> Perhaps you remember a little social experiment a few years back. I seemed
> like a good idea at the time, yet in the end, it blew up in the faces of those
> who said it would work. Yeas, thats right- Wasn't the USSSR one of those really nice state CAPITALIST countries, where the means of production was owned by a minority class, reffered to as the nomenkalture? Wasn't that following a revolution in a hopelessly backward economy, where the proletariate were the minority of teh population- oh yes, I think iot was. Was it socialism - I think not.
> Capitalism is the best system that we have tried. On paper communism looks
> good. But when it is acctually applyed to the real world using real people,
> it back fires. Under this system there is no incentive to work or work hard.
So thats why tribal societies are dead full of competition and rivalry, and have competition between cows milk producers? Or that pre-industrial pre-capitalist society in europe was co-operative. Human nature never changes. Hmm....
(Ps. Socialism would abolish the government and money....)