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To Commando9797Creatures

To Rob's work


CD Clip (0:46)

Having played the arcade machine 'Mad Planets' aeons ago, I was well impressed how close this C64 game was to it. But of course, the C64 tune had one advantage: a superlative Hubbard soundtrack. The uptempo pace of this tune kept in line with the frenetic blasting, and there are splatterings of strange effects everywhere which are supposed to resemble out of space alien type blurbles, which they do pretty well.

Interestingly, this tune was later remixed by Rob for the game's sequel 'Mega Apocalypse' which was even more frantic and fun than the original; also that it was the first C64 game to have music and samples whilst playing the game.
Warren Pilkington

The CD version of this track features some massively impressive instrumental playing by Rob himself, on bass, drums, funky clav and funky guitar. Rob himself describes the piece as Electronic Funk with a touch of New Order, which gives some indication of the direction Rob wanted to take the song.
Chris Abbott


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