![](spain.gif) Study
Abroad in Seville, Spain
Fall, spring or academic year program offering Spanish
language, culture and civilization courses at the University
of Seville. Housing with families. Native resident director.
Field trips. On-site orientation. 12-15 credits per semester.
Qualifications: Junior or above with 5 semesters college-level
Spanish or equivalent.
Fall or spring program offering Spanish language, culture and
civilization courses at the University of Oviedo. Qualified
students may also take courses in psychology and education.
Students share apartments or live with Spanish families,
depending upon availability. Field trips available through the
University. 12-15 credits per semester. Qualifications: Junior
or above with 4 semesters of college-Level Spanish or
Fall program studying European politics, history, law, media
and economics at the Institute for Journalism in Utrecht,
Netherlands. Option to continue at the Danish School of
Journalism, Arhus, Denmark, in the spring. Qualifications:
Junior or above, preference given to SUNY at New Paltz
journalism majors. 12-15 credits per semester.
An academic year program in the Renaissance city of Urbino,
offering intensive Italian language and regular university
courses at the University of Urbino. Dormitory housing. Native
resident director. Field trips. 12-15 credits per semester.
Qualifications: Junior or above with 4 semesters college-level
Italian or equivalent.
Fall, spring or academic year exchange and study abroad
programs offering regular university courses in liberal arts
and sciences, business, education or performing arts at
Middlesex University. Self-catered dormitory housing or
student-shared apartments, depending upon availability.
On-site orientation program. 12-15 credits per semester.
Qualifications: Sophomore or above.
Fall or Spring offering courses from 40 undergraduate programs as well as a multi-disciplinary program which provides a comprehensive overview of Irish life and culture including Irish language and literature, history, folklore traditional music, politics and sociology. The University of Limerick offers a well established study abroad Program. Field trips. On-site
orientation. Approximately 15 credits per semester.
Fall, spring or academic year program offering French
language, culture and civilization courses at the University
of Franche-Comte Center for Applied Linguistics. Dormitory
housing. Native resident director. Field trips. On-site
orientation. 12-15 credits per semester. Qualifications:
Sophomore or above with 3 semesters college-level French or
Travel to the Andean region of South America ,take courses in
an accredited program of Latin American Studies in Spanish conducted
at a Latin American University by professors from the host institution.
the rich live and diverse cultural expression of the multilingual and multiethnic
Andean region. By doing this, students will be able to understand the three
major influences (African, Andean Indigenous peoples,
and European) that have shaped the particular character of the region.
Students can choose a winter or spring semester for study.
Students will be housed in university residence halls
(double occupancy) Upon arrival in
Prague, basic information will be provided by
the Program director, as well as a brief introduction to the
various aspects of life in Prague. 15-19 credit hours.
Qualifications: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors in good
standing; an above average academic record.
Students have the option of studying at Kingston University for
either the Fall or Spring semesters or for the entire academic year.
12-15 undergraduate credits may be earned per semester.
A participant in the Kingston University
program not only has the opportunity to study in an
academically challenging and demanding climate, but also to
enjoy the almost unlimited possibiliites which the
nearby city has to offer.The University has a limited of residence
hall accommodation
and this is normally allocated to first year students.
The University of New England's Study Abroad program offers students from the U.S. and Europe the chance to experience the unique Australian lifestyle, at the same time gaining credit toward their home university. Situated in the City of Armidale, the University of New England has grown to become renowned for its academic excellence and unique study environment.
The University of Technology, Sydney's Study Abroad program offers more than 80 undergraduate and 200 post-graduate courses across a number of Faculties. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is developing a one year Diploma in Australian studies. Students can choose a winter or spring semester for study.
Kanazawa University would like to promote cultural exchange among students from all over the world and its university. The city of Kanazawa is situated in the central part of Honshu, the main island of Japan. It is an old city facing the Japan Sea. Students can choose a fall or spring semester for study.