+HCU: Academy of Reverse Engineering


hcu97 Founded by +ORC in April 1996 hcu98

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Academy of reverse engineering: ESSAYS 1-100
(Archive: 2 Mar 1997 - 4 Sep 1997)

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The fundamental essays ESSAYS 001-100 page (2 Mar 1997 - 4 Sep 1997)
The required reading for newbies essays ESSAYS 100-200 page (4 Sep 1997 - 28 Dec 1997)
The beginner essays ESSAYS 200-300 page (28 Dec 1997 - 10 Jun 1998)
The intermediate essays  ESSAYS 300-400 page (10 Jun 1998 - to today)
The advanced essays 
+HCU Papers Our tools Our protections
Programmers Corner Packers & Unpackers Unassigned
Project 0: Wdasm reversing Project 1: Hexeditors & co Project 2: Softice & Numega's
Project 3: Dongles cracking Project 4: CD-Rom faking Project 5: Netscape ameliorating
Project 6: Crippled targets Project 7: Most stupid schemes Project 8: VisualBasic cracking
Project 9: Micro$oft bashing

The essay database

Date Contributor   Essay Description Project   Reference
02 Mar 97 Swann ~ swann.htm The mathematical coprocessor protection unass. ~ fra_0001
05 Mar 97 Yamato ~ yamato.htm The DOS4GW CD-ROM timestamp unass. ~ fra_0002
12 Mar 97 LordClito ~ clito.htm How to crack Wdasm6 proj_0 ~ fra_0003
12 Mar 97 Adynts ~ adynts.htm How to crack Wdasm6 proj_0 ~ fra_0004
15 Mar 97 Civetta ~ civetta.htm Winice galore proj 2 ~ fra_0005
19 Mar 97 Frog's print ~ frogprin.htm How to crack Wdasm7 proj_0 ~ fra_0006
20 Mar 97 Lonely Hawk ~ lonelyha.htm Windows 95 Screen Saver Passwords reverse engineering unass. ~ fra_0007
30 Mar 97 Aesculapius ~ aescula.htm How to reverse engineer AMU for Win95 unass. ~ fra_0008
02 Apr 97 Aesculapius ~ aescu2.htm How to reverse engineer Xferpro unass. ~ fra_0009
02 Apr 97 +gthorne ~ gtsiren.htm How to reverse engineer Siren Mail 3.0.0 unass. ~ fra_000A
08 Apr 97 +Rcg ~ pape.htm How to reverse engineer CuteFtp 1.8 (32 bit version) unass. ~ fra_000B
26 Apr 97 SiuL Hacky ~ siuL.htm How to reverse engineer ProPinball unass. ~ fra_000C
30 Apr 97 +Rcg ~ rcgeudo.htm How to reverse engineer EUDORA PRO 3.0 unass. ~ fra_000D
05 May 97 Hackmore Readrite ~ readmo.htm How to reverse engineer Portscan 1.2b1 unass. ~ fra_000E
06 May 97 Epic Lord ~ Epiclo.htm Homesite Secrets unass. ~ fra_000F
07 May 97 Xoanon/PNC ~ xoanon.htm TimeLOCK_DLL reverse engineering (TL32V20.DLL) unass. ~ fra_0010
07 May 97 Kovi kovi1.htm How to crack w32dasm version 8 proj_0 fra_0011
09 May 97 Razzia ~ razzia.htm How to crack all Visual Basic programs proj 8 ~ fra_0012
12 May 97 Wuzat wuzat.htm w32dasm version 8 another approach proj_0 ~ fra_0013
12 May 97 desert eagle ~ vga1.htm How to crack VideoCraft Gif Animator unass. ~ fra_0014
13 May 97 +RCG ~ other1.htm Cracking Sega games unass. ~ fra_0015
13 May 97 Xoanon ~ xoanon2.htm The flag's faking approach unass. ~ fra_0016
13 May 97 *OnCmC ~ oncmc.htm Quick "Non-Crack" for all Wdasm versions proj_0 ~ fra_0017
13 May 97 +Sync ~ sync.htm Visual Basic 4 cracking for newbyes proj 8 ~ fra_0018
16 May 97 +Xoanon ~ xoacuba1.htm Cubase 3 UNDONGLED! proj 3 ~ fra_0019
21 May 97 CASIMIR ~ casimir.htm Reverse engineering of Crypt-o-Text v1.21 & v1.24 unass. ~ fra_001A
26 May 97 +daQ ~ daq1.htm How to Neuter WebWhacker V2.0 unass. ~ fra_001B
