At 04:52 on Thursday KittyKat..-` from kitty@kat.mew wrote :
Well they can't really tell you were playfully using the word gay. It's just text on a screen. Very hard to tell a persons feelings at times. =) But I have met a few Gay people who find it 'offence' because you would be putting down their fasion sence.
At 21:36 on Wednesday princess celest from wrote :
And what was so incohereent about it? I said Gay gay gay gay gay. I was making fum of you guys whining about it:) Duh. Now who is the incoherant one?
At 21:33 on Wednesday princess celest from wrote :
You mean idiotic like most of you in here Bethany? Offensive? Good..i got my point across:) Im glad I could offend you because you guys should lighten up. This is a message board about fashion. You should be trading makeup tips or new fads or something. Life is to short to argue..but I am glad I could offend you:) Anyday. You offend me with your nonsensical you hear me complain? Nope. That is cuz I don't let stupid things bother me. I have lots of gay friends. Not one of them takes offensive when someone says thats gay. I have yet to see gays take offens to that. In fact, it being offensive says you find it wrong and bad to be gay in the first place and therefore not nice to say when being gay is perfectly ya never saw it like that..did ya?
At 18:43 on Wednesday Kerenza from wrote :
Technically, it's not the new millenium yet because there was no year 0. The new millenium does not start until the year 2001.
At 17:51 on Wednesday *~*Rockabilly Princess*~* from wrote :
Platform shoes. You know, they're not 70s at all. Platform shoes actually came in the 1940s during WWII and cork was used to make shoes. Plats were the easiest to make (just look at old movie stars like Betty'll see them wearing platforms). It's just like what we're doing today with bellbottoms and crap, recycling the style. Well, I used to wear platforms like crazy. All my shoes were platforms. Not anymore though. I gotta get shoes that are good for dancing in (saddle shoes, comfy loafers, spectators, etc.) And If I want a fancy touch for a day, I just wear black sling backs or a pair of white sling backs with little cherries all around em. What do I say? Platforms are ok...just don't over do it and wear the 8 + ones...I'm short enough as is...I don't want to start feeling like an Oompa-Loompa. Those are my two cents. Have a nice day. (Howdy Tori and Celest!)
At 17:35 on Wednesday Bethany from wrote :
Oh, and I said the thing directly beneath this (At least, I think it's directly beneath!) about celest's incoherent message. I just forgot to type my name.
At 17:34 on Wednesday from wrote :
Celest? What was the point of that? It was rather idiotic, nonsensical, and unintelligent. At least, at first glance. At second, I find it offensive, inconsiderate, idiotic (again), and the mark of a rather small mind - if you were just trying to do something that you know several of us find horrid. If not, (and I doubt this option is the right one) please explain. Intelligently and coherently, preferably.
At 16:57 on Wednesday princess celest from wrote :
At 16:45 on Wednesday Carmel Sundae from wrote :
I love platforms. I think they are adorible! Sorry diva but you don't know what your talking about!
At 14:08 on Wednesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
Bethany-Really? And look at the similarity of our names (I'm sure the Lady MacBETH part, and the email address kinda gives it away) Wow, it's amazing the people you can stumble upon who you are so similar to, in ways both physical and mental. Send me an email sometime, you seem like a really cool, well balanced person.
At 14:01 on Wednesday Bethany from wrote :
Those of you who agree with Lady MacBeth and myself, thanks. These things hurt people, and it truly isn't the way you want yourself represented. To anyone. And they are serious issues that I know I feel strongly about, and Lady MacBeth appears to as well. HUrting people is not cool, nice, sweet, whatever. So, again, those who agree, AND STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU AGREE, thanks.
At 13:55 on Wednesday Bethany from wrote :
LadyMacBeth - really? I'm a writer, too, though not a journalism major. And I'm also about five foot two (ya wanna get technical . . . five-one-and-a-half). I LOVE PLATFORMS. All platforms, for the most part (I don't like tennis shoes platforms as well, though) because I'm pretty short and it boosts me up to see my guy friends, my tall girl buds, and my boyfriend without breaking my neck in the process. Plus, I think they look really cute - under jeans with flares or whatever - skirts, shorts, etc. And, sometimes, they can make your legs look really good and extra long. As a short person who has correspondingly short legs, that's a big advantage. However, also, they can kill your feet, and could probably kill you if ya fall off!
