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To BoulderdashTo Cr-r-r-razy Comets

Rob's Magnificence can be seen behind this link


Title Theme (Chris), 3:54
Title Theme (Instant Remedy)
Title theme AWE (67.7k)
Title Theme XG (93.1k)

High Score theme (straight version)

High Score Theme AWE (26.1k)
High Score Theme XG (24.5k)

High Score Theme
(medley with Monty on the Run High Score)

High Score Medley AWE (135k)
High Score Medley XG (135k)

Commando: one of three or four Commando lookalikes to surface around 1986. Oddly enough, Commando was the best Commando lookalike, although it was prone to crashing, and some people liked the "banned" Alligata version "Who Dares Wins" and its unbanned sequel "Who Dares Wins II". At least Elite bothered to license the original arcade game from Capcom.

Did you notice how similar the Commando High Score tune is to the Monty on the Run High Score tune? The MPEG and MIDIs prove it by tying both together. Go on, risk a download!
Chris Abbott

When you know that Rob Hubbard wrote this music overnight (literally!) it goes to show how amazing this tune actually is. And as my brother owns an arcade cabinet with the Commando PCB, I can compare the tunes. Hubbard's conversion while initially sounding like the original machine's ingame theme, is also more upbeat and funky, using the classic Hubbard drums. It also develops on the original by having a more loose feel and extra parts which make the tune sound like an original C64 piece than a straight arcade conversion job. The drumming that emnates with the background instrument two minutes in, and again at the end, breaks the tune up nicely. This tune (and/or the high score tune) got a lot of people into C64 music seriously.
Warren Pilkington



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