26 May 97 fravia+ ~ ultrae2.htm An interesting tool: BRW unass. ~ fra_001C
26 May 97 Frog's print ~ wi_frog2.htm Registry joggling proj_2 ~ fra_001D
27 May 97 IgNorAMUS ~ wi_igno.htm WiniceNT cracking, a first approach proj_2 ~ fra_001E
27 May 97 +RCG ~ wi_rcg2.htm An introduction to virtual devices cracking proj_2 ~ fra_001F
28 May 97 Saltine ~ salt0001.htm Use of the Win32 API unass. ~ fra_0020
28 May 97 Hackmore Readrite ~ ntworker.htm Networker, the mistery of the missing file unass. ~ fra_0021
30 Jun 97 Croock ~ crook.htm How to crack the "uncrackable" test4 by LordByte unass. ~ fra_0022
30 Jun 97 Frog's Print ~ frognew.htm Cracking W32dasm Version 8.htm5 proj_0 ~ fra_0023
02 Jul 97 TheChineese ~ eudorauk.htm How to reverse engineer Eudora 301's three protections unass. ~ fra_0024
03 Jul 97 TheChineese ~ chine2.htm How to reverse engineer SERV-U32 (FTP Daemon) unass. ~ fra_0025
03 Jul 97 Hackmore Readrite ~ hackm1.htm Defeating Pete Norton's protections unass. ~ fra_0026
04 Jul 97 ACP ~ acpnet.htm Cookies begone! proj 5 ~ fra_0027
05 Jul 97 Harwi ~ bouche.htm BoundsChecker time limit defeated proj 2 ~ fra_0028
05 Jul 97 Aesculapius ~ aescul3.htm Hex Workshop 32 v. 2.53 proj 7
proj 1
~ fra_0029
05 Jul 97 TheChineese ~ claris.htm Claris Home Page version 2.0 proj 7 ~ fra_002A
05 Jul 97 Frog's Print ~ smartdr.htm SmartDraw for Windows95, Version 3.11 proj 7 ~ fra_002B
07 Jul 97 Riz la+ ~ rizla.htm TimeLock32 v2.0 reverse engineering unass. ~ fra_002C
08 Jul 97 ReZiDeNt ~ crackpp.htm Reverse engineering Serif PagePlus 4 Trial Edition unass. ~ fra_002D
08 Jul 97 Hackmore Readrite ~ ntsnocra.htm Reverse engineering NetScanTool's protection scheme unass. ~ fra_002E
09 Jul 97 plushmm ~ stupi7.htm A pretty stupid scheme: Spam Exterminator proj 7 ~ fra_002F
10 Jul 97 +Yamato ~ going.htm Going undercover and browsing on your own proxy unass. ~ fra_0030
16 Jul 97 Zero ~ sdzero.htm Cracking "Save disabled" protections proj 6 ~ fra_0031
16 Jul 97 Zero ~ vbzero.htm A decompiler is enough! proj 8 ~ fra_0032
17 Jul 97 Birdy Harry ~ wi_birdy.htm Deeper WiniceNT cracking, working with HIEW proj_2 ~ fra_0033
20 Jul 97 Frog's print ~ vb_frog.htm A decompiler is more than enough! proj 8 fra_0034
21 Jul 97 Aesculapius ~ aesc_adc.htm A tough protection scheme: Advanced Disk Catalog unass. ~ fra_0035
25 Jul 97 Kox ~ pagemill.htm Adobe's Pagemill Version 2 unass. ~ fra_0036
25 Jul 97 +Sync ~ sync2.htm A good protection scheme: ZMUD 4.62 unass. ~ fra_0037
26 Jul 97 plushmm ~ plushm_2.htm How to crack Business Card Designer Plus v5.00b unass. ~ fra_0038
28 Jul 97 +SNikKkEL ~ snikkel.htm Another "blacklist" protection proj 7 ~ fra_0039
31 Jul 97 +daQ ~ daqnew.htm Photoshop Filter Hacking unass. ~ fra_003A
01 Aug 97 The Undertaker ~ underta1.htm Short and effective Win95's Softice cracking proj 2 ~ fra_003B
02 Aug 97 Bozo ~ bozo1.htm Final WiniceNT cracking proj 2 ~ fra_003C
06 Aug 97 Teraphy ~ teraphy.htm How to rip and assemble key generators unass. ~ fra_003D
06 Aug 97 Frog's Print ~ frogdigi.htm Commercial stupidity - Digimarc downfall proj 7 ~ fra_003E
06 Aug 97 +daQ ~ daqtod.htm Hexpert32, Cracking the tools of the trade proj 1 ~ fra_003F