At 13:33 on Wednesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
Yes, it's me again. I'm still at work, and I have no life, so I post to this message board alot. Ok, I like platform shoes, but only the 2-3 inch platforms. I'm a short girl (5'2) who tends to date tall guys(my ex is 6'4) So, in order to make life easier on myself, I lie wearing platforms, as long as they aren't ridicuously high. Also, I think the platform Keds are cute, as you can put them with a sundress, and have a totally casual look for the day. Then, all you gotta do at night is put on some sandals (w/o and you are ready to go out. But that's just my opinion, and I'm just killing some time. And Cierra, thanks for supporting Bethany's and my thoughts on a serious issue.
At 12:43 on Wednesday Cierra from wrote :
The only platforms i like are 1-2 inch flip-flops. They're very cute and summerish so :)... Most other platforms are really juvinile looking
At 12:37 on Wednesday Cierra from wrote :
Hey everyone!!! yes I agree that gay and retarded should be banned but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Oh well. Have a great day!!
At 12:23 on Wednesday laura from wrote :
yay! New topic! I've always found platform dress shoes as serving more as entertainment. After all, we've all seen people wobble while trying to walk in them. I don't like platform sneakers either. Sneakers are meant to be for casual or athletic purposes, and I can't imagine someone doing a 100 yard dash in 5 inch platforms. And the stores don't have anything BUT platforms! That's right, Sears and Payless, tall people have needs too. Maybe I'm jst being a little bias because of my inability to find flats anymore. When I see people with them I don't think Oh my gosh, how hideous! but I personally don't care for them. I guess overall I'd say: I don't mind platforms as long as the person wearing them can walk.
At 10:58 on Wednesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
Bethany- No problem. I was just raised by my parents to respect others people, their decisions, and their opinions, even if i don't agree with them. I'm alsoi a firm beleiver that if we listen to one another, we can all learn something new. Oh, and thank you for complimenting my grammer. I guess it helps being a journalism major who plans using her degree to instead become a writer. Chat rooms and message boards are great places for meeting people with a wide range of personalities, which can eventually be used in the stories i hope to write. Well everyone, peace, love, and happiness. Bye now
At 10:37 on Wednesday Bethany from wrote :
Lady MacBeth - I agree. Retarded and gay are both terms that should not have taken on insult-connotation, and using them as an insult is way hurtful and really, really unnecessary. And, as for the moral prude thing . . . Someone should lecture some 'o' these people on morals, because many of them are seriously lacking. And I would consider myself, as well as you, better than others who decide that hurting people and degrading them for something that they have no control over is fun. And people use the term gay without any sense of the word. It's almost as if it's fun to say. I mean, someone here said something like <omg he is gay> over SOCKS AND SANDALS. That's totally superficial and wrong. And it sets a bad standard on one's morality and opinions. It's the human race, I suppose - compensate your own inadequacies by being rude and putting others down. But, hey, resist the temptation people. It's rude and disgusting. Thanks for agreeing with me, Lady MacBeth - at least a few people have something good and constructive to say. And you use good grammar, too! :-)
At 10:29 on Wednesday from wrote :
Socks and scandals? Ooooh, sounds like something off of one of those low-budget cable channels! Ever occur to you that coming to a site and saying You need to get a life is kind of, well, corroberating that you don't have a life EITHER. And, you know, the whole gay thing is much more than simply socks and sandals. It's one 'o' those tenuous under-issues (A term I just coined!) that runs under most things people do and say. And it's a serious issue, so don't write it off. And, Cynthia Lee, somehow I'm betting even a pathetic living is better than your so-called life SO, peeps, have a graaaaaaay-und day!
At 10:29 on Wednesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
I know what you mean about using the word gay to describe things, Bethany. And isn't it odd how a word that once meant you were happy now means that you are unaccepted by the human race. But then, look at the many other terms we use when we think something doesn't look right...retarded, freaky, etc. In fact, I personally find it when people call something retarded almost more insulting, because they too have no choice as to being that way (and there is no debate over that) and because many times they don't understand the insult that is being cast their way. I know you all probably think i am just a moral prude who lectures everyone else, but seeing as how there really is nothing else to talk about on this message board, because the Diva isn't doing her job by giving us a new topic, then I guess I'll just discuss my moral opinions. I used to just come here and look at what people had to say, but I recently decided to let my voice be heard. I'm no better than anyone else, but neither am i any worse. Thank you, and peace, love, and happiness. Yes, I am a neo-hippie.
