The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Text File
514 lines
║ Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 White Harvest Software, Inc. ║
Go to Genesis 1:1 <Home><Home><Up>
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Move down one verse <Down> or <Right>
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Go to Revelation 22:21 <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Exit <F7>
Rabbit Trail Menu <F3>
Previous Rabbit Trail <Ctrl><PgUp>
Next Rabbit Trail <Ctrl><PgDn>
Word or phrase search <Alt><F2>
WORD list <F5>
Change View window <Enter>
Menu <Alt> or </>
Forward / Backward word search <F2> / <Shift><F2>
Switch Bible version <Alt><F3>
Grabber <F4>
Verse selection menu <F6>
Print a verse range <Shift><F7>
Notepad / Commentary <F8> / <Shift><F8>
Add a View window <F9>
Go to beginning of comments <Home><Home><Up>
Go up one screen <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one line <Up>
Move left one word <Ctrl><Left>
Move left / right one character <Left> / <Right>
Move right one word <Ctrl><Right>
Move down one line <Down>
Go down one screen <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of comments <Home><Home><Down>
Move to the end of a line <End>
Pop Out <Esc>
Close <F7>
Menu <Alt>
Forward / Backward word search <F2> / <Shift><F2>
Grabber / Paste <F4> / <Shift><F4>
Print comments <Shift><F7>
Go to beginning of words <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one line <Up> or <Left>
Move down one line <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of words <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Exit <F7>
Rabbit Trail Menu <F3>
Previous Rabbit Trail <Ctrl><PgUp>
Next Rabbit Trail <Ctrl><PgDn>
FIND verse references for current word <Enter>
FIND search for toggled words <Ctrl><Enter>
Word or phrase search <Alt><F2>
VIEW a specified verse <F6>
Function menu <Alt> or </>
New letter (A through Z) <A-Z>
Toggle words ON/OFF (& or | = ON) <Space>
Forward / Backward next toggled word <F2> / <Shift><F2>
Grabber <F4>
Restart word list (Toggles retained) <F5>
Notepad <F8>
Note: Multi-word search logic (AND, OR) is set in the Words menu. The "|"
character beside a word means OR logic. "&" represents AND. If you
switch logic when words are toggled, the new logic applies to them too.
Go to beginning of references <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one verse <Up> or <Left>
Move down one verse <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of references <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Exit <F7>
Rabbit Trail Menu <F3>
Previous Rabbit Trail <Ctrl><PgUp>
Next Rabbit Trail <Ctrl><PgDn>
WORD List <F5>
VIEW search verse in context <Enter>
VIEW a specified verse <F6>
Function menu <Alt> or </>
Toggle verses ON/OFF (* = ON) <Space>
View only toggled verses <Ctrl><Enter>
Insert / Delete Verse(s) <Ins> / <Del>
Grabber <F4>
Print verses found <Shift><F7>
Notepad <F8>
Merge search with search file <Ctrl><F9>
Save search as name (Save As...) <F10>
Save search (Save) <Alt><F10>
Open search file <Shift><F10>
Go to beginning of file <Home><Home><Up>
Go up one screen <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one line <Up>
Move left one word <Ctrl><Left>
Move left / right one character <Left> / <Right>
Move right one word <Ctrl><Right>
Move down one line <Down>
Go down one screen <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of file <Home><Home><Down>
Move to the end of a line <End>
Pop Out <Esc>
Close <F7>
Menu <Alt>
Forward / Backward word search <F2> / <Shift><F2>
Grabber / Paste <F4> / <Shift><F4>
Print file <Shift><F7>
Expand Notepad Window <Shift><F9>
Save file / Save as name <Alt><F10> / <F10>
Open file <Shift><F10>
Move cursor up one row <Up>
Move cursor down one row <Down>
Move cursor left one column <Left>
Move cursor right one column <Right>
Quit <Esc>
Turn highlight On/Off <Alt><F4>
Copy highlighted text to Paste. <F7> or <Ctrl><F4>
The object of the grabber is to "grab" text off the screen to place in
the Notepad or Commentary via the "Paste" function.
To use the grabber, move the cursor to the upper left corner of the text
you wish to grab. Press <Alt><F4>. Then move the cursor to the bottom
right corner of the text. Notice that a reverse image box indicates the
text to be grabbed. Press <F7> or <Ctrl><F4> to copy the "grabbed" to
the Paste buffer.
