// LinuxTag 2004
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Hauptseite//Vortr臠e//gUSA: User Space Atomicity with Little Kernel Modification

gUSA: User Space Atomicity with Little Kernel Modification

Yutaka Niibe


The talk presents design and implementation of gUSA ("g" User Space Atomicity). gUSA offers efficient atomicity in user space. It is designed for uni-processor system and implemented in GNU/Linux for embedded processors: SuperH (SH-3, SH-4), MIPS 5900 and StrongARM. It can be used effectively for the implementation of thread libraries, such as ntpl, and is efficient and useful for processors with poor hardware support of atomic operations.

The presentation describes the problems a developer has to cope with when implementing atomic sequences and shows the design of gUSA as a possible solution to these problems, as well as the limitations of this approach. Practical implementations for GNU/Linux are shown together with benchmark results for these implementations.

ワber den Autor

In 1991, Yutaka Niibe got a Master degree on Electrical Engineering at the University of Electro-Communication, Japan. He joined the development of GNU Emacs in 1991, worked on the multilingual support for Linux and maintained the PLIP driver in 1993-1999. Since the beginning of the SuperH port in 1999, he became interested in embedded system development and has joined ETL Japan and later on the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

He is co-founder of NPO, the Free Software Initiative of Japan under Tokyo Metropolitan Government, established in 2002, as well as Chairman of the Asia OSS Symposium 2003.


Impressum // ゥ 2003 LinuxTag e.V.