In Reply to: Alternatives to capitalism??!! posted by TODD A WISKOWSKI on September 24, 1996 at 21:06:01:
> Don't you idiots realize there is no better alternative to capitalism?
> No other system has worked so well to enrich so many-including your
> pitiful lives. How else could you hypocrites get your stupid message
> out-In a capitalist system with a computer that costs enough to
> feed hundereds in the Philippines etc. If your so against "capitalism
> stop using it's most prominent tools to spread your message.> Hypocrites all
I agree completely with Todd's statement. While we can all try to do our
part by "treading lightly" (recycyling, reusing, reducing), trying to over-
throw our capitalist society is not the answer. The experience of the USSR
shows us that communism does not work, we need to find another way. I think
that multinationals should strive to become more and more green. While the jobs
that McDonald's provides might be low-paying, they can serve as an incentive to
young people to go out and do better.