Move cursor up one row <Up>
Move cursor down one row <Down>
Move cursor left one column <Left>
Move cursor left 10 columns <Shift><Tab>
Move cursor right 10 columns <Tab>
Move cursor right one column <Right>
Change To/From Bible versions <Alt><F3>
Associate highlighted word <Enter>
Quit <Esc> or <F7>
The Associator is designed to allow you to find words in the same or
different Bible versions in a given verse that have a significant number
of occurances with a selected word. Within the same Bible version, you
can check and see what other words in a given verse tend to occur with a
word you are studying. With different Bible versions, you can use the
Associator to help you determine how one word is translated in a different
We suggest your practice using the Associator on the same version or on
two english translations until you become familiar with its capabilities
and limitations. Keep the following comments in mind:
The frequency of a given word has a significant impact on the Associator.
High frequency "noise" words such as 'the', 'and', 'of', etc. tend to
find other noise words and are not too accurate. Similarly, very rare
words tend to primarily find noise words. Between these two extremes,
the Associator seems quite accurate.
The Associator uses the current defined search range to allow you to
examine "associations" within segments of the Bible (the writings of
John, for instance). Generally, a small range will lower frequencies
and may create "rare words", reducing accuracy.
When "associating" with the GNT, SeedMaster automatically masks off the
Old Testament references for your source word, even if the OT is part
of your currently defined search range. This makes GNT associations
Correlation is computed by taking the percentage of Coincidence for a
given word and dividing by the total Coincidences for all words with
a Coincidence of at least 1%. If more than five words have that signi-
ficance (rare), they ARE taken into consideration in this computation.
Move menu up one row <Up>,<Shift><Tab>
Move menu down one row <Down>,<Tab>
Move menu left one column <Left>
Move cursor right one column <Right>
View Chapter Summary / Chapter Verses <Enter>
Quit <Esc> or <F7>
The Search Statistics provide a book by book and chapter by chapter summary
of search "hits". Initially, Search Statistics displays a book by book list,
also indicating the percentage of the total number of search verses to the
right of the number of hits. This percentage is calculated using simple
integer math, and is subject to a small amount of rounding error. If you
press <Enter> on a book, the underlying chapters will be displayed. If you
press <Enter> on a chapter, the search list will be advanced to the first
verse within that chapter. If there is no hits within that chapter, the
search list will be advanced to the nearest verse.
Search Statistics can be used to quickly advance to other hits within a
search list.
If the Current Device is not correct:
1. Exit the warning message by pressing the <Esc> key.
(After leaving Help!).
2. Go to "Printer Setup..." on the main menu.
3. Select/Define the correct device.
4. Restart Printing.
Enter a single word.
Note: If you enter more than one word, only the first will be used.
Enter the word or phrase words you wish to search for. You can use the "*"
as a wildcard at the beginning and/or end of a search word. For instance,
you can use "*lov*" to find "beloved", "loved", etc.
If you enforce "Word Order" (General or Literal), make certain you enter
the words in the desired order. If you enter only one word, "Word Order"
option is irrelevant.
Note: Punctuation symbols are ignored for searching purposes. The only
exception is an apostrophe imbedded in a word (such as those indi-
cating possession i.e., "the lion's mouth"). Apostrophes at the
end of a word are ignored, since they sometimes indicate possession
and other times reflect other grammar - such as the end of an im-
bedded quote (i.e., Genesis 20:5 (NIV)).
If you use the wildcard symbol "*" at the beginning of a search word,
the search will take longer, since SeedMaster must search through
every word in its word list, looking for the word root.
Enter the number of the chapter/verse you wish to use.
Note: Below the entry field, there is a listing of the
valid range of entries.
Go to beginning of books <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one book <Up> or <Left>
Move down one book <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of books <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Quit <Esc>
Select a book <Enter>
New letter (A through Z) <A-Z>
Note: Pressing a letter will move the menu bar to the first book
beginning with that character.
Go to beginning of books <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one book <Up> or <Left>
Move down one book <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of books <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Quit <Esc>
Select a book <Enter>
Note: Pressing a letter has no effect on a non-alphabetical book menu.
Go to beginning of files <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one file <Up> or <Left>
Move down one file <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of files <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Quit <Esc>
Select a file <Enter>
New letter (A through Z) <A-Z>
Note: Pressing a letter will move the menu bar to the first file
beginning with that character.
Go to beginning of topics <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one topic <Up> or <Left>
Move down one topic <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of topics <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Quit <Esc>
Select a topic <Enter>
New letter (A through Z) <A-Z>
Note: Pressing a letter will move the menu bar to the first topic
beginning with that character.
