Association for Research and Enlightenment

ESP - Extrasensory Perception

ESP is the ability to receive or send information not using the five senses of: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. The story of Edgar Cayce's life is filled with examples of what this extra sense of communication is like. His ability to give readings in the sleep state could be labeled ESP because he somehow knew information that he had never studied, and he could see people, places, and events without using his physical sight. Because there are so many different types of extrasensory communication, researchers have broken the term ESP into different categories, including:

Although some individuals have called Cayce the "sleeping prophet," he rarely made any predictions about worldwide events, mostly because these kinds of predictions are subject to countless outside influences. For example, when psychics try to "predict" the future, all they can actually do is foretell a possible future based on current happenings. If events continue to occur along the same course -- if people's attitudes, lifestyles, and world conditions remain the same -- then psychics can "see" what the result will be. However, the Cayce readings make it clear that each of us has free will. If enough people use their free will and change what they are currently doing, this in turn will have dramatic effects on the future.

Cayce claimed that everyone was psychic to some degree, because psychic activity was a "natural ability of the soul." The readings suggest that we should seek psychic experiences not for the sake of having them, but for our own spiritual growth or for being of service of others. In time, individuals may work with their own intuition in such a way that it becomes as natural as using any of their other senses.

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