The Personality Test
Can You Be Loved?
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Since you just spent Valentine's Day moping around the house in your underwear munching on dry cornflakes for the third year in a row, it's probably time to start looking for that special someone to surgically attach to your hip. Even if you're feeling like a total loser, don't fret, it may just be that you have a difficulty being loved by others. (It may also be that you ARE a total loser...)
Fill out the following exam to see if you need a hug or just feel like giving one.
1. When you asked your dad for a hug, how would he most likely respond?
2. What would you say if your spouse or significant other asked you, "What are you thinking"?
3. Which is your most adorable physical or mental feature?
4.Question #4: How sensitive are you to another person's needs?
5. What household pet best describes you're "Cuddlability Quoitent"?
Last Updated: 06/01/00 Warm, fuzzy guy: Danny Gallagher Webmistress: Cathie Walker © 1999-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused