[Main] panel





[Double-click] on titlebar to open/close the context-sensitive browser. You can drop items from the browser on the modular or on a panel. When dropping on the modular a new panel will be opened. The browser will show following items depending on the panel you click :


The modular area is the starting point  to open the different panels and Vst-Racks. Just [Right-Click] on an empty place to show the menu.

As mentioned above, you can also drop presets and racks from the browser into the modular.

The modular icons and the connection lines are colour-coded and can easily be changed. (see Skins). 

[Right-Click] on the icon for menu. You can replace vst's, load racks and set the internal midi-in port

[Control]+[Right-Click] to quick-rename.

[Double-Click] to open/restore panel.

Elements and Racks

There are :

Example of a rack:


Following routings are possible :

[Vst]->[Vst] connection :