Association for Research and Enlightenment

Visitor Center and Headquarters

The Visitors Center houses the more than 14,000 readings, along with one of the most extensive libraries anywhere in the world in the fields of psychology, parapsychology, and philosophy. It hosts thousands of visitors from around the world who come to attend conferences and lectures on ESP, dreams, holistic health, meditation, and life after death, offers guided tours, and is open to the public seven days a week.

Located on the grounds of the old hospital building, the Harold J. Reilly School of Massotherapy offers a 600-hour diploma program and a 225-hour certificate program in massage therapy. The school attracts students from around the world, being the only such school to incorporate the Cayce holistic approach to massage and health. A full range of massage and hydrotherapy services are also available while you visit.

Atlantic University, founded by Edgar Cayce in 1930, offers a master's degree in transpersonal studies. Classes may be attended at the university or through at-home independent studies/correspondence courses. Subjects include spiritual philosophy, religious traditions, and psychology.

Also on the ground is the headquarters building, constructed in the late 1920s to serve as the Edgar Cayce Hospital. Although closed during the Depression, the building was repurchased by A.R.E. in 1956 to serve as organizational headquarters.

Located west of the Visitor Center, the recently dedicated Harris Meditation Garden is an ideal place for quiet contemplation, reading, taking a stroll, or chatting with friends.

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Ancient Civilizations| Dream Interpretation| ESP| Health and Healing| Prophecy| Reincarnation

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