Nachßdzate sa na informaΦnej strßnke o operaΦnom systΘme FreeBSD.

In╣talßcia FreeBSD.

FreeBSD installation and configuration tool. Please select one of the options below by using the arrow keys or typing the  first character of the option name you're interested in. Invoke an │ │ option by pressing [ENTER] or [TAB-ENTER] to exit the installation. 
Usage                         Quick  start - How to use this menu system 
Standard                     Begin  a standard installation (recommended) 
Express                       Begin a quick installation (for the impatient) 
Custom                       Begin a custom installation (for experts) 
Configure                   Do   post-install configuration of FreeBSD
Doc                             Installation instructions, README, etc. 
Keymap                      Select  keyboard type 
Options                      View/Set various installation options 
Fixit                             Enter   repair mode with CDROM/floppy or start shell 
Upgrade                     Upgrade  an existing system 
Load Config              Load  default install configuration 
Index                          Glossary of functions 

             Select OK or Cancel to leave this menu. 

 Po stlaΦenφ "enter" na Standard uvidφte tak·to v²zvu:

                      [ ] ad0

                      [ ] ad1

                      [ ] da0   (Tu mi systΘm zobrazuje extern· mechaniku Zip Drive pod zariadenφm da0)

Tu si treba zvoli╗ disk, na ktor² chcete in╣talova╗ FreeBSD. Posu≥te sa kurzorom a vo╡bu uskutoΦnφte klßvesou "space" (medzernφk). ad0 je prv² fyzick² disk a ad1 druh² fyzick² disk.

Po potvrdenφ OK dostanete tak·to v²zvu:

Tu si zvolφte, kde sa bude in╣talova╗ boot manager. Asi bude dobrΘ in╣talova╗ boot manager, nein╣talovanie boot manageru je vhodnΘ iba vtedy, ak pou╛φvate in² boot manager, napr. Partition Magic - Boot Magic, GAG alebo OS/2 boot manager, ktor² mßm odsk·╣an² a ktor² nemß problΘmy s FreeBSD. Boot manager FreeBSD je ove╡a lep╣φ ako linuxovsk² boot manager Lilo. Napokon sa vßm zobrazφ nasledovnΘ okno:

  Disk name:      wd0                                    FDISK Partition Editor 
  DISK Geometry:  1027 cyls/255 heads/63 sectors = 16498755 sectors 
  Offset       Size        End     Name  PType       Desc  Subtype    Flags 
             0    16128      16127        -      6     unused        0 
     16128    3469977   3486104    wd0s1      1    unknown       22 
 3486105    5108670   8594774    wd0s2      3    freebsd      165    C 
 8594775    7903980   16498754  wd0s3      4   extended        5    > 
16498755      15309   16514063            -      6     unused        0    > 

The following commands are supported (in upper or lower case): 
 A = Use Entire Disk                             C = Create Slice 
 D = Delete Slice                                   G = Set Drive Geometry   S = Set Bootable 
 T = Change Type                                 U = Undo All Changes     W = Write Changes 
 Use F1 or ? to get more help, arrow keys to select. 

Offset je zaΦiatok diskovΘho oddielu. Klßvesou "a" vyberiete cel² disk (samozrejme na in╣talßciu), klßvesou "d" vyma╛ete diskov² oddiel (napr. Microsoft, Φo vrele doporuΦujem), klßvesou "t" zmenφte typ diskovΘho oddielu, kde FAT je Φφslo 6, Linux Φφslo 131, Linux Swap Φφslo 130, FreeBSD Φφslo 165 a pod.(toto sl·╛i aj na dodatoΦnΘ konfigurovanie diskov²ch oddielov). Klßvesou "g" nastavφte geometriu disku (to robte len vtedy, keby ste mali star² BIOS), klßvesou "u" vrßtite v╣etky va╣e zmeny spΣ╗ (ak ste sa pom²lili), klßvesou "c" vytvorφte nov² diskov² oddiel, klßvesou "s" oznaΦφte diskov² oddiel ako ╣tartovate╡n², klßvesou "w" zapφ╣ete zmeny na disk. Ke∩ si nastavφte disky, staΦφ pou╛i╗ klßvesu "q" (nie "w"), Φφm sa dostanete do ∩al╣ieho okna:

The following commands are supported (in upper or lower case): 
A = Use Entire Disk                             C = Create Slice 
D = Delete Slice                                   G = Set Drive Geometry           S = Set Bootable 
T = Change Type        U = Undo All Changes     W = Write Changes 
Use F1 or ? to get more help, arrow keys to select. 

Disk: wd0       Partition name: wd0s2   Free: 0 blocks (0MB) 
Part      Mount           Size Newfs  Part      Mount           Size Newfs 
----      -----           ---- -----  ----      -----           ---- ----- 
wd0s2a    /              200MB UFS N 
wd0s2b    swap           350MB SWAP 
wd0s2e    /var           200MB UFS N 
wd0s2f    /usr          1744MB UFS N 

The following commands are valid here (upper or lower case): 
C = Create      D = Delete         M = Mount pt. W = Write 
N = Newfs Opts  T = Newfs Toggle   U = Undo      Q = Finish 
A = Auto Defaults for all! 

