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Prong #1

Which pop culture icon has the best chance of appearing on a cover of " Teen Beat " magazine?

North Carolina senator Jesse Helms

Cuban dictator Fidel Castro

NRA president Charlton Heston

See the results...

Prong #2

What is a teen's favorite activity?

Sulking and discovering new mood swings.

Squeezing zits in the morning with a pair of industrial-strength pliers.

Gluing hair to various places on their body.

See the results...

Prong #3

What should parents worry about their teenage son or daughter most?

The fact they can think they can operate a car while eating a pizza, listening to a "Limp Bizkit" album and studying for finals.

The fact they spend their college tuition savings to see "The Blair Witch Project " and "American Pie"

The fact that their favorite activity is gluing hair to various places of their body.

See the results...

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 1999 Centre for the Easily Amused