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To BomboTo Commando

Theme by Peter Liepa


Title Theme AWE (17k)
Title Theme XG (17k)

"Music composition was one of the "roads not taken" in my career, but I always used to love improvising music. You could say that the Boulder Dash themes were my only "true" compositions in the sense that they were nailed down and did not vary from performance to performance. The funny thing is that they were written without using a keyboard or paper. Instead, I wrote a very simple program on the Atari 800 for arranging 4 voices, and then started hacking out a composition. The result is something that has only ever been played on a computer ... I wouldn't have a clue how to play it on a piano, and I never transcribed it to traditional notation."

"I suppose this isn't too strange in the modern world of music arrangement and composition - but at the time in the early 80's it seemed notable."
Peter Liepa

Possibly the most addictive and compulsive game until Tetris: it spawned three sequels, many shareware products, and a whole cottage industry of level designers: the Quake of its generation. The copyists never quite grasped the essence of Boulderdash: the original had a playability, feel and atmosphere that were never matched. I remember reading the first review in PCG (Personal Computer Games), which at the time was the best games magazine of its time, at least in the UK. Life was never the same again, especially when Rockford, the foot-tapping main character appeared in the margins of Zzap. A diamond, although I'm firmly convinced that the sequel was too hard. Oh, the controversy when it didn't get as many marks in ZZap! as people wanted!
Chris Abbott



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