Evapotranspiration Package (EVT)

©1995, 1996, Richard B. Winston

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Last modified on Wednesday, January 31, 1996 - 5:41:48 PM

Skip forward to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

The original instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package are on pages 10-8 to 10-9 of McDonald and Harbaugh (1988).

Introduction: The Evapotranspiration Package is used to model the effects of evapotranspiration in MODFLOW. If the head in a cell exceeds some maximum (The "ET surface"), evapotranspiration will proceed at a maximum rate. If the head is below the "extinction depth" no evapotranspiration will occur. The evapotranspiration rate between the extinction depth and the ET surface is a linear function of head. The user must specify from which cell in each vertical column evapotranspiration will be extracted. If a cell from which evapotranspiration is supposed to occur goes dry, no evapotranspiration will take place in that vertical column. Unlike the Recharge Package, there is no way to cause evapotranspiration to take place from some a lower cell when an upper one goes dry except by explicitly changing the cell in the vertical column from which evapotranspiration should occur. Setting the extinction depth lower than the base of a cell may cause the model to fail to converge to a solution when used with the BCF2 or BCF3 packages due to repeated drying out and rewetting of some cells. With the BCF1 package, MODFLOW is likely to converge to an incorrect solution under the same conditions. If you wish to have multiple layers within the rooting zone and only require a uniform evapotranspiration rate, you can do it by using negative values of recharge in the Recharge Package.

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Input Instructions

All input parameters should be right justified.

Line 1, Spaces 1-10, NEVTOP, Integer, Evapotranspiration option code

Evapotranspiration only occurs from active cells. If any of the cells from which evapotranspiration is supposed to occur is inactive, no evapotranspiration will occur from those vertical columns. This includes cells which become inactive during a simulation because they dry out.

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Line 1, Spaces 11-20, IEVTCB, Integer

(You must also set ICBCFL in the Output Control option to print or save cell-by-cell flow terms.)

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Line 2, Spaces 1-10, INSURF, Integer

When the head in a cell is above the value of SURF for that cell, the maximum evapotranspiration rate (EVTR) will be used.
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

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Line 2, Spaces 11-20, INEVTR, Integer

The maximum evapotranspiration rate will be used when the head in a cell exceeds the evapotranspiration surface for that cell (SURF). When the head in a cell is between the evapotranspiration surface (SURF) and the extinction depth (EXDP), the rate of evapotranspiration will be determined by linear extrapolation between 0 at the extinction depth and the maximum rate at the evapotranspiration surface.
The evapotranspiration rate has units of length/time.
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

Line 2, Spaces 21-30, INEXDP, Integer

When the head in a cell is lower than the extinction depth, no evapotranspiration will occur in that cell. Setting the extinction depth lower than the bottom of a cell is likely to lead to incorrect results and may prevent MODFLOW from converging to a solution.
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

Line 2, Spaces 31-40, INIEVT, Integer, used only if NEVTOP = 2.

For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

Lines 3+, SURF(NCOL,NROW) array entered using U2DREL.

When the head in a cell is above the value of SURF(NCOL,NROW) for that cell, the maximum evapotranspiration rate (EVTR) will be used.
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

Lines 4+, EVTR(NCOL,NROW) array entered using U2DREL.

The maximum evapotranspiration rate will be used when the head in a cell exceeds the evapotranspiration surface for that cell (SURF). When the head in a cell is between the evapotranspiration surface (SURF) and the extinction depth (EXDP), the rate of evapotranspiration will be determined by linear extrapolation between 0 at the extinction depth and the maximum rate at the evapotranspiration surface.
The evapotranspiration rate has units of length/time. Within MODFLOW, it is multiplied by the cell surface area (DELR x DELC) to obtain the volumetric rate.
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

Lines 5+, EXDP(NCOL,NROW)) array entered using U2DREL.

When the head in a cell is lower than the extinction depth, no evapotranspiration will occur in that cell. Setting the extinction depth lower than the bottom of a cell is likely to lead to incorrect results and may prevent MODFLOW from converging to a solution.
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.

Lines 6+, IEVT(NCOL,NROW) array entered using U2DINT.

Used only if NEVTOP = 2 and INIEVT >= 0
IEVT(NCOL,NROW) is a two dimensional, integer array. Each member of the array indicates from which layer evapotranspiration should be extracted for it's vertical column. For example the array

1 2 2
2 3 4
4 5 5

indicates that
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 1 at (1,1)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 2 at (2,1)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 2 at (3,1)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 2 at (1,2)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 3 at (2,2)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 4 at (3,2)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 4 at (1,3)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 5 at (2,3)
evapotranspiration will be extracted from layer 5 at (3,3)
For each stress period, enter Lines 2+ to Lines 6+ before entering data for the next stress period.

Go back to Input instructions for the Evapotranspiration Package.
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©1995, 1996, Richard B. Winston,
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La 70803
Fax 504-388-2302