At 10:13 on Wednesday cynthia lee from wrote :
stop making a big issue about socks and scandals. God, you people need a life. Go get one!
At 09:26 on Wednesday Bethany from wrote :
Stop with the gay stuff, people. It's really disrespectful . . . even to people who are not gay. They have no choice as to their sexual orientation . . . you think they CHOOSE to be gay? So they can be ridiculed by small-minded people like you, specifically, Tiffany, Samantha, and Amanda? But, also, by most of the people on these boards. It's not the norm, but it's not nice, moral, or correct to make fun of Gays or to use the word as an insult. It's foolish, immature, childish, and rude. And sick, outdated, and horridly disrespectful, as well. Not everyone around you is as needy and un-self-assured as you, so don't assume that we all get our highs from putting others down. I don't care if I get flamed by you all. Or if you disagree violently, because I think that anyone who feels the need to put down others for no reason is sick. You've devalued any worth your opinions might have had. You've devalued any worth you might have had - not just to gays, but to many good, kind people. Like myself, who are not gay, but still find a way to remain moral.
At 09:18 on Wednesday Anna Kate from wrote :
Well,you know,I'm not going to be to hard on the guys. I mean just think,guys are guys. They have no sense of style and they don't really care how they look anyways.But I see what your saying.Try going to a school were the guys wear cowboy boots with there shorts!!!
At 07:13 on Wednesday Tiffany from wrote :
I so agree socks with sandals are soo gay! I think it looks bad on guys and girls! I mean if u wanna cover up your feet then don't wear sandals in the first place!!!!! Seriously when i see a guy wearing socks with sandals i think omg he is gay!
At 05:23 on Wednesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
If you can wear orange, go for it. Some people, like me, don't have the coloring for it, and instead of looking vibrant, we looked washed out. Yes, I am one of those super pale people who barely tan, so bright colors just don't work well on me. Well, except for maybe bright blue, as it brings out my eyes. OK, sorry for rambling there...
At 04:36 on Wednesday sarah from wrote :
At 21:58 on Tuesday princess celest from wrote :
Damn..I thougth maybe you guys would of chilled out but I guess not. Krissy, just about every girl in America wears belly shirts, I doubt you trademarked the style, and I doubt Brittnay Spears was copying you. In my opinion, most of you have no clues at all about fashion, and most of you are narrow minded freaks!!! How do ya like that one??? Hey tori and Rockabilly-if you ever come back......
At 19:21 on Tuesday from wrote :
i have a pair of neon orange club pants an they look good on me, and 'hefty' is the last word anyone's ever used to describe me.
At 18:46 on Tuesday Krissy from wrote :
Dog collars: Should be left on the dogs.
Only a few people can pull it off....(not many).
If you wear it wrong, people you'll just look like you have fat-neck syndrome. If you have nerve I say go for it, but expect comments.
At 18:36 on Tuesday Krissy from wrote :
I love orange!! But there is a time and a place for it. Don't wear neons people!! Its just gross. It makes you look hefty and like you stole from the Salvation Army bins. Please just hold back!!
At 18:32 on Tuesday Krissy from wrote :
About flair's....I wear them all the time, unlike many of my school mates I don't get it too-tight. Letting the pants squeeze you in one spot and being loose in the other is just wrong. It doesn't look good. Unless you have the figure for it.
At 18:14 on Tuesday Krissy from wrote :
A lot.
For one thing, I have been wearing the Britney Spears outfit before she became liked.
I like wearing my shirts out and half-buttoned. That's right I like showing my stomach from time to time. As much fun as the small tee-shirts and tank-tops are, I like to be different. By being this I get the attention I want. Not the frompy out-look. All in all I like MY style with the shirts as they are. (Vests are a major no-no, I would not recommend them to any one.)
At 18:00 on Tuesday Krissy from wrote :
Sweat shirts are the most comfortable way of keeping warm. Also the guys around here think its much more sexy to snuggle up in something comfortable. As I am told they want to snuggle in our warmth. The thing about sweatshirts is you have to find one that best suits you. Another thing, sweatshirts with Tweety and other well known cartoon characters, they have to go. They look so juvenile and unappealing. Try to keep it plan or basic and don't crowd it with too much graphics, seriously. Thats all I have to say for now....
