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To BombjackBombo, the gameo from RinoTo Rockford



Theme 1 AWE (38k)(by Dany Carpentier)
Theme 1 XG (38k) (by Dany Carpentier)
Title Tune MPEG

One of the more... disappointing... games in existence. As Zzap pointed out, bearing in mind some of the technical inadequcies of the game, it was slightly humorous that the title screen to the game advertised a programming book. Mind you, I couldn't have done any better, so who am I to criticize?

The music, however, is widely regarded as some of Benn's nicest work. Dany's Egyptian theme cover captures the spirit nicely, especially in the XG version. The MPEG is a straight recording of the XG version.
Chris Abbott

"Bombed out of his skull again..."

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