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Trade Fairs 1997-98
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BIOTECHNICA's tenth anniversary
A new structure in '97
New concept focuses on product presentations

Milestone anniversaries are a time to review the past and set ambitious new targets for the future. BIOTECHNICA '97, running from 21 to 23 October 1997 in Hannover, has such a target: In 1997, on its tenth anniversary, the international biotechnology trade fair will have a new outlook consisting of customer-oriented presentations of processes and services, a stronger focus on products, closer links to related technical fields (e.g. information science), and a more transparent layout for exhibitors and trade visitors.

A synopsis of the new concept is given on th following pages. In brief, BIOTECHNICA '97 will be presenting the four application areas of Health, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals; Agriculture; Nutrition; and Environment and Recycling in strategic areas in Hall 2, laid out in the form of a market square. The center of the hall will feature a pavilion for each application area, each focusing on a particular keynote theme, where exhibitors will showcase their latest products. These pavilions will be located around an Innovations Forum with 80 seats for company and product presentations. Prominently and strategically positioned around the forum will be "BioCenters", covering the most important aspects in the biotechnological sphere. This includes cooperation exchanges, funding and financing, support programs, and an education and jobs desk.

This core array of special displays will also feature a new showcase for a subject rapidly gaining in significance: the EXPO Pavilion will display the plans being developed for the field of biotechnology at EXPO 2000 - the world exposition taking place in Hannover in the year 2000.

Naturally, BIOTECHNICA '97 will also feature its regular, applications-focused congress, to be held over the course of the three days in close proximity to the exhibits, in the conference area of Hall 1.

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