Watcher recently received this e-mail update on UFOs. The author ridicules Christians, and anyone who suggests UFOs might be "evil". This confirms what watcher has been saying all along. It seems humans are being conditioned to unquestioningly accept UFOs and "aliens" as beneficial, as anything but demonic.
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 01:37:30 -0400
From: UFO UpDates - Toronto
Subject: UFO UpDate: 700 Club UFO 'Fact Sheet'
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 17:44:02 -0500
To: UFO UpDates - Toronto
From: (Michael Malone)
Subject: 700 Club
I'm not a fan of the 700 Club, but I was switching channels late last month, and there was a special on ID4. At least, there were scenes from ID4 being shown. I quickly learned that I was watching one of the 700 Club's psuedo-news shows. It was on the evil of UFOs. There was a number to call for a "Fact Sheet" on UFOs. I thought it might be interested, so I called.
Yesterday I got this Fact Sheet in the mail. It's included below, and a gif scan of it is attached. It's not very interesting, but is another example of the "powers that be" dishing out incorrect facts. This fact sheet is full of holes and obvious errors.
Anyway, I thought that some of us would like to see what we are up against. The 700 Club, for those who don't know, is home to Pat Robertson. It's one of the larger Christian organization in America. Thinking that it's not a powerful entity would be a mistake. One of Robertson's spawns, Ralph Reed, is a formitable power in Washington D.C. Reed has been attempting to distance himself from Robertson, unsuccesfully. The truth is that Robertson hand pick Reed, and while Reed would like to look more independant, the truth is that Robertson is the one pulling Reed's strings. Reed's organization, again hand deleveried by Robertson, is one of the strongest "pro-family" organizations lobbying in Washington and in various state capitols. It's strongly anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-new-age, anti-paranormal, and anti-UFO. Hypnotheripist will be "happy" to know that they are strong believers in the Satanic Cult Theory of repressed memories.
Anyway, here is the dribble.
Fact Sheet
The 700 Club
UFOs: A Christian Response
As Featured on CBN's Newswatch Today April 26, 1996
The Facts
America is captivated by little creatures from outer space. In fact, some even claim to have been abducted by them. Several polls say as many as half of all Americans believe in UFOs, while 1 in 7 claims to have had a UFO or paranormal experience.
"They had very large heads, they had small frail bodies and really, really big black eyes," explains Kathie Davis.
"I was terrified. I felt a strong sense of a presence of someone standing behind me, I was actually floating above the bed! I tried to wake my husband up; I was completely terrified," recalls Melanie Green.
Are these people spaced out, or are have they really been abducted? UFO expert Stanton Friedman believes them. He says thousands of similar yet unrelated abductee stories are just part of the growing evidence that is bringing a new, extra-terrestrial reality down to earth. "The evidence is over- whelming that planet earth is being visited bv intelligently controlled. extra-terrestrial spacecraft."
Lending credence to these visits are some high-profile Americans who claim they are real. Among them is Louis Farrakhan. "I was transported by a small, circular plane- you call it a UFO-to a great mother wheel," he claims. "Before you call me crazy, these wheels will be seen all over America. They'll be coming down over the major cities. You will look up one day and see them, and I don't want you to be terrified. They're your friends."
For the victims, episodes of alien abduction often become life altering. "When something like this happens to you, you have two choices," says Ron Blevens, an abductee. "You can decide you're crazy. or you can expand your reality to include these other life forms."
Recalling her abduction experience, Davis says, "I don't want to offend people when I say this, [but] I kind of lost my taste for organized religion and found a deeper spiritual something inside of me."
Not all experts, however, are so convinced. Philip Klass has written numerous books debunking the UFO phenomenon and has offered to pay $10,000 to anyone whose abduction can be verified by the FBI. "I have spent nearly 30 years looking for a case with scientifically credible evidence that the earth is being visited and have yet to find a single case that we have extra-terrestrial visitors."
Klass says most sightings can simply be explained away, either as a natural phenomenon, aircraft or hoax. For example, the crop circles that mysteriously appeared in British wheat fields over the past twenty years - thought to be created by UFO landings - were actually made by two men with planks tied to their feet.
But abductee stories are not so easily debunked, especially when thousands claim similar experiences.
"Either we're being visited by extra-terrestrial beings created by God, or we're dealing with a spiritual phenomenon - either angelic or demonic," says John Weldon. In his book, The Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Weldon explains that many abductees sincerely believe that what happened to them was real. "They are very convinced that they have been taken on board a UFO, examined medically and had some kind of experiment performed on them. That's because they've undergone a hypnotic experience," he says.
Hypnosis, according to Friedman, plays a large part in many, if not all, abduction experiences. "It appears that the hypnosis is required because the aliens program the people not to remember."
Although these experiences may be real to the abductees, Weldon is convinced that they are strictly a spiri tual phenomenon. "The entities that these people run into have the capacity to manipulate their experiences to such an extent that they can't distinguish fantasy from reality."
That's precisely why many theologians suggest that the UFO phenomena are demonic and caution people to avoid them whoever and whatever they are.
Standards to live by.
"For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order, if possible, to lead the elect astray" (Mark 13:22).
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