Standard Toolbar

The standard toolbar looks like the one shown below. The icons of Standard Toolbar have are associated with commands discussed below.



When clicked opens the New Project wizard, which allows you to create a new project. For details refer to the section titled Creating Projects.

Opens the standard File Open dialog, which allows you to begin working with an existing project. For further information see the section titled Manipulating Projects.

When clicked allows you to save the current project. For further information see the section titled Saving Projects.

When clicked cuts the selected object into Clipboard.

When clicked copies the selected object into Clipboard.

When clicked pastes the object from Clipboard into selected location on Work Area.

Undoes the last operation.

Redoes the last Undo operation.

When clicked opens the Print dialog, which allows you to print labels. For more information refer to the section titled Printing Projects.

When clicked displays the About information.