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peon::SceneCamera Class Reference

This object acts as a wrapper around modifying the view matrix of the scene (aka the view transformation stage of the pipeline). More...

#include <SceneCamera.h>

Inheritance diagram for peon::SceneCamera:

peon::ISceneObject peon::IUnknown List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SceneCamera ()
 ~SceneCamera ()
void generateViewFrustum ()
 This method is responsible for capturing our current view frustum matrix and dumping the data into 6 planes that we can query.
bool isSphereInFrustum (float x, float y, float z, float fRadius)
 This method is responsible for testing if a sphere has hit a view frustum boundary.
void setPerspectiveProj (float fAspect, float z_min, float z_max)
 This method is responsible for setting the perspective matrix for our camera.
void setViewMatrix (Vector3 &vecEye, Vector3 &vecLookAt, Vector3 &vecUp)
 This method sets our camera viewpoint.
void rotateView (float X, float Y, float Z)
virtual void updateView ()
virtual void onMouseEvent (SDL_Event *pEvent)
 This method can be used to update the view matrix based on the mouse's motion (if need be).

Protected Attributes

Vector3 m_vecUp
 the "Up" vector
Vector3 m_vecLookAt
 the "LookAT" vector
Plane m_oFrustumPlanes [6]
 our six view frustum planes

Detailed Description

This object acts as a wrapper around modifying the view matrix of the scene (aka the view transformation stage of the pipeline).

Member Function Documentation

bool peon::SceneCamera::isSphereInFrustum float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  fRadius

This method is responsible for testing if a sphere has hit a view frustum boundary.

x - x position of the sphere
y - y position of the sphere
z - z position of the sphere
float - radius of the sphere
bool - true if the sphere is inside the frustum

virtual void peon::SceneCamera::onMouseEvent SDL_Event *  pEvent  )  [virtual]

This method can be used to update the view matrix based on the mouse's motion (if need be).

pEvent - the SDL_Event structure containing the mouse events

void peon::SceneCamera::setPerspectiveProj float  fAspect,
float  z_min,
float  z_max

This method is responsible for setting the perspective matrix for our camera.

fAspect - the aspect ratio of the view
z_min - the minimum z-plane
z_max - the maximum z-plane

void peon::SceneCamera::setViewMatrix Vector3 vecEye,
Vector3 vecLookAt,
Vector3 vecUp

This method sets our camera viewpoint.

vecEye - Vector3 of the eye point
vecLookAt - Vector3 coordinates of where we're lookin
vecLookUp - Vector3 coordinates of the up direction

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Generated on Thu Dec 1 01:55:41 2005 for Peon by  doxygen 1.4.1