Association for Research and Enlightenment

Reincarnation: Have We Lived Before?

Just what is the nature of humankind? The same question, framed in dozens of different approaches, was asked repeatedly of Edgar Cayce. His answers -- insights into our relationship with God, one another, and ourselves -- have for decades served as a foundation for comparative studies between East and West.

From Cayce's perspective, we are not simply physical bodies or even physical bodies with souls, but are instead spiritual beings who are currently having a material experience. As souls, we have manifested in the earth in order to learn lessons that will enable us to return to our former state of spiritual awareness. At the same time, one purpose we all have in common is to bring the spirituality of the Creator into the earth.

A soul can choose to be born into either a male or female body in any given lifetime or, as Cayce called it, an "incarnation." A soul selects that environment (parents and family, location, personal obstacles, etc.) which will best allow for the learning of lessons it needs for completeness. The goal is to fully express love in all the challenges that physical life offers. One's experiences are subject to the choices made with free will. As one grows, he or she learns -- or rather remembers -- his or her true relationship with God and one's heritage as a spiritual being. With free will, we can turn the challenges life presents to us into stepping-stones toward growth, or we can see them as obstacles or stumbling blocks. Either way, we reap what we have sown. We constantly meet the consequences of previous deeds and attitudes. A.R.E. makes available practical insights into Cayce's psychic information through publications and membership materials.

One frequently misunderstood concept regarding reincarnation has to do with karma. From the standpoint of the Cayce material, karma is not destiny, it is merely memory. These memories are generally unconscious and influence our abilities, our faults, even our relationships with others, but with free will we can meet this memory as a positive or a negative experience. Karma provides us with the potential to learn a lesson we need in order to grow at a soul level, and free will determines whether or not we choose to learn it at this time. The choices we make determine the next set of potential experiences we encounter.

Much more than simply a concept that applies to a limited segment of the world, reincarnation is a philosophy that has -- at one time or another -- been embraced by all the major religions of the world. It's a concept that can allow us to have compassion for one another because ultimately we are all equal -- there is only one God and we are all His children.

From Cayce's viewpoint, it didn't really matter if an individual believed in reincarnation or not. For some it can be a helpful concept, for others confusing. The main purpose was to allow individuals to become aware of their true spiritual nature and their ultimate relationship with one another. In fact, if we can think for a moment about the one person in our life whom we love most of all, then we will get an inkling of the goal of reincarnation: to be able to love every single soul, even ourselves, with the very same love.

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