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Peon Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
peon::AudioEngineThis object is used to encapsulate our audio hardware
peon::AudioNodeThis structure is responsible for encapsulating a 3D sound within our game world
peon::BillboardThis object represents a billboarded quad within our scene
peon::DiffusePrimThis scene primitive type is our basic starting point for getting geometry rendered to our screen
peon::DiffuseTexPrimThis scene primitive is a starting point for displaying geometry that can contain texture coordinates
peon::EngineCoreThis is our main entry object for the Peon library
peon::FileLoggerThis object is just used to output any needed log messages to a file
peon::IActorThis "Actor" object is meant to be the root object of entities in our game world which can move and interact with others
peon::IApplicationThis object is responsible for containing any "application global" structures or handles
peon::IApplicationStateThis base object is responsible for containing everything and anything that belongs in its own state during the lifetime of the game
peon::IniConfigReaderThis object is usefull for loading and storing any information we might need for our game contained in an .INI file
peon::InputEngineThis object keeps an eye on the input received by SDL
peon::ISceneObjectThis base object for our scene
peon::ISingleton< T >Template class for creating single-instance global classes
peon::IUnknownThis object represents a base level object that we can derive other objects from in the Peon library
peon::Matrix44This is a bare-bones Matrix object which is of size 4x4
peon::NormalDiffuseTexPrimThis scene primitive is a starting point for displaying any type of geometry in our game world
peon::RayThis object is used to represent a Ray in our gameworld
peon::SceneCameraThis object acts as a wrapper around modifying the view matrix of the scene (aka the view transformation stage of the pipeline)
peon::SceneFontThis object of the Peon library is meant to encapsulate a textured font object for your game
peon::SceneLightThis object acts as a crude container for our lighting modes we wish to inject into the graphics pipeline
peon::SceneRendererThis object is responsible for processing our rendering commands to the underlying video hardware
peon::SceneRootThis object represents the "Base node" of a scene graph for you to play with
peon::SceneTextureThis object encapsulates the "magic" behind loading and manipulating texture data
peon::SphereThis is a bare bones implementation of an object used for calculating spheres in our engine
peon::TimerThis object as a way to properly control animation and other effects in our scene relying on the "timing" in the game
peon::Vector3This object is used to represent a 3-tuple entity for use mostly during object positioning in a 3D gameworld
peon::Vector4This object is used as a 4-tuple

Generated on Thu Dec 1 01:55:40 2005 for Peon by  doxygen 1.4.1