Go to beginning of trails <Home><Home><Up>
Go to top of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Up> or <PgUp>
Move up one trail <Up> or <Left>
Move down one trail <Down> or <Right>
Go to end of window, scroll if req'd <Home><Down> or <PgDn>
Go to end of trails <Home><Home><Down> or <End>
Quit <Esc>
Select a trail <Enter>
The Rabbit Trail Menu allows you to backtrack to one of your last activities
in SeedMaster (trails). The menu defaults to your current trail.
The SeedMaster menu is grouped by major function area (File, Edit etc.).
The menu items are listed beneath each function area automatically. Not all
menu items are active at all times. Active items are displayed in the
high intensity mode of your monitor. Inactive items are displayed at
low, or normal, intensity.
To move to another function area:
Press the <Left> or <Right> cursor keys.
To select a menu item:
Move the reverse image bar over the desired menu item (with the
cursor control keys <Up>, <Down>, etc.) and press <Enter>.
Or, press the highlighted (or underlined) letter of the menu
item description. It is not necessary to press <Enter>.
Once you select your menu item, the menu will disappear and SeedMaster will
perform the task you selected. After the task is complete, you may bring up
the menu again by pressing the <Alt> key.
You may quit the menu (not selecting a menu item) by pressing <Esc>.
A brief description of each menu item follows. The area in which it operates
is in parentheses and coded as follows:
V = View N = Notepad
W = Word C = Commentary
S = Search
Open... Open a new file. (S,N)
Merge... Merge a search file with your search. (S)
Close Close a file and exit. (N,C)
Save Save a file. (S,N)
Save As... Save a file, asking for a name. (S,N)
Delete File... Delete a chosen file. (S,N)
Printer Setup... Set up printer definitions.
Print... Print text. (V,S,N,C)
Rabbit Trail Sub-Menu (V,W,S)
Rabbit Trail Menu... Menu of last operations. (V,W,S)
Rabbit Trail Previous Previous operation. (V,W,S)
Rabbit Trail Next Next operation. (V,W,S)
Notepad... Start the Notepad. (V,W,S,C)
Commentary... Start the Commentary. (V)
Associator... Associate words in a verse. (V,S)
Exit Exit SeedMaster.
Delete Delete a verse reference. (S)
Insert... Insert verse(s). (S)
Grabber... Start the Grabber.
Paste Paste Grabber text. (N,C)
Toggle (*) Toggle a word or verse. (W,S)
Combine Toggled Combine toggled words or verses. (W,S)
Type Greek in Lets you type approx greek in (N,C)
Notepad/Cmnt the Notepad & Commentary.
Window Sub-Menu (V,N)
Add Window Add a View window. (V)
Remove Window Remove a View window. (V)
Next Active Window Move to the next View window. (V)
Expand/Shrink Window Expand or shrink Notepad window. (N)
New Verse... VIEW a verse reference. (V,W,S)
Switch Version Switch Bible version. (V)
Interlinear Form VIEW multiple versions interlinear.
Interlinear Order... Specify interlinear order.
Synchronize Scrolling Synchronize View windows.
Paragraph Form Verses in paragraph form (if checked).
Verse Buffer Size Select size of verse buffer.
Suppress Footnotes Suppress footnotes shown in {}'s.
Search Verse Frags... Set display of search verse fragments.
Special Characters Sub-Menu
Choose GNT & RVA Char Choose GNT & RVA character sets.
Greek Characters... Define Greek characters you want.
Typing Greek Chars... Keyboard map for Greek characters.
Word/Phrase... Search for a word or phrase. (V)
Forward... Search forward for a word. (C,N,V,W)
Backward... Search backward for a word. (C,N,V,W)
Search Statistics... View Search Statistics. (S)
Range(s)... Set Word/Phrase search range.
Word List... Display Word list. (V)
New Word... Restart Word list to a new word. (W)
Word Logic Toggle logic for combining words in
Word list. (|=OR, &=AND)
Alphabeticl Book Menu Book Menu is alphabetical (if checked).
Fast Access Sub-Menu for each version.
Fast if checked. Uses 128K memory.
Directories... Edit system directories.
Use Mono Underline Use underline on monochrome monitors.
General... View general instructions.
Index... View index of help topics.
Context Sensitive... View context sensitive help.
Registration Info... View program registration text.
Registration Form... Enter registration data and print form.