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We've all had them - those experiences that make you want to run for the nearest closet to hide in for the rest of your life. Rejoice, you are not alone! Every week we'll vote for the most embarrassing situation, then the winner will meet 2 challengers the next week.If anybody's embarrassing story is the winner for 4 weeks in a row, they get an Amused t-shirt to pull over their head the next time something like that happens.

This week's red-faced contestants...

(By the way, last week we ran into a rather huge technical glitch, meaning that the stories and the names listed on the poll didn't match. We've finally fixed the glitch so we're re-running last week's contestants)


The Champ!


When I was in kindergarten, I absolutely loved school, so this day I decided to dress myself.

First of all, I had to wear school uniforms and I put my dress on backwards, I had also forgotten to put on my underwear. I went to show my mom what I had done (dress myself) and my mom saw that my dress was backwards, so she fixed that, but she never thought to check if I had put underwear on. The worst thing is that my uniform was a bit small as it was a hand-me-down from my sister. So, I went to school with no underwear on. I realized as soon as I reached school that I had forgotten to put on my underwear. I went and found my sister, thinking that she could help me because she was in the 2nd grade. I was very wrong. My sister, being the nice one she is, laughed her head off. She then took me around and showed me to ALL her friends and told them what I did. Then all her friends laughed their heads off.

When I finally got into my classroom, we had to sit cross-legged on the rug. Now, because my dress was small, my teacher noticed and I'm quite sure some boys did too, there were many staring at me!! I was turning beet red and I was trying to pull my dress down so the boys wouldn't see. It didn't work too great. Later my teacher pulled me side and asked me if I had forgotten to put on my underwear this morning. I admitted that I had, then she called my mom and my mom had to bring some underwear to school for me! It was the most embarrassing moment of my life!!! Moral is to remember everything when you dress!! EVERTHING!!

Once me and my family were on a road trip, going to Florida.

All the food we had were beans. I really really had to go to the bathroom, but there were no signs of a town in sight.

Well, as we were driving and I was about to burst, we found this little place with benches, some resting place to eat. No luck, no washrooms. I couldn't take it anymore so I told my parents that I would do my business in the bushes, in the back of the picnic area.

As I walked far enough into the wilderness, I crouched down to do my stuff. It all came down in a bunch of huge farts and a big smelly "you know what" at the end. Relieved that it was over with, I stood up to wipe myself suddenly hearing giggles. With extreme dread, I slowly turned my head around. The blood drained from my face as I scrambled to put my clothes back on. There, behind some bushes, were 3 teenage guys, about 18. They were laughing so hard, one said, "watch out because you'll poison the worms in the ground"!! I ran so fast, I tripped on a stick and fell,sprained my ankle. I begged my dad to go, he said, "just wait!".

As I stood there, panicking, I saw the guys coming out, laughing their heads off and looking at me. I was ten seconds away from dying from shame.

It was my first day ever at a new job. Coming fresh out of the school I was very nervous. There were so many things to learn and so many colleagues to get to know. Due to my being nervous I had to go to the bathroom to do the number 2. In order not to touch the dirty toilet seat (which was obviously also being used by the workshop crew) I tried to do my business half standing. Just as I had started doing my business the manager from the office department came in banging the door open humming a song. I had forgotten to lock the door! Within a split second he turned around went out again and closed the door. I were so embarrassed. What a bad way to start a new job.

It doesn't get any worse than this...




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Last Updated: 06/07/00
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 2000 Centre for the Easily Amused