Dreams can help us diagnose health problems, encourage us in the decisions we make, or reprimand us for negative behavior in our relationships. They can be instructive and practical, lighthearted fun or spiritually uplifting, depending on what we need most at a given time. Even major life issues are addressed in dreams; in fact, nothing of importance happens to us without it first having been foreshadowed in our dreams.
Although dreams often contain symbols of a universal or archetypical nature with similar meanings in diverse cultures, the Cayce readings stress the highly individual nature of dreams. It is frequently mentioned that each person is his or her own best dream interpreter, even though outside feedback can certainly be valuable.
In order to begin utilizing our dream insights fully, it is necessary to be consistent in recording them each day. No matter how little an individual recalls of a dream, it is important to write down any impression that comes to mind upon awakening. Next, look at the dream from different levels: job, health, interpersonal relationships, and any circumstance currently being dealt with in waking life.
Once a correlation has been made to an actual situation, the dreamer may decide upon a course of action in order to make use of the dream insight. Perhaps a change in attitude is required, or maybe circumstances can be seen from a new perspective and the individual decides to take a different approach to the issue. Once the dreamer arrives at a basic understanding of the dream and takes some action based on that information, then a growth process begins which allows the dreamer to reach a deeper and clearer level of insight from which to proceed.
There is a vast resource of information available through the Cayce readings on how to effectively interpret dreams. Excellent materials can be found in Cayce-related books, Circulating Files, membership materials, audio- and videotapes, and at A.R.E. seminars and conferences as well. The study of dreams can help us develop to our highest potential. The rewards of that endeavor are well worth our time and effort.
Ancient Civilizations| Dream Interpretation| ESP| Health and Healing| Prophecy| Reincarnation
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