At 18:00 on Tuesday Krissy from wrote :
Sweat shirts are the most comfortable way of keeping warm. Also the guys around here think its much more sexy to snuggle up in something comfortable. As I am told they want to snuggle in our warmth. The thing about sweatshirts is you have to find one that best suits you. Another thing, sweatshirts with Tweety and other well known cartoon characters, they have to go. They look so juvenile and unappealing. Try to keep it plan or basic and don't crowd it with too much graphics, seriously. Thats all I have to say for now....
At 16:32 on Tuesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
Amanda, I'm not saying don't voice your own opinion. What I'm saying is don't get mad if someone happens to have a different opinion. Also, when people are arguing about things such as grammer, then they are more than likely just trying to be spiteful. I'm all for expressing your own opinion, but you have to expect that somewhere out there, someone is going to disagree with you. Instead of stubbornly insisting that you are right, try listening to the other person's point of view. You just may learn something new. But you don't need to call someone a bitch just because they have a different view of something. There are better, more tactful ways of expressing yourself, and that is what I'm trying to get at. You can disagree with me if you want, and say that I have been brainwashed by society, but I'm just stating what is my own personal opinion. And you have stated yours, which you did in a mature manner. And THAT is what I was getting at.
At 14:41 on Tuesday me from wrote :
oh, you are so right! i dont like it when guys wear sandals at all, but if they must, then at least they can have the decency not to wear socks with them!!!!
At 14:13 on Tuesday Cierra from wrote :
Hey thanks for the advice. I saw these really cute adidas shoes that have blue stripes of the side and orange outlining those stripes, i think those would go good with orange pants. What does everyone think about flip-flops with jeans???
At 14:07 on Tuesday from wrote :
Amanda I think BNW wasn't about what we would become it was a hyperbole on our society. We have caste system and though poor people don't HAVE to wear gray, and rich people wear Green or something, and we aren't put in rooms with tapes playing Epslions are stupid I don't want to play with them we are still conditioned the same way to think that people that wear a&f are bitches and people who wear all black are goths. The only difference is that in BNW everyone was conditioned the same (not to mention they were altered as fetuses) whereas here there are many forces trying to change us this way of that. Also people in BNW frowned on obesity and old age, we have the dame thing on a smaller level fat people aren't totally shunned, but most movie stars look 20 but are really 30, or look 30 and are really 45.
At 12:25 on Tuesday tom from wrote :
I agree, it actually makes me sick to see sandals w/ socks the only thing that's worse is women wearing them
At 11:37 on Tuesday Amie Marek from wrote :
I totally agree about the socks with sandals. That is probably one of THE most scary fashions ever! But wait, actually it isn't even a fashion at all and whoever thinks it is needs some serious fashion therapy. Get a clue people, sandals are to be worn when it is warm out so that you don't have to wear socks. I think that is the whole point to sandals in the first place.
At 11:37 on Tuesday from wrote :
Books . . . books that you were forced to read . . . very fashionable!
At 10:43 on Tuesday Amanda from wrote :
I say that guys that wear socks with sandles totaly look gay! For the most part I think they are.
At 06:23 on Tuesday Amanda from wrote :
When i say beautiful I'm talking in terms of story. It is beautiful because it makes you think.. and even gets you a little confused about what would be the right thing. When you read such a book like that you have to forget all your learned morals and norms. To the people in the book *that* is the norm.. it's not wierd or perverted to them. Like in some cultures tatoos and piercings are the norm.. in this culture if you have tatoos or piercings people think you don't have morals or that you may be a little wild. It's exactly that kind of narrow mindedness that doesn't allow people to really think about the real meaning behind a book such as the Brave New World. Get what i'm saying? It's a good book. You should read 1984. It's kind of like the dark side of Brave new world. If you ask me i think the world has a better chance of becomming like the Brave New World more than it would 1984. Lady McBeth, if people didn't disagree on this site... or state thier opinions.. no matter how strong, how many people do you think would still come back? Besides that kind of mentality sounds somewhat like a brave new world... soma anyone? Or how bout a little peace love and happieness... it's the same thing. What is really important is that we all have our own opinions and ideas about what is right and wrong and we shouldn't have to modify what we think just because it might upset someone else. The only reason one should do such a thing is if it is unnecessarily hurtful. I understand this is a fasion site and i usually just read this laugh at your silly arguments about trendy fasions i had to say something this time.
