The Acorn CiderVillage

The Acorn Cidervillage


All of life can be divided into three categories: the good, the bad, and the ludicrous. For us, Acorn represents the good, Wintel the bad, and the Acorn Cidervillage the ludicrous.

Our aim is to provide all that is absurd, abstruse, or slightly unusual in the Acorn world; or at least, vaguely related to the Acorn world. Our success will be measured by the level of your confusion and uncertainty as you traverse these pages' most surreal depths, and your lasting bewilderment as you surface, gasping in desperation for the harsher (but saner) realities of the rest of the internet.

The presentation of these pages will mimic throughout the worst practices of those who "push the envelope" of hypertext markup language to the furthest extremes. In particular, we hope to annihilate your bandwidth to such an extent that your internet provider will never recover from the vehemence of your complaints; but we also hope to present for your edification some of the weirdest web designs ever encountered by a terrestrial audience.

The Acorn Cidervillage URL of the Week

The Acorn Cidervillage URL of the Week Archive

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The Acorn Cidervillage

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Recommended reading: Cider With Rosie, by Laurie Lee


This page has been accessed less than eight times since your last cup of coffee.
Last updated: January 1st, 2024

We welcome your comments, additions, suggestions, and small MIME-encoded pints of cider. E-mail

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These pages have no connection whatsoever with the Acorn Cybervillage, a source of serious sane information and other services for users of Acorn computers.

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