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11 February 2000

AROS English A dossier about AROS, the portable Amiga OS project coordinated by Aaron Digulla (taken from Amiga Life n. 105) (German version).

6 January 2000

AROS English A dossier about AROS, the portable Amiga OS project coordinated by Aaron Digulla.(taken from Amiga Life n. 105).

6 December 1999

T-Zer0 English Portuguese The last fantastic shoot'em up published by ClickBoom (English version).
T-Zero: Coméntario (Portuguese version).

27 November 1999

T-Zer0 The last fantastic shoot'em up published by ClickBoom (German version).

21 November 1999

Micronik: PC mouse adapter A PC mouse adapter for the Amiga.

14 November 1999

AmigaAmp 2.7 beta A mp3 player that reminds WinAmp (PD/S World).

10 November 1999

M.S.P. News: Sports Time A message from M.S.P. company about the new game called Sports Time (german version).
Editorial Editorial by Paolo Pettinato.

30 September 1999

Jogeir Liljedahl - The Wanderer German version: the first CD of the Jogeir Liljedahl, the famous Amiga musician, author of unforgettable masterpieces.

28 September 1999

M.S.P. News: Sports Time A message from M.S.P. company about the new game called Sports Time

26 September 1999

Interview to Thomas Tavoly Portuguese version of the interview to the founder and webmaster of the Amiga RC5 Team.
Yam 2 Portuguese version of the review of Yam 2, the famous Marcel Beck's mailer.
Jogeir Liljedahl - The Wanderer Portuguese version: the first CD of the Jogeir Liljedahl, the famous Amiga musician, author of unforgettable masterpieces.

14 September 1999

Yam 2 The new version of the famous Marcel Beck's mailer
Jogeir Liljedahl - The Wanderer The first CD of the Jogeir Liljedahl, the famous Amiga musician, author of unforgettable masterpieces.

5 September 1999

Interview to Thomas Tavoly An interview to the founder and webmaster of tha Amiga RC5 Team

19 August 1999

Jogeir Liljedahl releases CD Jogeir Liljedahl, perhaps the most famous Amiga MOD musician ever, has published his first music CD.

18 August 1999

QNX versus AMIGA INT Amiga - QNX - Linux. The first 4 Moves

13 August 1999

Amiga/Opis Technologii Polis translation of Tech Brief.

2 August 1999

VLRec NG Informations about an interesting grafic program for the video registration

23 July 1999

The 'NG' Opinions about the Amiga 'NG'.
Fleecy on QNX-Amiga A gå fra ekstansens højder til desperationens dybder.
Benkyo! A cartoons magazine that support Amiga totally in its cd-rom.

16 July 1999

QNX speaks about Amiga future An exclusive mail of Mal Raddalgoda, Director of Corporate Communications, sent to AmiWorld.

11 July 1999

QNX Amiga Linux Announces
QNX Amiga Linux Ankuendigungen
Amiga - QNX - Linux
The first 4 Moves

10 July 1999

Fleecy on QNX/Amiga QNX - Amiga
To go from the heights of ecstasy to the pits of dispair
Der Weg aus der höchsten Verzückung in die tiefste Depression
A gå fra ekstansens højder til desperationens dybder.

3 July 1999

ANES A Nintendo Emulator
Ein Nintendo Emulator

NASA: an interview to Hal GreenLee

Amiga controls NASA launches at Cape Canaveral.
Amiga steuert Operationen der der landungsueberwachung in Cape Canaveral.
O Amiga controla operações de lançamento no Cabo Canaveral.

25 June 1999

Jay Visual Pascal A new tool to build functional GUI descripted by its

21 May 1999

Editorial Editorial: english version and deutsch version.

3 May 1999

Amiga Writer (uptodate) A new cool word processor (uptodate)

10 April 1999

NASA: interview to Hal GreenLee

Amiga controls NASA launches at Cape Canaveral.
Amiga steuert Operationen der der landungsueberwachung in Cape Canaveral.
O Amiga controla operações de lançamento no Cabo Canaveral.

3 March 1999

Interview to M. Albrecht: Let's talk with ACT founder (the Samplitude and Prelude producer).

21 February 1999

Editorial Crisis of identity

7 February 1999

Interview with De Vitis of ATO The english version of the interview with Marco De Vitis of Amiga Translators Organization.

5 February 1999

Olo Fight: A new beat'em up like Mortal Kombat.
Fleecy Moss interview: part 2 The english version of the second part of Fleecy Moss interview.

10 January 1999

Fleecy Moss: Kosh & the future of Amiga spirit

3 January 1999

ATO Interview: Today we speak about... Free Translation!

19 December 1998

WinCows Intell: The REAL Meeaning of MMX
WinCows Why does WinCows domain?
WinCows Is Wincows a virus???

13 Dicembre 1998

AMOS Past, Present and Future

23 September 1998

Turbo Calc 5.02 The best spreadsheet for Amiga???

20 September 1998

Michele Console Battilana: Another interview to the Chief of Cloanto.

5 September 1998

Vulcan: Interview to Vulcans Marble-Eyes developing team.

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