At 06:09 on Tuesday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
OK< I'l put in my two cents on the whole sandals-sock thing. For the most part, I think it looks, shal we say not good. But on some people, the Birkenstock type sandals don't look too bad with socks, as long as they are those heavier wool type socks (the ones that are taupe with little flecks of other colors) and are worn with jeans. With shorts, it looks pretty tacky. Or how about older men who wear them with their black socks? Oh, and in response as to why I posted my statement yesterday so early, I work in a computer lab at my college campus, and I was working bright and early in the morning. However, the time zone on here is different than the time zone I am in. So it's not QUITE as early as it seems.
At 23:04 on Monday mtg from wrote :
hey cierra, i have a pair of orange pants like that... i wear wither a plain white tank top or a little butterfly tee i have that's got some orange in the print. i'm lookin for some shoes to wear with em though, cuz the only tennies i have are red and silver. *S*
At 20:56 on Monday jen from wrote :
OK! I think those little carma bracelets on girls are really dumb!!!! There are like eight year-olds and 16 year-olds wearing the same bracelets. I think on guys though, It looks hot-only dark colored though!!!!!
At 20:35 on Monday Cierra from wrote :
Hey, Hey, Hey!!!! How are you all??? I have no clue how the Brittany Spears thing relates, but oh well!! I personally think socks and sandals look good together if the sandals are sporty....not any other time. What is everyone's Favorite piece of clothing??? Mine is my bright orange paratrooper pants ($13 on sale at Old Navy:):)!!) They are so cute (hard to match stuff with so if you have any suggestions...)
At 20:28 on Monday from wrote :
I like you Lady McBeth. You bring up really good points. And maybe peopleon this message board could learn a lot from each other by writing fashion tips (including me i tend to be really belligerent for no apparent reason)And Yea1! for a while there we were finally calming down:)
At 20:24 on Monday from wrote :
Sorry about what I said about the Brave New World thingbut ... yes we were forced to read it... but I don't think it's a very beautiful book i think it's a book that shows how awful people can really be. And how there are no certain set of rules or morales are standard human nature we can be conditioned to do just about anything. some of us are conditioned to like a&f but others are conditioned to like dog collars. I don't know what kind of book I'd call it, but certainly not beautiful.(I have a tainted opinion of it because my teacher could talk about sex in ANY situation i.e. we were reading Romeo and Juliet and she said Guess what They are planning on doing tonight?? It wasn't even in the text ARGH!! oh well),
At 19:54 on Monday Dayna from wrote :
I totally agree!!! Sandals with! I live in southern California, so I would think that
people would at least have a little more of a clue, but no. At least once a week I see some guy
(or girl!) wearing sandals with socks. I just want to tap them on the shoulder and ask them
why? Because seriously, there is not a single case where that pair works, not one!
At 19:48 on Monday TIEN from wrote :
hey everyone what's up?! non much here. Guess what i think that everyone should were fish net nyolens
la la la l ala lalallalalal hhoidfhalfhklfh
At 18:45 on Monday Harmonie from wrote :
I agree with you on the whole sandals and socks thing. Socks with
sandals defeats the purpose of sandals. Sandals are supposed to show
off your feet, and keep them cool, while socks are supposed to keep
your feet warm. Mixing the two is tacky.
At 16:48 on Monday Skamz from wrote :
Okay, I'm not a guy, I'm a seventeen year old slut/rebel and all I have to say to you is it's okay if the guy wieghs about 500 pounds and wears socks with his sandals, but when I see a fine guy wearing some dweeby sandals and socks, I am laughing my damn head off. It's the most idiotic thing to do! How many guys do you know DO this? I mean honey, If I were you I would have already killed them for there bad taste!PLEASE go find some new guys 'cause your life is looking PATHETIC if you can't
At 14:19 on Monday laura from wrote :
That's a good suggestion Punkrawk87, but I mean look at all that happened because of the mere topic of dog collars... I like punk style, and a bunch of other styles. I'm a Style shifter
At 14:08 on Monday froggi from wrote :
Lady MacBeth, you are so right. You can't expect everyone to agree with you.
At 12:19 on Monday laura from wrote :
Shantele, welcome to my world. There are these girls @ my school who were really slutty clothes and we're in MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!
At 12:19 on Monday Tina from wrote :
i didnt mean thick like that, but still, i aint gonna say n e thing else
At 10:10 on Monday Punkrawk87 from wrote :
Do one on punk style
At 08:56 on Monday Alyzabyth from wrote :
Well, Lady Macbeth, someone as some time on her hands - earlin in the AM at that . . .