Choose Distributions  As a convenience, we provide several "canned" distribution sets.  These select what we consider to be the most reasonable defaults for the 
type of system in question.  If you would prefer to pick and choose the 
list of distributions yourself, simply select "Custom".  You can also 
pick a canned distribution set and then fine-tune it with the Custom item. 
 Choose an item by pressing [SPACE]. When you are finished, choose the Exit 
 item or press [ENTER].                                                        <<< X Exit                     Exit this menu (returning to previous) 
    All                              All system sources, binaries and X Window System) 
    Reset                          Reset selected distribution list to nothing 
[ ] 4 Developer               Full sources, binaries and doc but no games
[ ] 5 X-Developer           Same as above + X Window System 

[ ] 6 Kern-Developer      Full binaries and doc, kernel sources only 

[ ] 7 X-Kern-Developer  Same as above + X Window system 

[ ] 8 User                       Average user - binaries and doc only
[ ] 9 X-User                   Same as above + X Window System 
[ ] A Minimal                  The smallest configuration possible 
     B Custom                  Specify your own distribution set │ 

                            OK         [Cancel] 
     [ Press F1 for more information on these options. 

Tu medzernφkom treba oznaΦi╗ to, Φo potrebujete (napr. X-Developer). DoporuΦujem vybra╗
polo╛ku Φφslo 9 - X-User, aby ste mali aj X Windows. Potom treba v╣ak dodatoΦne in╣talova╗ zdrojovΘ k≤dy pre jadro, ak ho chcete prekompilova╗.

Choose Installation Media  FreeBSD can be installed from a variety of different installation  media, ranging from floppies to an Internet FTP server.  If you're 
installing FreeBSD from a supported CDROM drive then this is generally 
the best media to use if you have no overriding reason for using other media. 
      1 CDROM      Install from a FreeBSD CDROM 
      2 FTP              Install from an FTP server 
      3 FTP Passive  Install from an FTP server through a firewall 
      3b HTTP         Install from an FTP server through a http proxy 
      4 DOS            Install from a DOS partition 
      5 NFS             Install over NFS 
      6 File System   Install from an existing filesystem 
      7 Floppy         Install from a floppy disk set 
      8 Tape            Install from SCSI or QIC tape 
      9 Options        Go to the Options screen 
                            [  OK  ]       Cancel 
   [ Press F1 for more information on the various media types ]
Podobne ako v Linuxe existuje pre DOS prφkaz loadlin.exe, ktor²m spustφste Linux z DOSu, vo FreeBSD je to fbsdboot.exe. Musφte ho ma╗ v╣ak na disku C: aj s kernelom, ktor² tam prekopφrujete. Po zadanφ prφkazu fbsdboot.exe fbsdboot h╡adß kernel a ke∩ ho nßjde, spustφ FreeBSD. Takto m⌠╛ete vytvori╗ dosovsk· systΘmov· disketu, ktorou spustφte FreeBSD - dajte do s·boru "autoexec.bat" prφkaz fbsdboot.exe, ale odkaz na kernel musi φs╗ na hard disk, preto╛e kernel FreeBSD sa nezmestφ na disketu. Mß to v²hody aj nev²hody. Kernel Linuxu je komprimovan², b·tovanie trvß o nieΦo dlh╣ie, FreeBSD zase b·tuje r²chlej╣ie. Pozrite sa na moje tipy, ke∩ chcete vedie╗ viac.

Po in╣talßcii si treba vytvori╗ kernel, preto╛e defaultn² kernel nemß nastavenie na zvukovΘ karty a inΘ veci. Treba  in╣talova╗ "kern developer", teda zdrojovΘ s·bory pre kernel do adresßra /usr/sys/. Ak si chcete sami upravi╗ konfigurßciu kernela, zadajte nasledovnΘ prφkazy: cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf _____(tu je s·bor GENERIC, prekopφrujte ho na MYKERNEL a tento editujte. S·bor LINT obsahuje pokyny, ╛ia╡ len v angliΦtite, ako editova╗ MYKERNEL. T²mto prφkazom:

device pcm0 at isa? port ? tty irq 10 drq 5 flags 0x0

nastavφte napr. zvuk na Sound Blaster. Prφkaz napφ╣te do jednΘho riadku.

M⌠╛ete pou╛i╗ aj m⌠j MYKERNEL, ktor² je tu: MYKERNEL. Tento je v╣ak pre verziu 3.+, pre verziu 4.0 pou╛ite tento s·bor - KERNEL4. Potom zadajte prφkaz: /usr/sbin/config MYKERNEL, prejdite do adresßra /usr/sys/compile/MYKERNEL a zadajte tieto tri prφkazy:

make depend


make install

Re╣tartujte poΦφtaΦ a mßte mo╛nos╗ vyu╛φva╗ slu╛by novΘho jadra.

╚o robi╗ hne∩ po in╣talßcii?

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