Justice & Law
Land rights
National Native Title Tribunal
This site gives a concise overview of The Native Title Act, through
the publication of a broad range of native title papers. The Tribunal
is a Commonwealth Government body that facilitates the making of agreements
among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, governments, industry
and others whose rights of interest may co-exist with native title rights
and interests.
Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation
A site dedicated to bringing the reconciliation process to the attention
of the wider community. It is recommended for its encouragement of community
involvement and ideas.
Intellectual Property
Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual
Property (ICIP) Project
This site aims to develop recommendations for increasing the protection
and recognition of Indigenous cultural and intellectual property. The
publication of a discussion paper on the site hopes to encourage a wide
number of responses to various reform options.
House of Aboriginality
The House of Aboriginality is an evolving multimedia project about the
so-called ‘imitations industry’ which has arisen to exploit
the popularity of Aboriginal art. We recommend this site for raising
awareness of the issues of copyright and cultural integrity in the commercial
application of indigenous imageries.