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# 2 Up Tilt! dos

3D Ultra Pinball win95, 3.1x

3D Ultra Pinball 2: Creep Nigths win95, 3.1x

3D Ultra Pinball 3: The Lost Continent win95, 3.1x

3D Ultra Pinball 4: Nascar Pinball win95
a Absolute Pinball win95, dos

Addiction Pinball win95

Alien Spaceball dos

Angel Egg win
b Balls of Steel win95

Battle Pinball win95, 3.1x
c Crystal Caliburn win95, 3.1x

Cyberball dos, win95

CyberPinball win95
d Doom Pinball win95, 3.1x
e Epic Pinball Full Edition dos

Extravaganza Pinball dos

Extreme Pinball dos
f Flipper Fun1 win95, 3.1x

Full Tilt! win95, 3.1x

Full Tilt! 2 win95, 3.1x
g Gerpeas Pinball win95, 3.1x

Golden Logres win
h Horror Ball win95, 3.1x
j Julietta Pinball Freeware Demos win95, 3.1x

Julietta Pinball 2.0 win95, 3.1x

Julietta Pinball 4.0 win95, 3.1x

Julietta Pinball 5.0 win95, 3.1x
l Loony Labyrinth win95, 3.1x
m Moraffs pinball dos

Michael Suhrs: Mushroom Pinball dos

Michael Suhrs: Diablo Pinball dos

Michael Suhrs: Spider Pinball dos

Microsoft Arcade Pinball win95

Microsoft Heart Pinball win95, 3.1x
n Night Misson pinball v3.0 dos
p PCS Pinball dos

Pinball Builder / Pinball Construction Kit win95, 3.1x

Pinball Dreams dos

Pinball Dreams II dos

Pinball Fantasies dos

Pinball Illusions dos

Pinball Magic dos

Pinball Mania dos

Pinball Prelude dos

Pinball Wizzard 2000 dos

Pressure Pinball win95, 3.1x

Pro Pinball: Big Race U.S.A win95/98

Pro Pinball: The Web / Virtual Pro Pinball win95, dos

Pro Pinball: Timeshock! win95

Protec dos

Psycho Pinball dos
r Roll 'M Up dos

Royal Flush dos
s Silverball dos

Slamtilt win95

Sonic Pinball Mania win95,3.1x

Sonic Pinball Mania 2 win95,3.1x

Starball dos

Steel Shot dos
t TDK The pinball machine dos

TILT! / Hyper 3D Pinball dos

Timehunters Pinball dos

Tommy's Flipout dos

Total Pinball / 3D VCR Pinball dos

Tristan dos
w Willi's Pinball dos