// LinuxTag 2004
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//Sweep: Real-world audio editing on Linux

Sweep: Real-world audio editing on Linux

Conrad Parker


This talk outlines the recent work on Sweep, a digital audio editor, as part of a contract with Pixar Animation Studios, where it is now used in animation production, and further work supported by CSIRO Australia. Sweep is Free Software, available under the GNU General Public License.

Intended for both home users wishing to edit recordings and music files, and professionals working in areas such as telephony, radio and film production, this presentation will include a brief demonstration of Sweep's capabilities, including multichannel editing, recording, and interactive scrubbing. This will be followed by an examination of the usability design, whereby Sweep provides an intuitive interface both for audio editing and live DJing. Lastly, an overview of technical implementation, including the modelling of vinyl style "scrubbing" and monitoring of playback latency. This is an energetic presentation including interesting examples of editing speech and music, and live DJing.

ワber den Autor

Conrad Parker is the lead developer of the Sweep sound editor and metadecks.org, creating free software for Linux audio workstations in media production and live performance. Other software credits include the speedmine and speedworm xscreensavers, xsel, xboids, sane-v4l2, tractorgen, and /etc/init.d/pants.

He is employed as a Senior Software Engineer for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia, where he is involved in audio analysis and multimedia networking research. Conrad was an organiser of linux.conf.au 2001 in Sydney and served as President of the Sydney Linux Users Group 2000-2002 and Board member of the Australian Unix Users Group 2001-2002.


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.