The Success Test

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Will you become a thriving money machine or just another homeless guy who sells used clothes out of their van?

Fate determines the course of your life, but only you can determine the course of your success. And there's only one way to find out if you have what it takes to climb the corporate ladder...(Actually, you could just take a couple of extra business classes in college or consult a career development specialist or even hire a clinical psychologist to conduct exploratory interviews with you on a weekly basis and help you devise a plan or goal sheet to meets your career's needs, but we really want you to take this test.)

Questions Answers
1. Which of the following best describes your attitude best towards your current job or occupation? It's like, you know...
Oh um, I like, uh, got it...
Uh, huh, hmmmm, yeah...
2. Out of the three, which profession sounds the least stressful? Janitor for a crematorium.
Janitor for a morgue.
Janitor for a meat packaging slaughterhouse .

3. How would you describe the energy you would devote if a major corporation asked you to work on an important sales projection project?

A rabbit that's shot out of a cannon.
A whale that's flung from a catapult.
A turtle that's attached to a rocket.

4.What part of your boss would you kiss if you thought it was going to help your career?

His/her ring.
His/her foot.
Come on, don't make me say it...
5. Where do you buy your clothes? Wal-Mart
Stein Mart



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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Psychological Consultant: Danny Gallagher
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995- 2000
Centre for the Easily Amused