At 07:10 on Monday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
People, people, people! This is a MESSAGE BOARD, the point is to express you views and opinions. Many people, it seems, do not like the opinions expressed by others here. If you don't like what others have to say, then don't come here. Nad also, you need to expect that there will be AT LEAST one person who will not agree with your opinion, and that is a fact of life. If you do not want to hear people disagreeing with you, then do not post to this or any message board. Also, think about what you are saying before you write it. There are many diferent ways of expreesing an opinion without being ignorant. So please, before you immediatly respond to a posting on this message board, please stop think about what you want to say before you say it. Also, stop and think if it is really something that you need to get so upset about. I know that many of you probably agree with me on this point, and are getting sick and tired of the bickering that has come of late. Please, everyone, take this message into consideration, and focus on what is important. Thank you, and I wish you all peace, love, and happiness.
At 07:02 on Monday Amanda from wrote :
How can you say forced to read Brave New World if you aren't intelligent enough figure out that it isn't about sex, than you shouldn't even be allowed to read such a beautiful book. Think about society. It only seems wierd because it's not what you are used to. Open your mind a little and forget all about what you think is *normal*. You people make me ashamed to be a part of this culture.
At 06:32 on Monday Lesa-Marie from wrote :
I think that the Diva had better bring up something new to argue about - this topic is pretty much exhausted.
At 00:05 on Monday Lisa from wrote :
If you've got a good body why not show it?
At 23:25 on Sunday ~!*Megan*!~ from MG1300@aol.cim wrote :
Ok, Well UHHH I think it looks realy bad too!! I mean they have no reason! But then again they are boys and who know what they will come up with next! and guys in sandels dont look to good.
At 20:19 on Sunday Ali from wrote :
I think that socks and sandals is alright if it is a sporty type os sandal bue not dress sandals for girls. i often wear adidas sandals with socks and so do lots of people. i think it's ok like that, but not with nice sandals. and for guys, who really cares? if they want to wear socks, that's fine with me!
At 19:45 on Sunday Shantele from wrote :
It makes me so upset when mean, catty middle-schoolers decide that using curse words and insults are fun. I mean, and then, the expect others - some educated, some not - to agree with them on stupid points like large spice girls shoes and tight pants. Notice a parallel?
At 15:43 on Sunday CoLotta from wrote :
it makes me so upset when girls wear tight, tight pants that u have to wonder how they got there foot in it. I mean the bottom openning where your feet go threw is small as anything and then expect to wear those spice girl shoes what is up wit dat? tight pants do not go with spice girl shoes. so if u feel how i feel holla back!!
At 14:42 on Sunday ~*kerry*~ from wrote :
I so totally agree!!!!!! i mean it just plain looks butt ugly!!! what's the point???? you wear socks with sneakers and sandals bare foot!!!!! what's the point if you're gonna where sandals you might as well wear them the right way!!!!1
At 13:30 on Sunday Beatricia-Ann from wrote :
Thick cow? I honestly don't know if there IS such thing as a thin cow - I mean, I'm sure there are THINNER cows . . . but I though that cows were just, universally, thick . . . but . . . thanks! As for the whole Bitchricia-Ass-thing-or-whatever . . .all I have to say is . . . very original and VERY mature. Good job - you get a gold star for the day, and - the many kind messages written to me have proved it - I stand by my original opinion. See ya
At 13:18 on Sunday Tina from wrote :
ok, ok, i did have a go at bea, but this is getting jus a tinsy bit out of hand, yell and tell me 2 shut up and that im a bitch all u like, but mayb we should try 2 get along jus a bit more, thats all i have 2 say, so bbye ppls have a nice day
At 10:48 on Sunday Tori from wrote :
hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm? I talk 2 much huh Cricket? OK, I won't ell u then that I agree with you on the Summer/Spring thing. :) Do agree with u and I will not try to talk to much :) Have a nice week everyone :)
At 09:15 on Sunday *~*Rockabilly Princess*~* from wrote :
*cries* Can't we all just get along???? THIS IS RETARDED!!!!
At 16:14 on Saturday Martha from wrote :
I think that it is stupid to wear socks with sandals. Sandals are opened toed so you can wear them in the summer instead of wearing shoes and socks! They were designed so you don't have to wear socks! Plus it looks tacky!! Sandals are open toed for a reason, to see you toes!!
At 16:04 on Saturday from wrote :
Is NJ quite so backwoods and hick-like, Keith Chiappone? (See below)
At 16:01 on Saturday from wrote :
Sandals should be banned (not BAND) from the country b/c of gayness? #1 - that was idiotic!
#2 - what the hell is wrong with being gay in the first place? That is the stupidest, most hurtful, inane, asinine, FOOLISHLY 18th century crap-as-an-insult I ever hear/have ever heard. Zeus - all-powerful ruler of the universe in Greek mythology - WAS gay, incidentally! But, in any case, using that as an insult is seriously NOT cool. I know someone who is a gay, and it is personally very hurtful to me when people decide to be as kindergarten-ish and prejudiced because of it.
#3 - that was way, way, way nonsensical, when one gets down to it.
At 15:52 on Saturday Keith Chiappone from wrote :
i think men wearing socks with sandles look gay. men wearing sandles in the first place look gay. Sandles should be band from the country because of gayness.
At 15:17 on Saturday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
No problem! It's a great way to find pants that fit, and aren't about three inches too long.
At 15:09 on Saturday Shorty! from wrote :
I'll have to try the long-Capri thing! Thanks!
At 15:07 on Saturday Lady MacBeth from wrote :
At 22, I've learned that the most important, vital part of fashion, any fashion, is that you feel comfortable in it. If you don't have the confidence to wear something, then it does not look right. This is especially true for risky fashion items like glitter, backless shirts, and knee high boots. Wear what you feel comfortable in, and what looks best on you, and you'll look great. Oh, and if you're lookingt for new topics, how about hip hugger pants. I'm a big fan of them, as they make my body look longer, and also thinner. And a tip to girls who were not blessed in the height department, such as myself (I'm 5'2) longer capri pants may fit you as full length pants, and often they will be low-riders.
At 12:09 on Saturday laura from wrote :
oops I mean, ones with padding
At 12:08 on Saturday laura from wrote :
I like backless shirts, too. I agree that they look really tacky with bad tan lines- go to the beach first! Some are slutty, but others can look pretty good. The problem with 'em is that you have to get paddes ones cuz you can't wear a bra with them.
At 11:59 on Saturday from wrote :
Boring! Stupid! Unnecessary! Idiots! Unfashionable! You all!
At 11:23 on Saturday from wrote :
Sorry, it's supposed to be *really* instead of feally. Has anyone else been forced to read Brave New World??? My sex-crazed teacher made us. It's....well...ummm....different.
At 11:21 on Saturday from wrote :
There are not many arguments to either side (not to mention we've all heard them 20-30 times each) of this topic we definately need a new one. How about.......umm..........backless shirts??? I think they can look really bad if the people have really bad tan lines. And some shirts are feally slutty while others are just cute...I guess there is just a time and place for everything right??
At 11:14 on Saturday STILL Annoyed from wrote :
Istoleanl First of all what the heck kind of name is that??? You are full of bull crap if god told you anything I highly doubt that it would be about socks with snadals it not funny to joke about stuff like that.
At 11:12 on Saturday from wrote :
At 11:04 on Saturday Cricket from wrote :
OMG tori you talk to much.
At 10:59 on Saturday Cricket from wrote :
this looks really cool for the summer/spring season: Surfer shorts, with white tank top or any other light color tank. and a blue teck vest.. *awsome!1 e-mail meh, please!
Luv Cricket
At 10:31 on Saturday Samantha from wrote :
I have to say that you are absolutely CORRECT. It looks gay as hell!!! They need to be on fashion emergency...
At 08:56 on Saturday LIBS from ONECLOVER1 wrote :
THE REASON WHY PEOPLE WEAR SOCKS WITH SANDELS IS NOT TO LOOK COOL, but to be comfortable. When it's cold outside sandels with socks are the perfect solution. Who cares what you look like, shoes are uncomfortable anyway, so if you have to wear them why not wear sandels. And if its too cold to go without socks, just wear socks and actually have the self confindence to not care what fashion police think about it.
At 05:01 on Saturday sarah from wrote :
yes some flair pants look stupid but everyone wears them in middle school. they r cool, go over your shoes, look great, adn help the outfit. i love flair pants my-self. :)
At 04:51 on Saturday sarah from wrote :
you are sooooo.. wrong!!!! vests are soo cool. if you have a white shirt on and a blue vest, it gives color to the outfit. if you wear it correctly w/ the right outfit, it looks great, so fashion diva get a clue!