07 Aug 97 ViceVersa+ ~ vicevers.htm Winice 3.01 time-stamp encryption algorithm proj 2 ~ fra_0040
11 Aug 97 Plushmm ~ pluslazy.htm Same password protection allover 4 targets unass. ~ fra_0041
11 Aug 97 ViceVersa+ ~ vicever2.htm Micro$oft bashing: Frontpage 97 beta proj 9 ~ fra_0042
11 Aug 97 iNCuBuS++ ~ incubus.htm Windows Commander 3.02 unass. ~ fra_0043
13 Aug 97 +Sync ~ solution.htm +Sync's solution to +Sync's difficult protection our prot ~ fra_0044
13 Aug 97 Camel Eater ~ piq.htm The "Prefetch Instruction Queue" idea our prot ~ fra_0045
14 Aug 97 madmax!/PC97 ~ asmedit1.htm ASM Edit 1.82a, protected mode cracking unass. ~ fra_0046
14 Aug 97 +Sync ~ wrapper.htm Softwrapper: A commercial and stupid encryption scheme proj 7 ~ fra_0047
15 Aug 97 Epic Lord ~ epic2.htm FrontPage 98 English beta 1 for Windows 95 & NT 4.0 proj 9 ~ fra_0048
15 Aug 97 SiuL Hacky ~ siulha2.htm The Trojan horse race has just started proj 9 ~ fra_0049
15 Aug 97 iNCuBuS++ ~ cubus2.htm Cracking WinHacker95 2.0 proj 7 ~ fra_004A
17 Aug 97 Heres ~ heres1.htm How to register HexWorkshop v2.52 (32bit) proj 1 ~ fra_004B
17 Aug 97 +Rcg ~ rcgreve1.htm Reverse engineering Windows 95 itself unass. ~ fra_004C
17 Aug 97 Jon ~ jon1.htm Kremlin 1.1, a stupidly protected encryption utility proj 7 ~ fra_004D
17 Aug 97 FanTC ~ fantc1.htm Cracking Comments v1.3 proj 7 ~ fra_004E
19 Aug 97 xOANON ~ xoautow.htm aUTOWINNET 95 v4.0b unass. ~ fra_004F
19 Aug 97 +Sync ~ syncms1.htm Cracking MS FrontPage & MS Image Composer 1.5 proj 9 ~ fra_0050
19 Aug 97 x86 ~ x861.htm Cracking HEdit 2.0 proj 1 ~ fra_0051
19 Aug 97 Heres ~ heres002.htm How to install Soft-Ice 3.01 Win95 (trial version) proj 2 ~ fra_0052
20 Aug 97 razzia ~ razzcripp.htm razzia's tutorial for crippled programs proj 6 ~ fra_0053
21 Aug 97 Aesculapius ~ ueditcrk.htm ULTRAEDIT-32 V. 4.40a proj 1 ~ fra_0054
22 Aug 97 ReZiDeNt ~ reziedi1.htm Reverse Engineering UltraEdit-32 4.40a proj 1 ~ fra_0055
22 Aug 97 Frog's Print ~ fp_melti.htm melted MeltICE proj 2 ~ fra_0056
22 Aug 97 razzia ~ razziak2.htm razzia's Tutorial on Key Generators (II) unass. ~ fra_0057
22 Aug 97 The Undertaker ~ banda2.htm CENTURY LAN ANALYZER VER 1.22b [WIN95 VERSION] unass. ~ fra_0058
27 Aug 97 Hackmore Readrite ~ hackmo1.htm Cracking DNS WORKSHOP unass. ~ fra_0059
27 Aug 97 Nop ~ nop1.htm PhotoVista v1.0 crack Step-by-Step unass. ~ fra_005A
28 Aug 97 Mammon_ ~ mammon1.htm EnTray-Vous, Merci proj 7 ~ fra_005B
28 Aug 97 Aesculapius ~ aescul5.htm Brief Tutorial on CD Access Based Protection Schemes Under Windows proj 4 ~ fra_005C
28 Aug 97 PNA ~ pna1.htm Ulead PhotoImpact Trial 3.01 proj 7 ~ fra_005D
30 Aug 97 Kox ~ koxpara.htm A "Laying Eggs" target unass. ~ fra_005E
31 Aug 97 Flipper ~ flipper1.htm iniquity's inequality protection scheme proj 7 ~ fra_005F
01 Sep 97 PNA ~ pna2.htm W32Dasm Version 8.0 Save re-enabling proj 0
proj 6
~ fra_0060
03 Sep 97 Zafer ~ zaferdon.htm Dongle reverse engineering - HASP proj 3 ~ fra_0061
03 Sep 97 The Undertacker ~ bandnov1.htm Novell Netware 3.12 unass. ~ fra_0062
03 Sep 97 Drlan ~ drlan1.htm Cool 3D by Ulead - up against nags and smears unass. ~ fra_0063
04 Sep 97 fravia+ ~ tamimons.htm Taming Monsters, finding clowns unass. C fra_0064
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