend to find other noise words and are not too
accurate. Similarly, very rare words tend to primarily find
noise words. Between these two extremes, the Associator seems
quite accurate.
- The Associator uses the current defined search range to allow
you to examine "associations" within segments of the Bible (the
writings of John, for instance). Generally, a small range will
lower frequencies and may create "rare words", reducing accuracy.
- When "associating" with the GNT, SeedMaster automatically masks
off the Old Testament references for your source word, even if
the OT is part of your currently defined search range. This makes
GNT associations accurate.
- Confidence is computed by taking the percentage of Coincidence for
a given word and dividing by the total Coincidences for all words
with a Coincidence of at least 1%. If more than five words have
that significance (rare), they ARE taken into consideration in this
- We elected to use simple integer math in these computations. It is
faster, but less precise. However, we felt accuracy to the nearest
ten thousandths of a percent wasn't necessary for most people.
* The Grabber gives you "copy and paste" from all SeedMaster's
windows. It can be started in VIEW, COMMENTARY, WORD, SEARCH, or
NOTEPAD. It is found in the Edit menu.
1. When you start Grabber, a cursor will appear and the status
line will inform you that you are "grabbing".
2. Position the cursor at the top left corner of the block of
text you want to grab from the screen.
3. Press <Alt><F4> and move the cursor to the bottom left
corner of the text. You will see a reverse image block
show you the text block you have selected.
4. Press <F7> (Exit) or <Ctrl><F4> to copy the text block to
SeedMaster's "Paste" buffer.
* The Paste buffer is "pasted" into either Notepad or Commentary text.
* Note: Any special screen "graphics" characters (lines, arrows,
etc.) grabbed are NOT pasted into the text.
SeedMaster uses dynamic memory allocation. This means it asks DOS for
memory to perform its tasks. If memory isn't available, you are
warned, and SeedMaster will not perform the task you requested.
If you receive a memory warning, try:
* Disabling "fast access" if enabled. This will free 128K of RAM.
* Reduce the NOTEPAD size, if used. 20K is the minimum size.
* Not running NOTEPAD while using COMMENTARY.
* Eliminating RAM resident programs. These programs reside in RAM
while other programs (such as ours) are run. You need at least
512K memory to run SeedMaster. (Use the DOS CHKDSK command to see
how much memory you have - see your DOS manual.)
* Acquiring additional memory.
The texts were obtained from well know Bible publishers or other reli-
able sources. There should be few, if any, problems with them. There
are some variations between different KJV texts - you may find some. If
you find a genuine problem, explain it and send it to us. Please
include a phone number and your user registration number.
Note: we will not make modifications beyond compliance with the original
even if spelling or usage is archaic or inconvenient. As a trivial
example, the KJV spells "ankle" as "ancle".
We have added paragraph breaks to the KJV text (they were NOT in the
original text provided by the Bible publisher). Although they have
been checked and cross-checked, it is possible that a paragraph break
was omitted or an extra one inserted. Also note that different texts
indicate breaks in different places. We would advise that paragraph
breaks not be considered "inspired" or "infallible". We do believe
they improve read-ability. If you disagree, turn off the paragraph
option on the menu.
Software developers hear about two types of "bugs":
* A genuine bug - the software doesn't do what it is supposed to.
SeedMaster has been tested in-house and beta tested, but we cannot
guarantee it has no bugs.
If you find what you think is a bug, explain it (with "Print
Screen"'s, printouts, etc.) and send it to us. Make sure you
include your phone number and user registration number.
* A "wishful" bug - the software doesn't do something that you want,
but we never said it was supposed to do so. While we have made a
substantial effort to make SeedMaster very powerful, you can't
please all the people all the time. A possible example: After
you do a phrase search enforcing "Literal" Word Order, you notice
that the words in your phrase are highlighted - even those outside
the Literal Order phrase. You might consider this a "bug".
We consider it a feature - you have an obvious interest in your
phrase words, and highlighting all occurrences of them might help
you see some word usages you might otherwise miss.