At 22:59 on Friday Tina from wrote :
Bithctricia-ann like duh, if we have no lives then you dont one either, you are on here to you thick cow. i think we should get a new topic soon, this ones getting boring
At 22:53 on Friday Tina from wrote :
My farther turned christian, he became a manic deppresive because of it, christian * to me * is bull shit
At 21:34 on Friday Istoleanl from wrote :
I am a sock/sandal wearer....And to be honest, I'm quite proud of it. Last month, I reestablished myself with god when I looked to him and said, How can I make a difference He explained to me that through an excellent fashion sense, I can reach the outerlayer of everyone around me...He continued to tell me that it was the sandal sock combination that would establish my new fashion sense. Remember, our savor Jesus Christ was a sandal sock wearer..and even if he's not your lord, you still have to respect the man. Therefore, it's only right to wear socks with sandal...other wise you will be committing blasphemy.
At 20:37 on Friday Annoyed from wrote :
Hey Beatricia-Ann or should I say Bitchricia-Ass??? And YOU have a life??
At 20:35 on Friday from wrote :
Sorry I can't type too well it is supposed to be maybe
At 20:33 on Friday ME!!!!!!!!!!! from My IM thing is wrote :
Toe Socks!!! AHHHH!!! I forgot about toe socks, I love them, they are the cutest thing, and well you can't really see they're toe socks with out sandals. Also i think,(I don't know), people are thinking of leather sandals mostly, because I think socks make people look cute and sporty under soccer/sport/whatever sandals, (mabye just because i'm a soccer player and its 100000x's cuter than walkin' around the mall in cleats, but hey...) About the whole short shorts thing my ex-best freind (that bitch, whore, slut *mumble, mumble*) wear THE UGLYIEST BUTTCRAWLER SHORTS EVER she acts so slutty though I guess it goes with her personality..... Samantha that's a really good idea. I also think that that person should be a guy saying what he likes on girls sometimes you never know what people think of you.?!?!
At 20:26 on Friday Unhappy reader from wrote :
I think that your Fashion Diva is very rude and insulting. I think that this Fashion File should be more of showing what is in style and what others like, rather than the opinion of one person who doesnt seem to approve of any of the new styles... I know that many of the things that have been said have personally offended me and I know others as well as my self dont really appriciate it.
At 19:38 on Friday Shirley from wrote :
if i was a boy id be so embarrased of my self i mean grrls think that is gay 2 fashion police alert drag that sandals boy an into the cell away with the sandals with the socks!
At 18:56 on Friday jimminy cricket from wrote :
damn it. socks and sandals are good. especially toe socks and sandals. you kids are just strange. how can you not like it?
At 16:56 on Friday from wrote :
If there are ANY guys who come here, tell me if you like super-short shorts (on girls) still? Or, now, is it all about smoke- and mirror-type stuff? You know, leaving it the imagination. Cuz some girls DO NOT look anywhere near good in supah-short shorts. Y'know, the ones that let their asses hang low. Icky!
At 15:01 on Friday O. Wyze Won from wrote :
There's bound to be a ton of different opinions, because fashion is like beauty - there's no universal standard; it's in the eye of the beholder so to speak. My opinion? Socks+sandals=YUK! But, hey, as long as the wearer likes it . . .
At 14:19 on Friday t*gurl from wrote :
da-yom people this is a comment page not a wwIII it's REALLY NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL people can have thier own opinions and they can SAY WHAT THEY WANT TO SAY it's their own problem if they got **different** opinions, NOT YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
email me peoples!
At 13:35 on Friday fashion cops from wrote :
your Papa wears socks with his sandals when he is not at the beach and he thinks he is really cool. SO THERE!!!!!!!!.
At 13:31 on Friday Marykka from wrote :
You know, this is FASHION people, NOT world policy!
At 13:28 on Friday Lourya from wrote :
I think that it all depends on the climate!
At 04:03 on Friday )))laura((( from wrote :
I'm just gonna give a general fashion comment using Samamtha's For and Against idea. For: That hair jewelery stuff- I'm wearing it to my end-of-school-year dance tonight. Against: Platform sneakers- I dunno, I might be bias about it cuz I'm tall and they make me even taller, but I've always associated sneakers with atheletics and I doubt anyone can run in 3 inch plats.